What are the four parenting styles identified by Diana Baumrind?
Authoritarian, Authoritative, Uninvolved, and Permissive.
How would you describe authoritarian parenting?
Parents enforce strict rules and may use punishment frequently. Authoritarian parenting is characterized by strict rules, high control, low communication, and limited warmth or nurturing.
What are some effects of authoritarian parenting on children?
Effects include lower self-esteem, less social competence, poorer grades, negative self-concept, externalizing problems, fearfulness, and unhappiness.
Describe the authoritative parenting style.
Authoritative parenting involves setting clear limits while supporting children's independence. It includes high levels of control, communication, and nurturance, with an emphasis on explaining rules and consequences.
What are some positive outcomes associated with authoritative parenting?
Children of authoritative parents are often cheerful, independent, confident, achievement-oriented, and maintain friendly relations with peers. They also tend to have higher self-esteem, independence, and altruism.
What characterizes uninvolved parenting?
Parents who are uninvolved in the child's life lead to a sense of neglect and may have increased social and behavioral problems. Uninvolved parenting involves low levels of control, communication, nurturing, and maturity demands.
What are some effects of uninvolved parenting on children?
Effects include impulsivity, low social competence, poor self-control, low self-esteem, immaturity, and delinquent behavior during adolescence.
Describe the permissive parenting style.
Parents are highly involved but place few demands or controls on their children. Permissive parenting is characterized by high nurturing but low control, maturity demands, communication, and involvement.
What are some effects of permissive parenting on children?
Effects include immaturity, aggressiveness, less responsibility and independence, poor self-control, low compliance, and difficulties in peer relations.
What parenting style is associated with the most consistently positive outcomes for children?
Authoritative parenting is associated with the most consistently positive outcomes for children, including higher self-esteem, independence, and social competence.