Period 7b Vocab - APUSH

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half of the people have the same definition and i've never felt this unsure about vocab terms but gl y'all

58 Terms


Open shop

keeping jobs open to nonunion workers

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Welfare capitalism

voluntarily offering their employees improved benefits and higher wages in order to reduce their interest in organizing unions

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Art deco

captured modernists' simplification of forms while using machine-age materials; many skyscrapers in urban cities made during this era were made in this style

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Mass media

new modes of broadcasting that enabled the American people to listen to the same programs; also provided national exposure to regional cultures

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where the movie industry centered (a big business in the 1920s

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Henry Ford

perfected a system for manufacturing automobiles by means of an assembly line

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Charles Lindbergh

a young aviator who thrilled the entire world by flying nonstop across the Atlantic from Long Island to Paris

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a range of influences, including the changing role of women, the Social Gospel movement, and scientific knowledge, caused large numbers of protestants to define their faith in new ways; historical and critical views of passages in the Bible + accepting Darwin’s theory of evolution w/o abandoning faith

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protestant preachers condemned the modernists/taught that every word in the Bible was literal; CREATIONISM; blamed modernists for the decline in morals; mostly rural

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*Scopes trial

bio teacher in TN (where the teaching of Darwin’s theory of evolution was illegal) taught evolution in his class and was arrested+tried; Darrow (Scopes) v. William Jennings Bryan (fundamentalist/expert on the Bible); man was convicted, but then it was overturned; the line between religion and public schooling remained controversial

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Volstead act

the federal law enforcing the Prohibition amendment

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21st amendment

repealed the 18th amendment (the Prohibition amendment)

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Ku Klux Klan

directed hostility against the AA, Catholics, Jews, foreigners, and suspected Communists; popular in the Midwest and the South; different films and modern advertising portrayed this group as the heroes during Reconstruction

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Birth of a Nation

the popular silent film which portrayed the KKK during Reconstruction as the heroes and the White backlash to the race riots; attracted new members to the Klan

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Lost generation

the name given by Gertrude Stein to writers who were disillusioned (scorned religion as hypocritical and condemned the sacrifices of wartime as a fraud perpetrated by money interests)

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Consumer Culture

a society in which mass production and consumption of nationally advertised products come to dictate much of social life and status

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Harlem Renaissance

a period in which an AA community in NY became famous for its concentration of talented actors, artists, musicians, and writers

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Back-to-Africa movement

a movement, founded by Marcus Garvey, that encouraged those of African descent to return to Africa and their ancestors so that they could have their own empire; get away from the racism and colonize Africa!

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Black pride

black people embracing their culture and ideas

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Clarence Darrow

famous lawyer from Chicago that defended Scopes in his trial (religion and education line)

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Al Capone

the leader of a Chicago major organized crime gang that fought for control of the lucrative bootlegging trade

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Sacco and Vanzetti

GREAT EXAMPLE OF RED SCARE PARANOIA; two Italian immigrants who were convicted in a MA court of committing robbery and murder; liberal artists/intellectuals protested that they were convicted and sentenced to die just because they were poor and anarchists

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F. Scott Fitzgerald

a novelist during this time period; expressed their disillusionment with the ideals of an earlier time and with the materialism of a business-oriented culture; took a life of drinking; This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby

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Ernest Hemingway

a novelist during this time period; expressed their disillusionment with the ideals of an earlier time and with the materialism of a business-oriented culture; expressed unhappiness by going into exile in Europe; The Sun Also Rises

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Sinclair Lewis

a novelist during this time period; expressed their disillusionment with the ideals of an earlier time and with the materialism of a business-oriented culture; It Can’t Happen Here

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T.S Elliot

a novelist during this time period; expressed their disillusionment with the ideals of an earlier time and with the materialism of a business-oriented culture; The Wasteland

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George Gershwin

a composer and son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, blending jazz and classical music in his symphonic Rhapsody in Blue and the folk opera Porgy and Bess

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Sigmund Freud

Austrian psychiatrist who stressed the role of sexual repression in mental illness; Hallbrights fave person for the psych peeps

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Langston Hughes

a famous poet during the HARLEM RENAISSANCE; commented on AA heritage through views that ranged from bitterness/resentment to joy/hope

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Duke Ellington

an African-American jazz pianist who was popular during the 1920s (the jazz age)

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Louis Armstrong

an African-American jazz trumpeter who was popular during the 1920s (the jazz age)

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Bessie Smith

famous African-American blues singer during the Harlem renaissance; “Empress of Blues”

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Marcus Garvey

brought UNIA to Harlem from Jamaica; advocated individual/racial pride for AA and developed political ideas of Black nationalism; established an organization for Black separatism, economic self-sufficiency, and a back-to-Africa movement

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Alfred E. Smith

roman catholic governor of NY that was an opponent of Prohibition; appealed to many immigrant voters in cities; protestants were openly prejudiced against him; was the democratic opponent during the Election of 1928

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Black Tuesday

the day that the US stock market crashed; millions of panicky investors ordered their brokers to sell, but no buyers could be found

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Dow Jones Index

the list that showed the 30 largest US companies' stocks

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Buying on margin

a process by which people would speculate the price of stocks that would go up and that they could sell it for a quick profit; allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock, making down payments as low as 10 percent → people relied on a stock increasing to pay the loan

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Stock market crash

a rapid and often unanticipated drop in stock prices; the one in 1929 was the start of the Great Depression

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Gross national product

the value of all the goods and services produced by the nation in one year

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Hawley-Smoot tariff

set tax increases ranging from 31-49 percent on foreign imports; hurt economies around the world because of other tariffs against US imports

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Debt moratorium

a suspension of the payment of international debts to steady the economy; the international econ suffered from massive load defaults and banks on both sides of the Atlantic scrambled to meet the demands of the many depositors withdrawing their money

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Farm Board

a board authorized to help farmers stabilize prices by temporarily holding surplus grain/cotton in storage; created before the market crash but was realized to be a useful asset during the crash; too modest to handle the continued OP

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Reconstruction finance corporation

a federally funded, gov. owned, corp that was created by congress as a measure for propping up faltering railroads, banks, life insurance companies, and other financial institutions; an attempt by the fed gov to become more active in financial markets; to STABILIZE KEY BUSINESSES

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Bonus March (1932)

a thousand unemployed WWI vets marched to Washington DC to demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised them at a later date; later set up improvised shacks near the Capitol; after two men died from a clash with the police, MacArthur used tanks of tear gas to destroy the shantytown and drive the vets from Washington → hoover=heartless

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New Deal

FDR’s policies that were aimed to solve the problems of the Great Depression; serve the three R’s

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Three R’s

relief for the people out of work, recovery for business/economy, and reform of American economic institutions

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Hundred days

the calling of the Congress that occurred right after the inauguration of FDR; Congress passed into law every request of President Roosevelt, enacting more major legislation than any single Congress in history.

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Bank holiday

the day when all remaining banks were closed to allow enough time for the gov to reorganize them on a sound basis; lasted for 6 days

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Fireside chats

FDR’s use of the radio to assure the listeners that banks were safe; used this medium to communicate to the people about the issues with the economy

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*Schechter v. US

declared the NRA unconstitutional; the decision encouraged Roosevelt to consider ways to change the makeup of the court

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Securities and Exchange Commission

created to regulate the stock market and to place strict limits on the kind of speculative practices that had led to the wall street crash; also required full audits of and financial disclosure by, corporations to PROTECT INVESTORS FROM FRAUD AND INSIDER TRADING

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New Deal coalition

a political group that supported the Democrats; NAMED AFTER FDRS NEW PROGRAMS to recover from the depression

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Roosevelt recession

a backsliding of the economy that occurred in the winter of 1937 after the gradual fixing of the Depression; economic advisers adopted new theories in 1938 that helped fix this issue, yet overall the belief in FDR + the New Deal was weakened

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Supreme Court reorganization plan

a proposal created by FDR for the president to be able to add additional justices into the court for each justice that was older than a certain age; would allow Roosevelt to have 6 more justices in the Court → more liberal persuasion

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Congress of industrial organizations

A New Deal-era labor organization that broke away from the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in order to organize unskilled industrial workers regardless of their particular economic sector or craft

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Fair labor standards act

established several regulations on businesses in interstate commerce; minimum wage, max standard workweek + overpay, and child labor restrictions

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Minimum wage

the lowest amount a worker could legally get paid; initially 40 cents an hour

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Dust bowl

a severe drought in the early 1930s ruined crops in the Great Plains and transformed this region into this; result of poor farming practices and high winds that blew away millions of tons of dried topsoil

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