tropical rain forest (description)
jungles w high biodiversity; near equator
tropical rain forest (climate)
lots of rain, hot w little temperature variation, high competition
tropical rain forest (soil)
nutrient poor due to speed at which plants take up nutrients, bad for agriculture
tropical rain forest (threat)
deforestation, exotic pet trade (palm oil)
temperate rain forest (description)
temperate coastal zones near mountains, lots of moss
temperate rain forest (climate)
lots of rain, mold and cool all year
temperate rain forest (soil)
rich, wet soils
temperate deciduous (seasonal) forest (description)
forests w trees that shed leaves: 30-50 degrees latitude
temperate deciduous (seasonal) forest (climate)
ample rain'; high temperature variation; cold winters & hot summers
temperate deciduous (seasonal) forest (soil)
nutrient rich due to high decomposition rate; good for agriculture
taiga (boreal) (description)
evergreen, coniferous forest; northern below subarctic
taiga (boreal) (climate)
very cold; long, dark, dry winters; rain during summer
taiga (boreal) (soil)
slow forming due to slow decomposition & high acidity; not good for agriculture
temperate grassland (description)
located on interior of continents; mountains block rain clouds; dominated by grasses
temperate grassland (climate)
hot summers & cold winters; intermediate rain; fires
temperate grassland (soil)
most fertile; best for agriculture
temperate grassland (threat)
soil erosion caused by cattle grazing and crop farms
savannas & tropical seasonal forests (description)
tropical & subtropical grasslands; few trees in savannas; season forests get more rain and have more trees
savannas & tropical seasonal forests (climate)
hot all year; dry climate with wet season
savannas & tropical seasonal forests (soil)
fertile; fires help restore nutrients
chaparral/shrubland (description)
temperate woodlands dominated by shrubs
chaparral/shrubland (climate)
mild climate with hot summers & mild winters; dry summers & wet winters; fires
chaparral/shrubland (soil)
dry, sandy, rocky; nutrient poor
chaparral/shrubland (threat)
human development due to desirable weather
desert (description)
many located near large mountain ranges, blocks rain clouds; dominated by succulent plants
desert (climate)
extreme temperatures; mostly hot, some cold deserts; long periods of drought
desert (soil)
sandy, porous
tundra (description)
treelesss plain, located in arctic or antarctic
tundra (climate)
very cold winters with short, cool summers; rain in summer but dry winters
tundra (soil)
only top centimeter of soil thaw in summer
permafrost: permanently frozen layer of soil