Depth Topic 3. How far did Hitler and the Nazi's change Germany 1933–35? amelias
When was Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
Jan 1933
rhetoric of the Nazis preached the nazi
Weimar democratic system was weak, anti-German
how many nazi in the first cabinet
when did Hitler pursue his ideological goals on Germany
who helped hitler come to power? what party was he?
von papen centre party
elections of November 1932, the Nazi vote had declined from
37.27 percent to 33.09 percent
who was hitler helped into power by
conservative junkers
how was the nazi party first seen as
weak and made up the minority of the cabinet
within a short period after gaining power hitler had removed almost all
what did hitler impose himself as
who did hitler undermine to get political office
conservative forces
key aspects of this rapid imposition of a dictatorship related to four interlinking factors:
violence; propaganda; Gleichschaltung, and pseudo-legal methods
what did the right wing elites want to do?
hoped to use Hitler's popularity
to impose a dictatorship, but then remove him
with a conservative, military-style government.
why were the number of nazis in the cabinett significant not
example of nazi who held a key position?
Wilhelm Frick, held the important position of Reich Minister of the Interior
how did goering utilise his position?
Prussian police force by deputising 50,000 SA, SS and Stahlhelm members as auxiliary police,
Prussian police force formal role?
assisting the regular police to keep law and order in Germany following the Reichstag fire
what essentially legalised these violent organisations and their attacks on Communist and socialist members.
goerings use of the Prussia police force
New laws were also passed in February 1933
banning any newspaper from speaking out against the new government.
Nazi had control over the large and powerful Prussian police
Herman Goering
what day was the reichstag fire
27th feb 1933
who was ‘responsible' for the reichstag fire
Marinus van der lubbe
hindenberg convinced to trigger
article 48
what protections issued
reichstag fire decrees
members of the political opposition were held in custody by April.
when first concentration camp was opened at and where
20 March/ Dachau
Following the Reichstag fire, Hitler had called elections for
5 March 1933.
Nazis were unable to win a majority of the vote, taking
44 percent
he Nationalist allies of the Nazis won around
eight percent of the vote
Role of Gleichschaltung in establishing control
Nazi organisations were set up which workers were encouraged to join.
Gleichschaltung meaning
why did civilians cooperate with the nazis'
fear of repression and fear of communism
as more and more Germans associated with Nazi organisations. thus accentuating
Nazis' control over daily life.
who had control over the German media
Josef goebbels
Press, radio and films were a means by which the Nazis could
disseminate their message to the German people
despite the repression following the Reichstag fire and the restrictions and violence against political opposition during the election campaign nazis unable to
achieve a majority in the Reichstag.
what stopped the nazis politically?
nazis unable to achieve majority in the reichstag, ended 2/3 majority
variety of methods
Even with their coalition with the other right-wing nationalist parties, they still only constituted
52 percent of Reichstag seats.
what happened on the 21st of march 1933
day of the national uprising
what was the day of the national uprising do
integrate the Nazis with Hindenberg
hittler appearance at day of national uprising
formal black attire
what did hitler speak about on the day of national uprising
respect for the president
where was the event of the day of the nation uprising shown
cinemas and radio
what did the enabling act allow hitler
allow the power to legislate and enact his own laws
what happened to the communists (KPD) under the enabling act and how many seats did they have?
concentration camps or left the country 81 seats
what happened to the SPD under the enabling act and how many seats did they have?
94/120 intimidated
who spoke out against the enabling act
Otto wells
what happened to Otto wells
drowned out by SA members
what did the center party think about Hitler
strong supporter of Hitler’s dictatorship
enabling act passed by
444 to 94
within four months of the enabling act
political opposition had been abolished
the spd faced ongoing violence and repression during
Kopernick Blood Week
when was Kopernick Blood Week
21-26th June 1933
what happened during Kopernick Blood Week
500 SPD members and anti Naxi political opponents tortured
who were spd members arrested and tortured by
gestapo, ss and sa
Kopernick Blood Week : how many died
the centre party was weakened by the
what was the concordat
agreement between hitler and the pope
what did the concordat outline
respect catholic institutions if they refrained from political activities
when was the concordat signed
20th July 1933
when were the nazis declared the only legal political party
4th July 1933
destruction of trade unions such as the
socialist trade union
how were socialist trade unions crushed
deceit and violence
how may member did the socialist trade union have?
4 mill
1st May 1933
day of national labour - trade unions destroyed and arrested leaders
what happened on the day of national labour
trade unions destroyed and arrested leaders
the German labour front DAF represented what
German industry
trade unions arrested and imprisioned from
jan - July 1933
when was the day established
shortly after raid of 2nd may
what did workers have to accept
new contracts
with the lack of worker representation bosses could
increase hour and freeze wages
in November 1933, the key goal was to
'educate all germans engaged in a life of labour’
who was the leader of the DAF
Robert Ley
what did Robert ley want
workers protection after the destruction of trade unions
in the period after 1936. German industry was focused on
rearmament and prep for war
DAF opposed attempts to
restrict worker wages and make it harder to move job
what was problem to hitler
German federal system
when was the Prussian socialist/centre party coalition government
July 1932
papen hoped in terms of voters
he would gain right wing germans in July 1932 election
who was goering
used to control Prussian police and civil service
how many members was goering in charge of
50,000 SA,SS and Stalhelm members.
what allowed Nazi to take control of the state?
Article 2 of the reichstag fire decree
what did article 2 allow?
take control of state that could not control and order
states that were taken over
Bavaria, baden and hamburg
by when were all regional and local governments under nazi administration?
31 march 1933
what were nazi state governors allowed to do
control region without consulting state parliament
what was the law for reconstruction of the reich
needed all state parliament and abolished the upper house
when was the the law for reconstruction of the reich
30th jan 1934
the law for reconstruction of the reich made the nazis
the only legal party in the reichstag
what did the sa help implement
who led the sa
Ernest rohm
how were the sa known
brown shirts
the sa can be described as
anti capitalist in idelology
sa expected a
greater revolution in the German economic system
what did the military call the sa
violent thugs
what did hitler think about the sa
growing problem
SA wanted to take control of the
military and create a peoples milita
how did hitler limit the influence of the sa in feb 1933
military could only carry weapons
powerful conservatives eg… raised the possibility of a monarch after hindenbergs death