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Quality Assurance (QA)
All the activities and programs in place to guarantee the excellence of patient care.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
System put in place to improve quality by continuous monitoring and analyzing all processes and identifying those in need of improvement.
The Joint Commission (TJC)
The oldest and largest healthcare standards-setting body in the nation, which establishes standards for the operation of hospitals and health-related facilities.
Survey Analysis for Evaluating Risk (SAFERTM)
Implemented by TJC in 2017 to provide visual representation of survey results and help healthcare organizations prioritize corrective actions.
Sentinel Event (SE) Policy
Helps organizations identify safety issues and prevent them, requiring a root-cause analysis and action plan if a sentinel event occurs.
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs)
Part of the overall CQI requirements overseen by a safety panel aimed at improving patient safety.
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ‘88)
Federal regulations that establish quality standards for all laboratories.
Negligence or misconduct in the performance of professional duties leading to harm or injury to a patient.
Informed Consent
Requires voluntary and competent permission from the patient, with adequate information provided before a procedure.
A wrongful act against a person, property, or reputation, committed without just cause.
Corrective Action Preventative Action (CAPA) Plan
A plan established when a threshold value is exceeded, aimed at corrective and preventive measures concerning quality issues.
Quality Indicators
Guides to monitor all aspects of patient care, which must be measurable, well-defined, objective, and specific.
Vicarious Liability
The legal principle that holds an employer liable for the negligent actions of its employees.
Root-Cause Analysis (RCA)
A method used to identify the underlying causes of a problem in order to develop effective solutions.
Expressed Consent
A specific form of consent that covers all procedures and must be documented, either verbally or in writing.
Implied Consent
Consent inferred from a patient's actions rather than explicitly stated, often used in emergency situations.