Is very anti-union (translate anti-workers)
Outlawed closed shop (business leaders can hire who they want)
Union leaders must take a non-communist oath
President can call an 80-day cooling-off period before a strike can start
Truman loathes this
(Servicemen’s Readjustment Act)
Financial aid for vets
Tuition help for technical, vocation school, or college
Loans for a new home or to start a business
Growth of suburbs
Gov. loans for housing
New highways
Housing shortage in cities
Communism threatens Turkey and Greece
“The US will support free people resisting attempted subjugation”
In other words, the US will help countries who are resisting communism (with military supplies)
An example of containment in Europe
US, Canada, and Western European democracies
1st ever US peacetime military alliance
Mutual defense (each NATO member pledges to support the other members)
Was designed to protect Western Europe from the USSR
Warsaw Pact
Communist countries (Kemlin)
Preparation for the Cold War
Dept. of Defense (Pentagon)
Joint Chiefs of Staff
National Security Council
Preparation for the Cold War
Stated that “there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces without regard of race, color, religion, or national origin.”
Armed forces integrated
(Under Truman)
Fear communists were infiltrating the US gov.
Loyalty Review Board (Truman)
Investigate federal employees
Examples of domestic effects:
HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
Marvel Comics (Propaganda)
Senator Joseph McCarthy
The Rosenbergs
Investigates possible communist activity in the US
Nixon gets his start here
Hiss Case
Claims he has a list of communists in the US gov.
“We are overrun by communists”
McCarthy gets national attention
Ike tolerates him
Careers ruined (Hollywood)
Loss of Asian Specialists
Civil Liberties violated
Red Scare ends when McCarthy takes on the US Army
Gets censured by the Senate
Revealed he had no list and no proof
“In the area of public education, segregation has no place.”
Public schools must integrate
New educational opportunities for minorities
Overturned Plessy
Thurgood Marshall
Lawyer for B v. B of Ed.
1st African-American on the Supreme Court
Busses in Montgomery were segregated
Rosa Parks refused to get up from her seat
Organizes a year-long boycott of the Montgomery Bus System
The Civil Rights movement had gone from legal cases to the masses; new spirit of resistance
Greensboro, NC
Peaceful protest of college students at a lunch counter
Another example of Civil disobedience
Fair Deal
Raise the minimum wage
Better housing
Improve social security
After WW2 Korea is divided into north and south
North- communist and under Soviet control
South- democracy aided by the US
Without warning, in 1950 North Korea invades South
Truman reacts quickly, in accordance with containment, calls for NSC-68, a massive military build-up
Leads the UN Forces
Pushes the North Korean forces back almost to the Chinese border
China warns MacArthur but he ignores
Mac angry and defeated
Wants to go into China
Use nuclear weapons
Truman and Joint Chief of Staff say no
Mac publically criticizes policy
Truman dismisses Mac
Vietnam had been a French colony
Fight for independence under leader Ho Chi Minh
Vietnamese communists under Minh defeat the French
Geneva Convention 1955 splits VN into north (communist) and south (hold elections)
Because of the Domino Theory, the US puts Diem in charge of the South
Unfortunately, he is corrupt and the VN hates him
Author of the 1950s
On the Road (most popular book)
Lead the Beat Generation
By Betty Friedan
Housewives were bored and wanted more for their lives
College, careers
US spy plane shot down
Gary Francis Powers
US denial, cancelation of summit meeting (Khrushchev mad)
Resulted in the cancellation of the relaxation of tensions between the USSR and the United States
GOP- Nixon, Lodge (VP)
Nixon: VP., HUAC, fp was with k (Kitchen debate), Quaker
Dem- JFK, LBJ (VP)
JFK: Congress, needs LBJ, Catholic
1st televised debates
JFK wins
Youngest president elected
Dems control Congress