Period 7 Vocabulary

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1898- Theodore Roosevelt formed the Rough Riders (volunteers) to fight for the Spanish - American war in Cuba. They charged up San Juan Hill during the battle in Santiago

Rough Rider, San Juan Hill

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1921 -1st legislation passed which restricted the number of immigrants quota was 357,800 which led in only 2% of the number of people of the nationality that were allowed in 1890. 1924 - limited the number of immigrants to 150,000 per year.

Immigration Acts, 1921, 1924, Quota System

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1913 - 4 developed the mass produce model T car, which sold at an affordable price. It needs the use of the assembly line. Also greatly increased to his workers, wages and instituted many modern concepts of regular work hours and job benefits.

Henry Ford, the model T

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1920s - women started wearing short skirts involved hair and had more sexual freedom. They began to abandon traditional female roles and take jobs usually reserved for men.

New Women, Flappers

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1925 - prosecution of Dayton, Tennessee, school teacher, john scopes, for a violation of butlers act, a Tennessee law forbidding public schools from teaching about evolution. Former democratic president candidate, William Jennings, Brian, prosecuted the case, and the famous criminal attorney, Clarence Darrow, defended scopes. Scopes was convicted and find $100, but the trial started a shift at public opinion away from fundamentalism

Scopes Trial

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1927 - the first movie was sound, this "talkie" was about the life of a famous drama singer dramatic singer, AI Jolson

The Jazz Singer

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1932 - facing the financial crisis of the depression, World War I veterans try to pressure Congress to pay them their retirement bonuses early. Congress considered a bill authorizing immediate assurance of $2.4 billion but it was not approved. Angry veterans marched on Washington DC and Hoover cause in the army to get the veterans out of there.

Bonus Army

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1932 - Japanese seizure of Manchuria brought this announcement by Hoover's secretary of state, Henry Stimson, that the US would not recognize any changes to China's territory, or any impairment of China's sovereignty

Manchuria, Hoover-Stimson Doctrine

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1933 - offered contracts to farmers to reduce their output of designated products. It paid farmers for processing taxes on these products and made loans to farmers who stored crops on their farms. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

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1934 - created by Congress to ensure long-term low interest mortgages for home construction and repair

Federal Housing Authorities (FHA)

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1934 - created to supervise stock exchanges and to punish fraud and security trading

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

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1934 - restored tribal ownership of lands, recognize tribal, constitutions, and government and provide provided Loans for economic development

Indian Reorganization Act

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1935 - upon the outbreak of war, all American exports would be embargoed for six months; 1936 - gave the president the authority to determine when a state of war existed and prohibited loans to belligerent; 1937 - gave the president the authority to determine whether a civil war was a threat to world, peace and prohibited arm sales to belligerent

Neutrality Legislation

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1936 - declared AAA unconstitutional because it involves Congress levying attacks against the general welfare

Butler Case

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1937 - in this speech, Franklin Roosevelt, compared fascist aggression to contagious, disease, saying democracy must unite to quarantine, aggressor nations

Quarantine Speech

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1937 - on the Yangtze River in China, Japanese aircraft sink in American gunboat escorting tankers. The US accepted Japan's apologies.

Panay Incident

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1938 - Hitler wanted to annex the Sudetenland, a portion of whose inhabitants were mostly German speaking. On September 29, the Muchin packed gave Germany the Sudetenland. Britain, Prime Minister Chamberlain justified the pact with the belief that appease in Germany would prevent war.

Munich Conference

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1939 - "Okies" from Oklahoma migrating from the dust to California during the depression

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

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1940 - formed by die - hard isolationist to fear the US going to war.

America First Committee

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1940 - US agreed to lend its older destroyers to Great Britain. Destroyers were major warships that made at the bulk of the most countries navies. signaled the end of the US neutrality in the war.

Destroyer Deal

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10:00 AM, December 7, 1941 - surprise attacked by the Japanese on the main US specifically Harvard and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii destroyed 18 US ships and 200 aircraft American bosses were 3000, Japanese losses were less than 100. In response the US declared war on Japan and Germany, entering World War II..

Pearl Harbor

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A federal agency which ensures bank deposits

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

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A gifted writer who wrote humorous poems, stories, essays, and poetry

Langston Hughes

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A government agency established in 1914 to prevent unfair Business practice practices and help maintain a Competitive economy

Federal trade Commission

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a law passed by a legislature can be referred to the people for approval/ veto


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a league containing anti-imperialist groups, it was never strong due to the differences on isolation

American Anti-Imperialist League

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A lot of debt, stock prices, piling up, overproduction and unclear consuming the stock market crashed. Germany's default on reparations, cause European bank failures, which spread to the US.

causes of the depression

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A muckraker novel concerning the poor living conditions in the cities

Lincoln Stiffens, The Shame of the Cities

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A rider to the army appropriation bill of 1901, specified the conditions under the U.S can intervene in Cuba international affairs and provided that Cuba cannot make a treaty with another nation that might impair their independence

platt amendment

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a secret US project for the construction of the atomic bomb

Manhattan Project

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a secrete Chinease society called the Boxers because their symbol was a fist revolted against foreigners and their midstand laid seige to a forgein legislation in Begein

Boxer Rebellions

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A series of treaties in 1936 and 37 between Germany, Italy, and Japan created what was called the Rome Berlin Tokyo access. The countries were thereafter referred to as the axis powers.

Axis Powers

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Ab explosion from a mine in the bay of Havana crippled the warship Maine. US blamed spain and used it for a reason to go to war with them

Maine explodes

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acted as a Supreme Court for labor cases. Did more harm than go when it tried to limit wages, which led to strikes.

war labor board

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Advanced the old age, revolving pension plan, which propose that every retired person over 60 received a pension of $200 a month (about twice the average weeks salary). It required that the money be spent within the month.

Dr. Francis Townsend

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after years of oppression, the peasants rebelled against the Caesars. The first government was democratic and weak, so another revolution over through that government and instituted a communist government led by the Bolshevik party under Lenin. Lenin pulled Russia out of World War II.

Russian Revolution, 1917

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American Leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. AS a nurse in a poor sections of New York city, she had seen the suffering of U.S pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S and the American Birth Control League, which later became planned parent hood

Margaret Sanger

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Approved by the Senate in February 6, 1898, it ended the Spanish american war. The U.S. gained Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

Treaty of Paris 1898

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assist in which government authority will be balanced, and coordinate economic activity government would regulate businesses

Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism

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at Roosevelt's request, Congress began a special session to review recovery and reform laws submitted by the president for congressional approval. It lasted only 99 days.

Hundred Days

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August 1941 - drawn up by FDR and Churchill with eight main principles, renunciation of territorial aggression, no territorial changes without the consent of the people's concern, restoration of sovereign, rights, and self government, access to raw material for all nations, road, economic cooperation, freedom from fear, and want, freedom of the seas, disarmament of aggressors

Atlantic Charter

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August 23, 1929 - Germany and Russia agreed not to attack each other, which allowed Hitler to open a second front in the west without worrying about defending against Russia. Granted western Poland to Germany, but allowed Russia to occupy Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and eastern Poland. Hitler intended to break the pack.

Non-aggression pact

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authorize the use of federal money to develop the west it helped to protect national resources

Newlands Reclamation Act

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baseball player and preacher, his baseball background helped him become the most popular evangelist minister of the time. Part of the fundamentalist revival of the 1920s.

Billy Sunday

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based on the post Civil War Terrace organization, the invisible empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was founded in Georgia in 1915 by William Simmons to fight the growing influence of blacks juice and Catholics in US Society. It experienced phenomenal growth in the 1920s, especially in the Midwest and Ohio Valley states it's peak membership came in 1924 at 3 million members, but it's reputation for violence led to a rapid decline by 1929

KKK in 1920's

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because the Supreme Court was striking down new deal legislation, Roosevelt decided to curb the power of the court by proposing a bill to allow the president to name a new federal judge for each who did not retire by age 70 1/2. At the time, six justices were over the age limit. Would have increased the number of justices from 9 to 15, giving FDR a majority of his own appoint is on the court the court packing bill was not passed by Congress.

Court-Packing Plan

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Black leader who advocated, "black nationalism" and financial independence for blacks, he started the "back to Africa"movement. He believed blacks would not get justice in mostly white nations.

Marcus Garvey, Universal Negro Improvement Association

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Britain passenger ships were regularly sunk by German subs, but the Lusitania had American aboard and brought the U.S. into war


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Britain, France, and Russia all had economic and territorial ambition and they all disliked German, so they formed an alliance for protection

Triple Entente; Allies

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broad movement in protestantism in the US, which tried to preserve what it considered the basic idea is a Christianity against criticism by liberal theologies stress, the literal truths of the Bible and creation


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brought forth under Wilson administration, they stated that any treacherous act or draft dodging was forbidden outlawed, disgracing the government, the constitution or military uniforms and forbade, adding the enemy

Espionage Act 1917; Sedition Act 1918

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Built 20 dams conducted demonstration projects for farmers and engage in reforestation to rehabilitate the area

Tennessee Valley Authority

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By the late 1800s U.S. had exclusive use of Pearl Harbor. In July 1898, Congress made Hawaii a U.S. territory for the use of the islands as naval ports

Annexation of Hawii

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celebrities, and government representatives travel around the US. I think government bonds to raise money for the war effort, extremely successful and raising funds.

bond drives

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Congress can levy an income tax

16th amendment

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Congressional compromise, serving special interest, it raised duties on agricultural and manufactured imports. It may have contributed to the spread of the international Depression

Hawley-Smoot Tariff, 1930

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converted factories from civilian to military production. Manufacturing output, tripled.

war productive board

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created in 1932 to make loans to bakes, insurance companies, in railroads, it was intended to provide emergency funds to help Businesses overcome the effects of the depression. It was later used to finance wartime projects during World War II.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, RFC

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Created in April 1933. Within four months, 1300 camps were in operation and 300,000 men between the ages of 18 and 25 worked for the reconstruction of cities. More than 2.5 million men lived and worked in CCC camps.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

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Created the FDIC, which insured the accounts of depositors of its member banks. It outlawed banks investing in the stock market.

Glass-Steagail Banking Reform Act, 1933

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defined what drinks, constituted, "intoxicating liquors" under the 18th amendment and set penalties for violations of prohibition AI Capponi: in Chicago, he was one of the most famous leaders of organized crime of the era

Volstead Act

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determined that the inhabitants of the U.S territories had some, but not all, of the rights of the U.S. citizens

Insular cases

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devised by President Wilson, it reflected the power of large countries, although comprised of delegates from every country it was designed to be run by a council of the five largest countries. It also included a provision for a world court.

League of Nations

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distributed $3.3 billion to state and local governments for building schools, highways, hospitals, etc.

Public Works Administration (PWA)

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do you announce populous because they believe in free enterprise Haywood was the leader of the wobbles the international workers of the world were a militant radical union. They favored socialism and oppose free enterprise. They were disliked by businesses and less radical unions.

IWW, wobblies

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during World War II, southern blocks, began to move north where there were more jobs and less racism. The increased number of blacks led to a white backlash conditions like southern racism.

Great Migration

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Early 1900,s writer who exposed social and political evils in the U.S. Muckraker novel

Jacob Riis, How the other half lives

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election where people directly elect their candidates for office. This made elected officials more accountable to the people

Direct primary

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established a two - term limit on the presidency

22nd Amendment

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Extended the Sherman antitrust act of 1890 to give it more power over trust and big businesses. It outlawed practices that had a dangerous likelihood of creating a monopoly, even if no unlawful agreement was involved.

Clayton antitrust act

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factory fire in New York that killed 146 people mostly, women. Dramatized the poor working conditions and led to the federal regulations to protect workers

triangle shirtwaist company

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FDR's administration was based on this concept. It involved simulating, consumer, buying power, business enterprise, and ultimately employment by pouring billions of dollars a federal money into the economy, even if the government didn't have the funds and had to borrow money.

Deficit Spending

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February 1945 - Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta to make final war plants, arrange the post - war fate of Germany, and discuss the proposal for creation of the United Nations as a successor to the league of nations. They announced the decision to divide Germany into three post - war zones of occupation, although a fourth zone was later created for France. Russia also agreed to enter the war against Japan, and exchange for the cure islands in half of the Sakhalin peninsula.

Yalta Conference

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first national Forest conservation policy authorized the president set aside areas of land for national Forest

Forest Reserve Act

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flew his airplane, the spirit of St. Louis, across the Atlantic in the first transatlantic solo flight

Charles Lindbergh

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forbade, the manufacturer or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety any efficiency of drugs in order to abolish. The patent drug trade still exists as the FDA.

Pure Food and Drug Act

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Franklin Roosevelt described his foreign policy as that of a good neighbor. The phrase came to be used to describe the US attitude towards countries of Latin America under Roosevelt good neighboring policy the US took the lead in promoting Goodwill among these nations.

Good Neighbor Policy

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gave power to elect senators to the people

17th amendment

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gave women right to vote

19th amendment

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genocide is destruction of a racial group. Hitler's final solution was a genocide of non-Arian peoples.

"Final Solution"

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German practices of attacking all ships to countries it was at war with

Unrestricted submarine warfare

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Germany sent this to Mexico, instructing an ambassador to convince Mexico to go to war with the US. It was intercepted and caused the US to mobilizing against Germany, which had proven it was hostile.

Zimmerman note

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government agency, which successful combated inflation by fixing price ceilings on comedies and introducing rationing programs during World War II

office of price administration

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Had an employed artist, painting, murals in public buildings: actress, musicians, and dancers performing in poor neighborhoods, and riders compiling guidebook and local histories

Federal Arts Project

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harding wanted Return to "normalcy" the way life was before World War I


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Harlem was a center for black writers, musician's and intellectuals who expressed feelings and experiences, especially about the injustice of Jim Crow

Harlem Renaissance

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Hay sent imperialist nations a note asking them offer assurance that they would respect the principle of equal trade opportunities, specifically in the China markets

open door notes

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he believed that Monopoly had to be broken up and at the government must regulate businesses he believed in competition

Woodrow Wilson New Freedom

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headed the national Union for social justice. Began as a religious radio broadcaster, but turned to politics and finance and attracted an audience of millions from many faiths. Promoted inflationary currency, antisematism.

Father Charles Coughlin

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Hired unemployed workers to do make - shift jobs like sweeping streets. Certain men ages 18-24 to camps to work on flood control, conservation, and forest projects under the war department. A small monthly payment was made to the family of each member.

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

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In 1890 he wrote the influence of C power among history. He was a proponent of building a large navy. He said that a new modern navy was necessary to protect the international trade American dependent on.

Alfred Thayer Mahan

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In this book, strong argued that the American country and people were superior because they were Anglo-Saxon

Josiah Strong, our country

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increased industrial output by rationalizing and refining the production process

Scientific Management, Fredrick W. Taylor

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Interested in establishing a more transparent and accountable government, which would work to improve US society these reformers favored such policies as civil service, reform food, safety laws, and increased political rights for women and US workers

Progressive Party

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It set up the national recovery, ad administration, and set prices, wages, work hours, and production for each industry. Based on the theory, the regulation of the economy would allow industries to return to full production, thereby leading to full employment in a return of prosperity.

National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA)

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January 14-23, 1943 - FDR, Churchill, Matt and Morocco to Seattle. The future strategy of the allies is following the success of the North America African companion. They decided to launch an attack on Italy through Sicily before initiating an invasion into France over the English channel. Also announced that the allies would accept nothing less than Germany is unconditional surrender to end the war.

Casablanca Conference

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Japan had attacked the Russian Pacific Fleet over Russia refusal to withdraw their troops from Manchurian after the Boxer Rebellion. war was fought mainly in Korea. Japan victorious, U.S. mediated the end of the war

Russo-Japanese War, Treaty of Portsmouth

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Journalists who search for a publicized real or alleged acts of corruption of public officials, businessmen, ect. Name coined by Teddy Roosevelt in 1906


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July 26, 1945 - allied leaders, Truman, Stalin, and church and Germany to set up zones of control, and to inform the Japanese that they refuse to surrender at once, they would face total destruction.

Potsdam Conference

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June 1938 - set maximum hours at 40 hours a week and minimum wage at $.20 an hour

Fair Labor Standard Act

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