What was Beowulf based on?
early folk legends, some Celtic and some Scandinavian
Beowulf means
traveled to Denmark alone, abandoned child, but changed his fate. Lived to be rich and much honored
Shild's son, Healfdane's father
________________ build the future, wisely open- handed in __________.
Young men/ peace
When shild died they laid him near...
the mast of a treasure- filled boat
-Beo's son-Hrothgar's father
who did yrs marry?
King of Sweden
Beowulf tells them to leave their _____________ as a sign of glory
Beowulf wants to fight Grendel with
his hands
Beowulf's uncle, king of the Geats
Beowulf's father
saved Edgetho's life
Grendel growls in pain
pain that is more emotional than physical
The Danes sing of the beginning of things
this reference tells us that the beowulf poet was a christian or at least understood the Bible
was spawned not born
bears the seed of cain
forever joyless
How many people does Grendel kill on his 1st attack?
Why does Hrothgar weep?
for he fears this is the beginning of the end
How many winters does Grendel rule for?
What is Grendel referred to as?
"That shadow of death"
Beowulf's childhood friend, whom he had a swimming match with
Where does Beowulf land after the swimming match?
Finnish soil
Welthow thanks ______ when saluting Beowulf
Grendel is immune to....
the Geats sword
After Beowulf kills Grendel what does he do?
hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters
Who does Grendel's mother kill?
Hrothgar's best friend
What does Grendel's mother attack Beowulf with?
a bloody dagger
Beowulf is saved by his
mail shirt
Sword given to Beowulf by Unferth to use to fight Grendel's mother
Beowulf cuts off Grendel's head to
bring it back to the Danes
50 years later, what final task does Beowulf face?
He and eleven warriors must fight a dragon, who became enraged when a slave stole a cup that was left by the last man of a dying race
Helps Beowulf fight the dragon whilst all the others run away
Beowulf asks for this to be made in his honor
a tower
What are the 3 things Beowulf gives to his successor
mail shirt, rings, necklace
12 of the bravest Geats
ride around Beowulf's tower
"Never was there a man...
so open to his people"
There are ____ witches at the beginning of Macbeth
the witches provide a __________ element in the play
Macbeth's best friend
comments on the witches beards
has a line of 8 kings
King Sweno, Macdonwald, and Cawdor
all defeated by Macbeth
Bloody Captain
prevented Malcom from being captured
tells Duncan of Macbeths first two victories
he was a traitor and executed but also remorseful
The witches predict Macbeth that will become...
thane of Glamis, thane of Cawdor and the king
King of Norway
Fair is foul and foul is fair
everything is not what it seems to be
The witches punish a sea captain because his wife
refuses to give him chestnuts
the sea captain is punished with
no sleep
Prince of Cumberland
Lady Macbeth learns about the witches and prophecies in a _________.
Macbeth calls his wife my dearest partner in ________
When lady Macbeth learns of Duncan's visit, she asks the spirits to ________ her
Lady Macbeth tells her husband to look like an innocent flower but be the _______ under it
When Lady Macbeth meets Duncan she treats him with
false love
Duncan uses ___________ when speaking of Macbeth
Banquo's son
Prior to killing Duncan, Macbeth thinks he saw a
Lady Macbeth
Wife of Macbeth
brought the dagger back to Duncan's room
took her own life
According to Lady Macbeth, who does Duncan look like?
her father
Where is Macbeth crowned?
doesn't attend Macbeth's coronation
Macbeth fears killing Duncan because he may teach
bloody instructions
Goes to Ireland after his father's death (Duncan's death)
Why does Macbeth kill the guards?
they might have saw him kill Duncan
What is Macbeth's tragic flaw?
The porter say drink brings on ...
nose painting, sleep and urine
Lady Macbeth Quote
Wash your hands, put on your night gown, look not so pale
Duncan Quote
go pronounce his present death/ and with his former title greet Macbeth
Lennox Quote
Men must not walk so late
Banquo Quote
thou has it now: king, Cawdor, Glamis... and I fear thou play'dst most folly for it
Macduff quote
no cousin ill go to fife
Witches quote
when shall thee meet again?
Donalbain quote
There's daggers in men's smiles
Malcom quote
nothing in this life became him like the leaving it
Macbeth quote
I am in blood stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er
Angus states that men fight for Macbeth out of
obligation, not love
Macduff goes to ____________ in order to raise an army
is a king with a healing touch
Lady Macduff's son asks her
what is a traitor?
None of woman born shall harm Macbeth
Second apparition (Bloody child)
Young Siward
Siward's son
murdered by Macbeth
Macbeth has almost forgot
the taste of fears
tells Macbeth that macduff has gone to England
Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife!
First Apparition (armed head)
states for each Englishman should bear a bough before himself
King directly after Macbeth
Malcolm tests Macduff because
he thinks macduff might be trying to lure him back to Scotland
Who was ripped from his mother's womb?
Lady Macduff
is angry at her husband because she thinks he abandoned the family
Lady Macbeth asks if all the perfumes of Arabia will not ___________ this little hand
The witches refer to Macbeth as
something wicked
the new Scottish king makes all the thanes
the loyal attendant of Macbeth who informs him that lady Macbeth is dead
When the doctor can't cure lady Macbeth, Macbeth states that they should
throw physic to the dogs
Which murders does Lady Macbeth allude to in the sleepwalking scene?
Duncan, Banquo and Lady Macduff
Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.
apparition 3 (Child with tree branch)
Macduff cuts off
Macbeth's head
tells Macduff his family has been murdered
Lady Macbeth is seen by the gentle woman and the doctor
walking and talking in her sleep
The English will send __________ troops to topple Macbeth
owns a stable of horses
liked fat swan roasted whole
preferred the world's more spacious way
fur lined sleeves