Enron and faustus: power

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Enron: A1 S1 lay to roe

Faustus feared settling for most powerful man

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Enron: A1 S1 lay to roe

Faustus feared settling for most powerful man

You settled for fourteenth most powerful woman in the world

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Enron: A1 s2 Skilling to Roe

overdramatic about power, childish

Will I have to call you Madam President?

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Enron: A1 s3

Bill clinton is being mocked as a person of power, real speech. Dramatic irony, faustus mocks pope .corruption and deceit

Bill Clinton (on screen) I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie. Not a single time. Never

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Enron: A1 s4 stage directions

Proxemics aggression masculine power being asserted

Fastow goes for Trader 2, physically. He gets right in his face, aggressively

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Enron: A1 s4 Fastow to traders

Hubris- believes he has power, pitiful, power dependant on status

I’ll remember that when I’m CFO

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Enron: A1 s5

Alludes to the fact that Fastow is overreaching and can't keep up with his colleagues at enron. Could also link to Blockbuster not being ready for the world and overall being a flop.

the symbol of the treadmill

“Fastows running machine, hurling the younger man from his treadmill”

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Enron: A1 s7 Roe to Skilling

Power and corruption as she has connections he doesn’t

I came by to say an old friend of mine from college emailed. He’s a professor at Harvard now.

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Enron: A1 s7 Roe to Skilling

Roe challenges Skilling too much, absolute power

Declaratives- certainty

Yeah. You look good, by the way.

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Enron: A1 s9

Proxemic shows power dynamic

Skilling is approached by Lay

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Enron: A1 s9 Stage directions of Roe

Taking control of party, willing to challenge and hold ethics. Represents change, feminist audience would see as female power

Roe begins a countdown to welcome in the new millennium. Others eventually join in.

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Enron: A2 s2 Skilling to Fastow

Masculinity and power. Males gain power from virility and strength

She things her balls are cut off, what about my balls?!

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Enron: A2 s3 Lay to skilling

Limitation to power

Can’t even smoke these indoors anymore.

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Enron: A2 s3 Roe to Skilling

Power refusing to be a victim

I was not fired. I resigned

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Enron: A2 s7 Skilling to us

Dark humour, cruelty, power gone to head, foreshadowing down fall

At least when the Titanic went down the lights were on

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Enron: A2 s9 Skilling to Analyst

Final power lost. Inner culture leaking out. Lack of care


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Enron:A3 s4 Woman to Skilling

Proud of masculinity (toxic), lack will destroy. Masculinity= power

I hope your dick falls off!

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Faustus: A1 s1

Skilling’s transformation, limitless capabilities, renaissance men, wants to be a god

Yet art thou still but Faustus, and a man.

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Faustus: A1 s1

Enron= smartest guys, Faustus= become godlike or gain a god. a master of dark magic is equal to a god

Here, Faustus, try thy brains to gain a deity.

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Faustus: A1 s3

Accidental show, no actual power. Superficial

Did not my conjuring speeches raise thee?

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Faustus: A1 s4 Robin to Wagner

Corruption through fear , chain of corruption, wishing for power and escape from life. Power spreads through classes

Would you teach me to raise up Banios and Belcheos?

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Faustus: A2 s1

Metaphor- King Herald killed babies to maintain power, sacrifice innocence for power

And offer lukewarm blood of new-born babes

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Faustus: A2 s1 Meph to Faustus

Comparing power, holding human against god-like power, blasphemous and misleading as he actually received little power

And then be thou as great as lucifer.

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Renaissance man- Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72)

A man can do all things if he will

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Faustus: A3 s2 Globe theatre production

Faustus’ power seems pitiful

Highlights summoning as accidental by using gibberish

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Faustus: A4 s1 Faustus to emperor

Limit to his power, can only summon shadow, not god-like

It is not in my ability to present before your eyes the true substantial bodies

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Faustus text A published

James is proclaimed king of UK, new church rules 300 puritan clergy resign

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