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56 Terms


Accomplice (N)

-Synonyms: Associate, collaborator

- Definition: A person who helps another commit a crime.

- Collocations:
Accomplice IN crime

WITH an accomplice.

- Example: The police arrested the bank robber and his accomplice.

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Audacity (N)

- Synonyms: Boldness, nerve

  • Noun: Audacities

  • Adjective: Audacious

  • Adverb: Audaciously

-Definition: Boldness or daring, especially with disregard for personal safety or conventional thought.

- Collocations:

HAVE THE Audacity TO DO something

WITH audacity.

- Example: She had the audacity to ask for a raise after only a month on the job.

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Baseless (ADJ)

-Synonyms: Unsupported, unfounded

  • Noun: Baselessness

  • Adjective: Baseless

  • Adverb: Baselessly

- Definition: Without foundation or justification; unwarranted.

- Collocations: Baseless accusations, baseless claims.

- Example: The rumors about his involvement were completely baseless.

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Bold (ADJ)

  • Noun: Boldness

  • Adjective: Bold

  • Adverb: Boldly

- Definition: Showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.

- Collocations: Bold move, bold decision, IN bold.

- Example: His bold plan to start his own business paid off handsomely.

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Board (N)

  • Noun: Carriages

  • Adjective: Carriage (no specific adjective form)

  • Adverb: Carriage (no specific adverb form)

-Synonyms: Panel, committee

- Definition: A group of people who manage or oversee something.

- Collocations: Board of directors, on the board, board meeting.

- Example: The board of trustees voted unanimously to approve the new policy.

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-Synonyms: Posture, demeanor

- Definition: The manner of carrying or conducting oneself; posture.

- Collocations: Regal carriage, with a dignified carriage.

- Example: Despite his humble beginnings, he carried himself with the carriage of a prince.

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Compatible (ADJ)

-Synonyms: Harmonious, congruent

  • Noun: Compatibility

  • Adjective: Compatible

  • Adverb: Compatibly

- Definition: Capable of existing or performing in harmonious or agreeable combination.

- Collocations: Compatible with, compatibility between.

- Example: The new software must be compatible with older operating systems.

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Compress (V)

  • Noun: Compression

  • Adjective: Compressed

  • Adverb: Compressively

- Definition: To press together; to make more compact by reducing size or volume.

- Collocations: Compress data, compress a file, under compression.

- Example: You can compress these files to save disk space.

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Confiscate (V)

  • Noun: Confiscation

  • Adjective: Confiscatory

  • Adverb: Confiscatorily

- Definition: To seize (private property) for the public treasury, often as a penalty.

- Collocations: Confiscate goods, confiscate assets, confiscated by authorities.

- Example: The police confiscated the smuggled goods at the border.

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Daunting (ADJ)

  • Noun: Dauntlessness

  • Adjective: Daunting

  • Adverb: Dauntingly

- Definition: Intimidating or discouraging through sheer size or complexity.

- Collocations: Daunting task, face daunting challenges, daunting prospect.

- Example: The project's scope was daunting, but we tackled it step by step.

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  • Noun: Diligence

  • Adjective: Diligent

  • Adverb: Diligently

- Definition: Characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort.

- Collocations: Diligent worker, diligent in something, diligently pursue.

- Example: She was diligent in her studies and always prepared for exams

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Discreet (ADJ)

  • Noun: Discretion

  • Adjective: Discreet

  • Adverb: Discreetly

- Definition: Showing prudence and circumspection, especially in speech and behavior.

- Collocations: Discreet manner, be discreet about, discreetly handle.

- Example: He handled the delicate situation with discreet diplomacy.

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Distort (V)

  • Noun: Distortion

  • Adjective: Distorted

  • Adverb: Distortedly

- Definition: To twist out of shape; to give a misleading or false account or impression of.

- Collocations: Distort facts, distorted image, distorted view.

- Example: The artist intentionally distorted the perspective in her painting.

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Format (N)

  • Noun: Format, formation

  • Adjective: Formatted

  • Adverb: Formatively

- Definition: The way in which something is arranged or set out.

- Collocations: Format document, format settings, in a specific format.

- Example: Please submit your report in PDF format.

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Embezzlement (N)

  • Noun: Embezzler, embezzlements

  • Adjective: Embezzled

  • Adverb: Embezzlingly

- Definition: Theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer.

- Collocations: Embezzlement of funds, embezzlement charges, accused of embezzlement.

- Example: The treasurer was arrested for embezzlement of company funds.

-Synonyms: Misappropriation, theft

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Endearing (ADJ)

  • Noun: Endearment

  • Adjective: Endearing

  • Adverb: Endearingly

- Definition: Inspiring affection or warm sympathy.

- Collocations: Endearing qualities, endearing smile, find someone endearing.

- Example: His endearing personality made him popular with everyone.

-Synonyms: Charming, lovable

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Egomaniac (n


- Definition: Someone who is obsessively self-centered or self-important.

- Collocations: Egomaniacal behavior, egomaniac tendencies.

- Example: His constant boasting revealed him to be something of an egomaniac.

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Expressive (ADJ)

  • Noun: Expression, expressiveness

  • Adjective: Expressive

  • Adverb: Expressively

- Definition: Effectively conveying thought or feeling.

- Collocations: Expressive eyes, expressive gesture, be expressive in.

- Example: The actor's expressive face communicated more than words could.

-Synonyms: Emotional, demonstrative

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Falsified (ADJ)

  • Noun: Falsification

  • Adjective: Falsified

  • Adverb: Falsifiedly

- Definition: Altered or manipulated to deceive or mislead.

- Collocations: Falsified documents, falsified evidence, falsified report.

- Example: The investigator uncovered falsified records in the company's accounts.

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Favor (n)

  • Noun: Favoritism, favorer

  • Adjective: Favorable

  • Adverb: Favorably

- Definition: An act of kindness or a preference shown to one person or group over another.

- Collocations: Do a favor for someone, ask a favor, in favor of.

- Example: He did me a great favor by lending me his car for the weekend.

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Foiled (ADJ)

  • Noun: Foiling

  • Adjective: Foiled

  • Adverb: Foiledly

- Definition: Prevented (someone) from accomplishing something planned.

- Collocations: Foiled attempt, foiled plot, foil someone's plans.

- Example: The security measures foiled the thief's attempt to break in.

-Synonyms: Thwarted, frustrated

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Groundbreaking (ADJ)

  • Noun: Groundbreaker, groundbreaking

  • Adjective: Groundbreaking

  • Adverb: Groundbreakingly

- Definition: Innovative; introducing new ideas or methods.

- Collocations: Groundbreaking research, groundbreaking technology.

- Example: The scientist's groundbreaking discoveries revolutionized the field.

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Grain (N)

  1. [countable] grain (of something) a small hard piece of particular substances

    • a grain of salt/sand/sugar

    • I got a grain of sand in my eye.

  2. ​[countable](used especially in negative sentences)a very small amount

    • There isn't a grain of truth in those rumours.

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Grieve (ADJ)

  • Noun: Grief, griever

  • Adjective: Grieving

  • Adverb: Grievingly

- Definition: To feel intense sorrow or distress, especially over a loss.

- Collocations: Grieve for someone, grieve over something, deep grief.

- Example: She grieved deeply when her beloved dog passed away.

-Synonyms: Mourn, lament

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Ledger (N)

- Definition: A book or computer file listing financial transactions for an individual or organization.

- Collocations: Financial ledger, ledger entry, in the ledger.

- Example: The accountant balanced the ledger at the end of the fiscal year.

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Lingering (ADJ)

- Definition: Lasting for a long time or slow to end.

- Collocations: Lingering smell, lingering effects, lingering doubt.

- Example: Despite the treatment, there was a lingering pain in his knee

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Menacing (ADJ)

- Definition: Threatening or suggesting danger.

- Collocations: Menacing look, menacing presence, feel menacing.

- Example: His menacing tone made everyone uncomfortable.

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Materialize (v)

- Definition: To become actual or real; to appear or come into existence.

- Collocations: Materialize out of nowhere, materialize a plan, materialize into reality.

- Example: Their dreams of starting a business finally materialized after years of planning.

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Pledge (n)

- Definition: A solemn promise or undertaking.

- Collocations: Pledge allegiance, make a pledge, honor a pledge.

- Example: She made a pledge to donate a portion of her earnings to charity.

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undertaking (n)

The process of __________ involves committing to and starting a task or project with determination and effort to achieve a specific goal.

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Be tampered with

- Definition: To be interfered with or altered in a way that affects integrity or functionality.

- Collocations: Tampered with evidence, tampered with the lock, tampered with the results.

- Example: The security camera footage was tampered with, making it unreliable as evidence.

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Cling TO

- Definition: To hold on tightly to something or someone, physically or emotionally.

- Collocations: Cling to hope, cling to a belief, cling to each other.

- Example: Despite the difficulties, they clung to their dream of opening their own restaurant.

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Come forward

- Definition: To offer information or help; to make oneself known or available.

- Collocations: Come forward with information, come forward as a witness, come forward to volunteer.

- Example: Witnesses were urged to come forward with any information about the accident.

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Couple with

- Definition: To join or combine with something else, often for a specific purpose.

- Collocations: Couple with a strategy, coupled with effort, coupled with enthusiasm.

- Example: His creativity, coupled with technical skill, made him a successful designer.

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Delve deep into

- Definition: To investigate thoroughly or to explore deeply.

- Collocations: Delve deep into the issue, delve deep into research, delve deep into a subject.

- Example: The journalist delved deep into the politician's background to uncover the truth.

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Go on hiatus

- Definition: To take a break or pause from something, especially temporarily.

- Collocations: Go on hiatus from work, band goes on hiatus, go on hiatus for a year.

- Example: The TV series went on hiatus between seasons to allow the cast to work on other projects.

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Hit the jackpot

- Definition: To achieve a significant success or win a large prize, often unexpectedly.

- Collocations: Hit the jackpot in the lottery, hit the jackpot with a business idea, hit the jackpot of life.

- Example: She hit the jackpot when her debut novel became a bestseller.

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Icing on the cake

- Definition: Something additional that makes a good situation even better.

- Collocations: Icing on the cake of success, icing on the cake of happiness, the icing on the cake for the event.

- Example: Winning the award was the icing on the cake after years of hard work.

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Lacking for

- Definition: To be in need of something; to not have enough of something.

- Collocations: Lacking for resources, lacking for support, lacking for ideas.

- Example: The project was lacking for funding, which delayed its implementation.

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Make a fuss

- Definition: To complain or make a big deal about something, often causing a disturbance.

- Collocations: Make a fuss over nothing, make a fuss about cleanliness, make a fuss at the restaurant.

- Example: She made a fuss when her order was incorrect, demanding to speak to the manager.

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Out of the blue

- Definition: Unexpectedly; without warning or preparation.

- Collocations: Out of the blue sky, out of the blue message, out of the blue idea.

- Example: His resignation came out of the blue, surprising everyone in the office

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Pick out

- Definition: To choose or select something from a group.

- Collocations: Pick out a gift, pick out a dress, pick out the best option.

- Example: She picked out the perfect birthday present for her sister.

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Stumble upon

- Definition: To find or discover something unexpectedly or by chance.

- Collocations: Stumble upon a solution, stumble upon an old photo, stumble upon a hidden talent.

- Example: While hiking, we stumbled upon a beautiful waterfall hidden in the forest.

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Strip up

- Definition: To remove the flooring, paneling, etc. of (a house, etc.).

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______ is a female monarch who rules an empire.

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- Synonyms: Impoverished, penniless

- without money, food and the other things necessary for life

  • When he died, his family was left completely destitute.

-the destitute

noun[plural]people who aredestitute

- destitute of something (formal) not having something

  • They seem destitute of ordinary human feelings.

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rogue (n)/ (adj

-(of an animal) living apart from the main group, and possibly dangerous

-behaving in a different way from other similar people or things, often causing damage

-go rogue

(informal) to suddenly start doing something unexpected, especially something dangerous, wrong or against the rules

ex: My luggage went rogue (= got lost) at the airport and didn't make it onto the plane.

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faction (n)

  • factional (adj)

  • factionalism (n)

-[uncountable] films, books, etc. that combine fact with fiction (= imaginary events)

ex: There are rival factions within the administration.

-[uncountable] (formal) opposition, disagreement, etc. that exists between small groups of people within an organization or political party

-[countable] a small group of people within a larger one, whose members have some different aims and beliefs to those of the larger group


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-(of a person or remark) very direct; saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite

  • She has a reputation for blunt speaking.

-without a sharp edge or point

  • a blunt knife

  • This pencil's blunt!

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- to make something weaker or less effective

  • Age hadn't blunted his passion for adventure.

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STARTLED (aDJ)/ˈstɑːtld/


  • noun: startler (n) a sudden motion or shock

  • verb: startle

slightly shocked or frightened because of a sudden surprise

  • She looked at him with startled eyes.

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frank (adj)/(V)

-honest and direct in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like

  • To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.

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STARTLING (adj)/ˈstɑːtlɪŋ/

extremely unusual and surprising

  • a startling discovery

(of a colour) extremely bright

  • startling blue eyes

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- to surprise somebody suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them

  • The explosion startled the horse.

  • I was startled by her question.

  • She was startled into a little cry of surprise.

-it startles somebody to do something It startled me to find her sitting in my office.

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WARY (ADJ)/ˈweəri/


-careful when dealing with somebody/something because you think that there may be a danger or problem

  • The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town (= watch it carefully, in case there is trouble).





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frank something to stamp a mark on an envelope, etc. to show that the cost of posting it has been paid or does not need to be paid

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