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Core Reading Programs (CRPs)
Also known in past decades as “basil readers”, _________ ________ _________ are commercial reading instruction programs commonly used in North American school districts. According to Dewitz and colleagues (2010), CRPs are made up of a collection of student reading selections, skill, activities, teachers’ manuals, and supplemental reading instruction materials applied in elementary middle school classrooms, according to a basic structure: “Stories are introduced, knowledge and vocabulary developed, stories are discussed, and students responses to texture made. Skills are taught, sometimes before the story, sometimes afterward” (p. 33).
Scope and Sequence Chart
A graphic display of the structure of a curriculum that includes skills, strategies, and content, and the order in which those will be taught.
Scope and Sequence Chart
Describes the range of skills and/or concepts to be taught in a core reading program as well as the sequence in which these are to be presented during the school year.
Criterion-Referenced Tests (CRTs)
The items included are directly related to the specific skills, strategies, or concepts taught in the core reading program’s unit of study.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Evidence-based practices aimed at preventing student reading failure through the systematic implementation of a series of tiered or cascading instructional interventions in which identified students receive timely, targeted, high-quality, and intensive core and supplemental reading instruction.
Institute of Education Sciences (was bolded, but not sure it will be on quiz)
This website provides up-to-date results of code and supplemental reading programs evaluations and efficacy studies.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Lessons now I cooperated into regular education classroom practices, teachers are asked to progress monitor students more frequently and with greater intent.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Lessons now incorporated into regular education, classroom practices, teachers are asked to progress, monitor students more frequently and with greater intent.
Key Studies
Found on the ESSA Evidence website are links to information about reading programs listed on the What Works Clearinghouse website. The __________ link leads to an unpublished research report as the primary or key evidence supporting the LLI program’s effectiveness. Studies that are unpublished, may or may not be high-quality. Generally speaking, however, published studies are to be preferred over unpublished studies because they have gone through rigorous evaluation in the “blind peer review” process.
Reading Recovery (RR)
Developed by clinical child psychologist Marie Clay, _______ _______ is a short term early intervention program designed to reduce reading failures for the lowest performing 20% of first grade students. ____ is available for both native speakers of English as well as English learners. The aim of the program is to help low-achieving children catch up to level related peers. What Works Clearinghouse has concluded that there is good evidence of the effectiveness of RR as an intervention for struggling for grade readers.
Decodable Readers
Also known as decodable texts, _______ are designed to provide students with practice in applying knowledge of particular phonic elements, such as short a, by controlling the phonic structure of the words used in these books (e.g., Nan and Dan).