Hi. I highly recommend doing this: do 5-10 words a day and write sentences to help you study. If you could, give this five stars because I'm writing this at 2 am, and live off validation. If you have any questions, let me know. You are welcome pookies. - Dawn
exo- (prefix)
outside or external
exoskeleton, exoplanet
ev- (prefix)
indicates “out of” or “from”
evacuate, evolve, evoke, evidence
ethno- (prefix)
something related to a group or culture
ethnography (study of different cultures and countries)
-seque (suffix)
resemblance or similarity to something
grotesque (strange or bizarre look)
picturesque (qualities like picture)
equi- (prefix)
something that is equal or balanced, equal, even
equilateral, equinox, equilibrium
something that is ontop of or above
epidermis (outer layer of skin)
indicates something that is internal or inside
endothermic, endoskeleton
electro- (prefix)
connection to electricity or electrical phenomena
electrolyte, electrotherapy
ecto- (prefix)
outside or external
ectoplasm, ectodern
ecology, environment and man's relation to it
ecosystem, ecologist
Baneful /beyn-fuhl/ (adj)
causing harm or destruction
+ harmful, poisonous
- advantegous, helpful
Blantant /blay-tuhnt/ (adj)
something obvious
+ evident, unmistaken
- discreet, subtle
Blasphemy /blas-fuh-mee/ (noun)
refers to act of showing disrespect towards religious beliefs or sacred things
+ sacrilege, profanity
- respect, reverence
Blandish /blan-dish/ (verb)
to flatter or coax someone in order to persuade
+ sweet talk, butter-up
- insult, discourage
Bland (adj)
lacking flavor, excitement, interest
+ tasteless, dull
- flavorful, vibrant
Bizarre /buh-zahr/ (adj)
strange unusual, describes something out of the ordinary
+ strange, odd
- ordinary, conventional
Bigoted /bi-guh-tid/ (adj)
someone who is intolerant towards others based on their beliefs, race, etc
+ intolerant, narrow-minded
- open minded, accepting
Bibliophobe /buh-blee-uh-fohb/ (noun)
fear or averison to books
+ book-phobic
- bibliophile
Bibliophile /buh-blah-fahyl/ (noun)
someone who has a GREAT love for books
+ bookworm, book lover
- nonreader, book averse (strongly against something)
Benison /beh-nuh-suhn/ (noun)
blessing or player for good fortune
+ blessing, good wishes
- curse, hex
Benign /buh-nahyn/ (adj)
something gentle, kind or not harmful, a medical condition that is not cancerous or personality not favorable (me asf)
+ harmless, mild
- harmful, dangerous
Bellicose /buh-li-kohs/ (adj)
something or someone inclined to fight / engage in warlike behavior
+ aggressive, combative
- peaceful, nonviolent
Beguile /bin-gyle/ (verb)
to charm or deceive someone in a captivating way, to distract someone’s attention
+ charm, captivate
- repel, disenchant, distrust
Beget /bih-get/ (verb)
bring forth and produce something
+ generate, produce
- prevent, halt
Bauble (noun)
a small showy trinket or decoration, a showy but worthless thing (me asf)
+ trinket, ornament, toy
- essential, necessity
Banter /band-tuh-er/ (noun)
playful exchange or teasing remarks
+ jest, joke
- flattery, praise
Banal /buh-nal/ (adj)
so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
+ ordinary, cliched, overused (taylor swift)
- original
Balmy /baa-mee/ (adj)
(of the weather) pleasantly warm
+ mild, gentle, summery
- harsh, wintry
Balk /baak/ ((like a chicken)) (verb)
hesitate or unwilling to accept an idea
+ resist, draw back from
- accept
Baleful /beyl-fuh/ (adj)
threatening harm, menacing, harmful or destructive effect
+ hostile, evil
- friendly
axiomatic /ak-see-uh-mat-ik/ (adj)
pertaining to or of the nature of an axiom (a statement thats established as true
+ self-evident, undeniable
- foolishness, nonsense
Awry /uh-rai/ (adj)
away from appropriate, planned
+ wrong, not right
- even, straight
out of normal or correct position
+ crooked
- even, level straight
avouch /a-va-u-ch/ (verb)
affirm or assert, to declare something as true
+ admit, claim
- deny, ignore
Avid /a-vuuhd/ (adj)
having or showing interest in something; eager or desire
+ keen, eager, passionate
- apathetic, half hearted
Avert /uh-vurt/ (verb)
turn away (ones eyes or thoughts)
+ turn aside
- assist
prevent or ward off
+ prevent, stop, avoid
- attract
Its 2 am, im tired,, so heres an example 😄
“Its impossible to avert this man from my thoughts as hes constantly in them.”