liang2 hao3
良好good; well
ren2 ji4
人际interpersonal; social
zhen1 cheng2
tan3 shuai4
坦率straightforward; frank
yin3 man2
隐瞒hide secret from somebody
cu1 lu3
粗鲁rough; crude; rude
fen1 qi2
分歧difference; divergence
mao2 dun4
矛盾problem; conflict
cuo1 shang1
磋商consult; exchange views
bi3 ci3
彼此one another
rong2 qia4
融洽harmonious; on good terms
jue2 qiao4
诀窍key to success
ling2 ting1
聆听listen (respectfully)
si3 dang3
死党best friend
qiang3 po4
强迫compel; force
chu2 chuang1
橱窗display window
xia2 zhai3
狭窄narrow; cramped
qian1 bi3 he2
铅笔盒pencil case
拧twist; furl
抿purse (lips)
fei4 yan2
zhi3 xie4
纸屑scraps of paper
zhong3 liu2
ai2 zheng4
tu2 lao2 wu2 gong1
徒劳无功work to no avail
ca1 shi4
擦拭wipe clean
某certain; some
cang1 bai2
gu3 zhang3
鼓掌clap one’s hands
zhong1 shi2
忠实loyal; faithful
yi4 hu1 xun2 chang2
异乎寻常unusual; extraardinary
quan2 yu4
痊愈fully recover from illness
qing1 xi1
清晰distinct; clear
tiao2 ji4
调剂 adjust; regulate
mu4 du3
目睹 witness; see with one’s own eyes
bi3 yi2
鄙夷 look down upon; despise
liu2 tang3
流淌 (of liquid) flow
chuang1 lian2
窗帘 window curtain
ti2 xin1 diao4 dan3
提心吊胆 very scared and on edge; anxious
gu3 dong3
古董 antique
heng2 liang
衡量 weigh; measure; judge
chun2 jie2
纯洁 pure; clean and honest