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What is the difference between Genesis 1 and 2?
Genesis 1- creation of the heavens and the earth Genesis 2- creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve
How is God omnipotent?
God created the universe and resurrected Jesus
What quote supports God being omnipotent?
"Nothing is impossible with God"
How is God omnibenevolent?
God sacrificed his own son for humanity
What quote supports God being omnibenevolent?
'For God loved the world so much he gave his only son'
What do Christians believe about God the Father?
That he is the creator of everything
How is God Just?
God is fair to all and he forgives those who say sorry for their actions.
What quote supports the belief that God is Just?
God is fair and just
How is God omniscient?
God knows everyone's inner thoughts, what has happened and what will happen in the future.
What quote supports God being omniscient?
'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you'
How is God immanent?
The belief that God is present in the world and has human characteristics
What quote supports God being immanent?
'He covers the skies with clouds and makes grass grow on hills'
How is God transcendent?
He is beyond our comprehension
What quote supports God being transcendent?
'Great is our Lord, his abundant in power, his understanding is beyond our measure'
How is God eternal?
God has no beginning or end
What quote supports God being eternal?
'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the fist and the last, the beginning and the end'
How is God merciful?
He offers to forgive us every sin we have committed
What quote supports God being impersonal?
'Great is our Lord, his abundant in power, his understanding is beyond our measure'
How is God impersonal?
A God that does not have any human characteristics
What quote supports God being merciful?
'Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing'- when jesus was crucified
What are the 2 types of evil?
Moral Evil and Natural Evil
Why do Christians question why evil exists?
As God is described as omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent
Why does God being omnipotent make people question if God exists?
An omnipotent God would be powerful enough to get rid of evil
Why does God being omnibenevolent make people question if God exists?
A God who is omnibenevolent would have the desire to get rid of evil as it causes unhapiness
Why does God being omniscient make people question if God exists?
An omniscient God would have the knowledge and the means to remove evil
What is the acronym for the Solution to the problem of evil?
Free Will Absence of Good That's life Soul building theodicy Test of faith Original Sin Punishment for Sin Satan and the forces of evil
How is free will a solution to the problem of evil?
As evil is a result of choices humans have made
How is test of faith a solution to the problem of evil?
Experiencing bad things could be a test of faith as experienced by Job who was then rewarded even further as it was all part of God's plan to see if he would stay loyal.
How is the Soul building theodicy a solution to the problem of evil?
It argued that God deliberately made a world wit both good and evil so that humans could learn and grow between what is right and what is wrong
Why is the test of faith as solution to the problem of evil criticised?
an omniscient God would not need to test Job as he would already know the outcome
Why is the Soul building theodicy as solution to the problem of evil criticised?
evil can make people weak or more evil
What is the trinity?
God exists in three parts: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
What quote from the Bible supports the belief of the Father?
"Our father in heaven, hallowed be thy name'
What quote from the Bible supports the belief of Jesus?
'The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us'
What do Christians believe about God the Son
He understands human suffering and is a model for Christian behaviour
What quote supports that the fact that God the son was present at creation?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1-3
What do Christians believe about God the Holy Spirit
It is the presence of God everywhere in the Earth
What quote supports the belief in the Holy Spirit?
'For all who are led by God's spirit are God's children'
How did the Holy Spirit reach earth?
After the ascension of Jesus, God sent down the Holy Spirit to be a continued presence on Earth.
How do the beliefs about the Trinity influence Christians?
They can help Christians to gain a deeper understanding of God
What quote support the belief about the creation of the Universe?
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth"
What quote supports the creation of Adam?
"The first man, Adam, became a living soul"
What does the Bible teach Christians about the creation of humans?
God created humans in his image and have certain characteristics that they share with God
What quote supports the belief that the Holy Spirit had a role in creation?
"The Spirit of God was hovering over the water. And God said, 'Let there be light.' And there was light."
What could metaphorical Christians believe the phrase 'let there be light' references?
It is a direct reference to the Big Bang
What do Christians believe about why God created humans?
To be in charge of what he created, and to care for the world as responsible custodians.
What is stewardship?
This teaching suggests that humanity's purpose is to look after the world that God has created.
What quote supports the belief about stewardship?
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
What are fundamentalist Christians?
Christians who interpret the creation stories in Genesis literally, and believe the events in the Bible happened exactly as written.
What are fundamentalist Christians also known as?
What are Young Earth Creationists?
They believe that the world is around 6000 years old
What are Inspirational Christians?
They believe that the Bible was inspired by God
What are Metaphorical Christians
They believe that the stories are metaphors for God's omnipotence and the most is important thing is the message of Genesis
What does yom mean?
A day or long period of time
What do Christians believe about the afterlife?
Death is not the end and that there is heaven and hell
What quote supports the possibility of life after death?
"Those who believe in me will live, even though they die."
What is the Day of Judgement?
This is when Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead when the world is over.
What parable represents the idea of judgement?
the parable of the Sheep and Goats
What is the parable of the Sheep and Goats?
The good sheep are allowed a place in Heaven. The bad goats are told they must go to Hell.
What does the parable of the Sheep and Goats indicate?
This parable indicates that heaven is a reward both for faith and good actions.
What do Christians believe happens in Heaven?
they are happy, surrounded by their favourite things and are with God
What do Christians believe about Hell?
Hell is a terrible place where souls will not know the presence of God.
What quote supports the belief of heaven?
'but the righteous will go into eternal life'
What quote supports the belief of Hell?
"Then they will go away to eternal punishment."
What do some Christians think Hell contradicts?
God's omnibenevolent nature.
Why do some Christians support the presence of hell?
as God is the creator, he would not have created hell if there was no need for it.
How does God being just support the use of hell?
God outlined sins in the 10 commandments. Therefore, the most just thing is to send people who disobey them to hell as a punishment.
Who believes in purgatory?
Roman Catholics
What is purgatory?
This is a place where some people who have sinned are purified in a 'cleansing fire', after which they are accepted into Heaven.
Who do Christians believed was resurrected?
What quote supports the belief that all humans can be resurrected?
"For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either."
What do Catholics believe is resurrected after death?
the body
What do other Christians believe is resurrected after death?
the soul
How did Mary find out she was going to be pregnant?
Angel Gabriel told her that she would give birth to a divine boy called Jesus
What quote supports the belief that Jesus is the son of God?
"The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God."
What was the incarnation of Jesus?
When Jesus was born, God took human form and became present on earth
What happened when Jesus was baptised?
a voice came from heaven and said 'You are my Son' (Mark 1:11)
What does the gospel Matthew and Luke suggest about the incarnation?
Jesus was not conceived sexually
What is the virgin conception?
The belief that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
Why is the virgin conception important for Christians?
It provides evidence for the belief that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, and supports the Holy Trinity.
Give the quote from the gospel Matthew and Luke about the incarnation
Mary 'found herself to be pregnant through the holy spirit'
Give the quote from John about the incarnation
'The word become flesh and made his dwelling among us'
How does the incarnation influence Christians? (2)
-believe in Jesus's teachings -live a Christian life
How does the incarnation influence Christians to believe in Jesus's teachings?
The incarnation shows that Jesus' words are the words of God as he was fully human and fully divine. This means that they will have faith in his words and teachings
How does the incarnation influence Christians to live a Christian life?
They believe that Jesus was God means Christians look to him as an example of how to live their daily lives
What was the Last Supper?
Jesus gave bread and wine to his disciples. "This is my body. ... This is my blood." "Do this in remembrance of me."
When is bread and wine used by Christians?
During the Eucharist.
What do Catholic Christians believe about bread and wine?
Catholic Christians believe that the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus.
What do other Christians believe about bread and wine?
the bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus' body and blood
What was Jesus arrested for?
Jesus was arrested for blasphemy
What happened to Jesus when he was arrested for blasphemy?
He was pinned to a cross and crucified
How did Christians know Jesus had died?
the temple curtain ripped in two
What happened after Jesus was Crucified?
He was placed into a rock tomb
What did the temple curtain ripping in two represent?
Jesus' death had atoned for the sins of humanity
What quote supports the crucifixion?
'Father into your hands I commit my spirit'. When he had said this, he breathed his last'
How does the crucifixion influence Christians? (2)
-Accept suffering -Forgive others
How does the crucifixion influence Christians to accept suffering?
Jesus suffered on the cross. This is important to Christians as it reminds them that suffering is a part of the human experience
How does the crucifixion influence Christians to forgive others?
Jesus forgave the guards on the cross as he was dying. This reminds Christians to forgive in their everyday lives
What was the resurrection of Jesus?
Jesus had risen from the dead
How do we know Jesus was resurrected?
the stone was missing outside of the entrance to the tomb