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What is worship?

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What is worship?

acts of religious praise, honour or devotion

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Why do Christians worship?

-praise and thank god -ask for forgiveness -deepen relationship with God

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what is liturgical worship?

A church service that follows a set structure or ritual

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who leads the congregation during liturgical worship?

priest- have formal prayers with set responses

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what is an example of liturgical worship?

celebration of eucharist for Catholic, orthodox and anglican churches

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what happens during liturgical worship?

-hymns sung by congregation or choir -chanting from the priest

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What is non-liturgical worship?

A service that does not follow a set text or ritual

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what are examples of non liturgical worship?

Services in non-conformist churches, e.g. Methodist, Baptist, United Reformed.

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what is different with liturgical and non liturgical worship?

NL basic structure might stay same, but preacher may change order, number of hymns or type of prayer

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what is informal worship?

A type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes 'spontaneous' or 'charismatic' in nature

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How do Quakers worship?

mainly in silence until they feel Gods spirit moving to them and offer thoughts, prayers or readings

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what is an example of informal worship?

pentecostal church -led by spirit -involve dancing, clapping

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Why is liturgical worship important for Christians?

-receive forgiveness through action of priest -worldwide set of order, familiar to all 0passed down through generations, tradition -living presence of Jesus in HC

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Why is non-liturgical/informal worship important for Christians?

-faith expressed in a variety of different ways -personal interpretations -actively take part -emotional impact, persona revelation

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what is similar between liturgical and non liturgical worship?

-both follow christian calendar

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what is private worship?

When believers praise or honour God in their own home

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what does private worship involve?

prayer, meditation, using a rosary

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What is prayer?

Communicating with God in silence or aloud, with others or alone.

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What is a set prayer?

Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person

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what is an example of a set prayer?

Lord's Prayer

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what is an informal prayer?

prayer made up by an individual using using his/her words

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how do different christians pray?

-Orthodox stand -Nonconformists sit -Anglicans may kneel

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how do christians aid prayer?

-Catholics may use a rosary -Orthodoxs use icons

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why do some christians prefer informal prayer?

-find their own way of expressing their needs -open hearts more easily by using their words

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why is private prayer/worship important?

-build up discipline -routine to allow for reflection during a busy day -sense of communion with God

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how is the lords prayer important for the individual?

-pattern for how to pray -combines praising god and asking for ones needs -must forgive others in order to be forgiven -only effective if relationships with others are right

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how is the lords prayer important for the community and society?

-said at every holly communions, baptisms etc -a sense of unity and spiritual purpose

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what are sacraments?

rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace

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how do sacraments help christians?

-stengthen relationship with god by making him a part of their life -christians are part of the body of christ (church) with all of its responsibilities

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What is Baptism?

The ritual through which people become members of the Church

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what happened when Jesus was baptised by John in the river Jordan?

-Gods approval of his sons mission -set an example for his followers

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what is infant baptism?

The ritual through which babies and young children become members of the Church

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what denominations practise infant baptism?

Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, United Reform

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why do catholic and orthodox christians believe in infant baptism?

-all directly descendants from Adam and Eve -removes the original sin

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how are infants baptised?

-pour blessed water over head -dress child in white -parents and godparents make promise to bring children up in christian faith

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what denominations practise believers baptism?

Baptists and Pentecostalists

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why do Baptists and Pentecostalists disagree with infant baptism?

-too young to understand meaning -should wait until they are old enough to make decision themselves

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what is the meaning behind believers baptism?

-conversion to living life dedicated to Jesus

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how is believers baptism carried out?

-full submersion in the pool -read passage from bible -testimony

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why are believers fully submerged into the pool?

cleanse from sin and rising up to new life with christ

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What is Holy Communion?

-a service of thanksgiving and celebrating death/resurrection of Jesus through bread and wine

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what is the meaning behind Holy communion?

-thanking God for sending Jesus to save people from sin -enabling them to experience Gods love for all of eternity

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what do Catholics/Orthodox/ some anglicans believe about the bread and wine?

they bread and wine actually becomes the body and blood of christ, so they become present in death and resurrection of Christ

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what do many christians believe about the holy communion?

-communion with god, fellowship with christians -brought closer as a community and brought closer to god

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How does the Holy Communion impact individuals?

-receive gods grace by joining in sacrifice of jesus -becomes present reality for them

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how does holy communion impact communities?

-unites and strengthens commitment to faith -support and encouragement -put love from god into others

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How does Holy Communion impact wider society?

-reflect on many that are starving whilst eating the bread -work for equality and justice -collect money for needy

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what is the ministry of the word?

focuses on gods words in the bible

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what is the ministry of holy communion?

sharing of the bread and wine

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what is divine liturgy in Orthodox Church?

-recreates heaven on earth -takes place on altar -priest represents the divide between heaven and earth

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what is the orthodox liturgy of the word?

-hymns prayers read of bible -priest comes through royal doors, chanting gospel -may be a sermon

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what is the orthodox liturgy of the faithful?

-priest receives bread and wine -creed, lords prayer is recited -priest says words Jesus said at last supper -bread divided into four -distributes -prayers of thanksgiving -given unconsecrated bread to take home

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what does consecrated mean?

to make holy

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how many quarters of the bread are consecrated?


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what is the catholic mass?

begins with greeting of priest, prayers of penance and praise

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what is the catholic liturgy of the word?

-(SUN) three readings from the bible, a psalm and a homily -people say prayers for church, LC, sick and dead (SUN + CREED)

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what is the catholic liturgy of the faithful?

-offerings of b + w to altar -priest says eucharist prayer using words of Jesus from LS -prays over wine -lords prayer -priest and congregation to peace sign -members receive communion and blessed by the priest

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how doe the Anglican Church celebrate holy communion?

same as catholics but do the peace sign of peace before offerings or bread and wine brought to alter

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what is the main anglican view of holy communion?

community meal being shared equally with all

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How is holy communion celebrated in the United Reformed Church?

-prayer of praise and thanksgiving -bible readings and sermons -congregation for needs of people for the world -minister reminds of Jesus words at last supper -open table so anyone can take bread and wine -prayer of thanksgiving, blessed, encouragement to go out and serve god

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What is a pilgrimage?

A journey made for religious purposes

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what is the role and importance of pilgrimage?

-grow closer to god, strengthen faith -express sorrow for sin, forgiveness -reflect on life -pray for special, thank god for blessings -seek cure for ilness -helped disabled/ill pilgrims -experience holy place -meet others who share faith

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Is pilgrimage compulsory for Christians?

no- but can play a part in role of their spiritual lives and cleansed from sin

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Where is Lourdes located?

south west France

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what is the significance of Lourdes?

-bernadette had visions of Mary near river and to dig for spring of water which has healing properties

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Where is Iona located?


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what is the significance of Iona?

-st columba established monastic community -feels like a place where christians can experience gods infinite power and presence

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What is a festival?

A day or period of celebration for religious reasons

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what does Christmas commemorate?

Incarnation of Jesus

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what do christians do at Christmas?

-carol services -readings from the bible -nativities -midnight mass on Christmas Eve

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what does light and dark symbolise at Christmas?

-light represent Jesus as the light coming into the world -darkness show baby Jesus being poverty

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why do people exchange gifts presents at Christmas?

wise mens gave gifts to Jesus

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why do christians give to charity at Christmas?

because God gave humanity the gift of Jesus, his son

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What does Easter celebrate?

Resurrection of Jesus

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what do christians do the week leading up to Holy Week?

-remember the events that led to Jesus death by processions

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what happens on Easter Sunday?

churches filled with flowers ad special hymns are sung

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what do orthodox christians do for easter?

walk around church at midnight on Saturday and enter darkened church with candles, to symbolise empty tomb

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how do anglicans and catholics celebrate easter?

Saturday night vigil in darkness, includes lighting go paschal candle and ends in a holy communion

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what do eggs symbolise at Easter?

new life

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what is the church?

  1. The holy people (body of Christ) that among whom Christ is present and active. 2.A building in which Christians worship.

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what does the church do?

allows local community t meet, worship and pray, spiritual guidance and socialise

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what does the Trussel Trust do?

provide emergency food, help and support to people in crisis in the uk

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what parable is the trussell trust based upon?

parable of the sheep and goats -bring people together to end poverty and hunger in Britain

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what can people get in exchange for their food voucher?

three days of nutritionally balanced food

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What is the Oasis project?

a community hub with an Internet cafe, training opportunities and also runs a food bank

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what is the purpose of the oasis project?

to give spiritual and practical support to those with ill health, disabilities, low income

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what is agape?

selfless love

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why should christians be involved in the local community?

should not ignore the needs of society and should respond practically

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What are street pastors?

volunteers who receive training in order to patrol the streets in urban areas

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what do street pastors mainly respond to?

-drunkenness -anti social behaviour -fear of crime

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what do the street pastors do?

-listen to problems -give guidance -positive service

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what do the school pastors do?

-mentor young people -patrol in and around schools to avoid behavioural issues

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what is parish nursing?

mostly volunteer nursing; health and faith nursing that works in conjunction with church or religious community; "street nursing"

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What is a mission?

the vocation or calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out and spread faith

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What is the Great Commission?

Jesus' instruction to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world

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what is a missionary?

a person sent on a religious mission to promote christianity in a foreign country through preaching or charity

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what is evangelism?

spreading the christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness

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what is the main aim of mission and evangelism?

to extend the church to every nation

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What is the Alpha Course?

an evangelistic course aimed for exploring the meaning of life through a series of talks and discussions.

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what is CfaN?

Christ for all nations

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