1. Enkidu thinks the journey it too dangerous while Gilgamesh wants glory
2. Battle with Humbaba, they win with help from Shamash, the sun god
3. Humbaba pleads for his live and offers to serve Gilgamesh but Enkidu is insulted by him
4. Enkidu convinces Gilgamesh to kill Humbaba
5. Kill Humbaba together
6. Forest starts trembling and Gilgamesh and Enkidu cut down trees
7. Enlil curses them
8. They made a gate with the wood they cut
9. Ishtar, the goddess of love, falls for Gilgamesh but is turned down
10. Asks her father, Anu - god of the sky, to send Bull of Heaven as punishment
11. Bull comes and brings 7 years of famine - E and G kill the Bull
12. Gods meet and decide one of E and G must be punished - Enkidu must die
13. Enkidu i’s plagued with visions of the underworld and tells Gilgamesh
14. Gilgamesh mourns then sets out to find Utnapishtim
15. Gets to Mashu and pleads with two scoprion monsters to allow him in
16. Meets Siduri and she tells him that he should be satisfied with the pleasures of this world
17. Directs him to Urshanabi, the ferryman, who takes Gilgamesh across the waters of death to Ut.
18. Ut tells the story of the flood
1. How Ea told him to make a boat and bring his family and each of life
19. Ut says if he can stay away for a week he will be rewarded with immortality
20. Ut’s wife tells of a plant that restores youth, Gilg wants to bring back for the elders
21. Find the plant but is stolen by a serpent