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Human-Environmental Interaction
The connection and exchange between humans and the natural world
Natural Resource
Items that occur in the natural environment that people can use
Renewable Natural Resources
Theoretically unlimited resources that will not be depleted based on use by people
Non-Renewable Natural Resources
Limited resources that can be exhausted by human uses
Land Use
The study of how land is utilized, modified, and organized by people is the essence of land use
Built Environment
The physical artifacts that humans have created and that form part of the landscape, in humans understanding of land use
Cultural Ecology
The study of how humans adapt to the environment
Environmental Determinism
The belief that landforms and climate are the most powerful forces in shaping human behavior and societal development while ignoring the influence of culture
A view that acknowledges limits on the effects of the natural environment and focuses more on the role that human culture plays
Geographic Scale/Relative Scale
The area of the world being studied
When geographers organize data into different scales
False Conclusions
Inaccurate generalizations that are not supported by the data or logical reasoning