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n([sb] who pays money into an account)

- You can act as a depositor on the account, but you cannot withdraw funds from it.

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seafood restaurant

n(eatery serving fish, shellfish)
<b>marisquería </b>

-MICHAEL ROMANO: The same place he met his wife.
INTERVIEWER: Clearly a great restaurant for you.
DANNY MEYER: It was a seafood restaurant on 22nd Street that was called Pesca.
I think it was actually a little bit ahead of its time.

<p>n(eatery serving fish, shellfish)<br><b>marisquería </b><br><br>-MICHAEL ROMANO: The same place he met his wife.<br>INTERVIEWER: Clearly a great restaurant for you.<br>DANNY MEYER: It was a seafood restaurant on 22nd Street that was called Pesca.<br>I think it was actually a little bit ahead of its time.</p>
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with that

adv(immediately after that) acto seguido - tras lo cual

Disparó a su mujer y acto seguido saltó por la ventana.

- With that, it is my pleasure to welcome you to scholarship spotlight,

scholarship spotlight = becas destacadas

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sobretensión - sobrecarga -pico de corriente
- The storm caused a power surge and damaged Mark's computer.

- What is a Surge Protector? A surge protector, also known as a surge suppressor, is a device that is made to protect electronic equipment from unwanted power surges or "spikes." It takes only a tiny amount of voltage increase to damage most of today's sensitive electronics.

<p>n(electrical)<br><strong><mark data-color="#959fe8" style="background-color: #959fe8; color: inherit">sobretensión - sobrecarga -pico de corriente</mark></strong><br>- The storm caused a power surge and damaged Mark's computer.<br><br>- What is a Surge Protector? A surge protector, also known as a surge suppressor, is a device that is made to protect electronic equipment from unwanted power surges or "spikes." It takes only a tiny amount of voltage increase to damage most of today's sensitive electronics.</p>
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(cable car for skiers) teleférico

A series of chairs hung from a moving cable, used for carrying people up and down a mountain.

- Villa Olivia now has a new chair lift, ski lodge, tow ropes, kitchen and interior.

<p>(cable car for skiers)  <strong><mark data-color="blue" style="background-color: blue; color: inherit">teleférico</mark></strong></p><p>A series of chairs hung from a moving cable, used for carrying people up and down a mountain.<br><br>- Villa Olivia now has a new chair lift, ski lodge, tow ropes, kitchen and interior.</p>
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ring in the New Year

v expr(celebrate 1st of January)
festejar la llegada del nuevo año -festejar Año Nuevo

- New Year's Eve is a big party night in Britain people all over the country celebrate with parties and fireworks to ring in the New Year in Scotland especially it is a big event known as hog money when Big Ben chimes midnight

<p>v expr(celebrate 1st of January)<br><strong>festejar la llegada del nuevo año -festejar Año Nuevo</strong><br><br>- New Year's Eve is a big party night in Britain people all over the country celebrate with parties and fireworks to<mark data-color="yellow" style="background-color: yellow; color: inherit"> ring in the New Year</mark> in Scotland especially it is a big event known as hog money when Big Ben chimes midnight</p><p></p>
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adj(every 3 months)
<b>trimestral </b>
-During your first year of employment, we will hold quarterly reviews to monitor and give feedback on your progress.

quarterly adv(every 3 months)
<b>cada tres meses- trimestralmente </b>

- Reports will be sent out quarterly.

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npl(abdominal exercise)
- She improved her stomach muscles by doing a hundred sit-ups every morning.

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sit up

vi phrasal(rise into seated position)
<b>reacomodarse en el asiento- incorporarse</b>

- When her mother entered the room, the girl sat up.

<p>vi phrasal(rise into seated position)<br><b>reacomodarse en el asiento- incorporarse</b><br><br>- When her mother entered the room, the girl sat up.</p>
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exploit [sb]

⇒ vtr(take advantage of)
<b>explotar a -abusar de </b>

- Corporations systematically exploited their workers until they formed labor unions.

<p>⇒ vtr(take advantage of)<br><b>explotar a -abusar de </b><br><br>- Corporations systematically exploited their workers until they formed labor unions.</p>
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sound the alarm

v expr(alert or warn others)
<b>dar la voz de alerta, dar la voz de alarma- hacer sonar la alarma </b>

-When the watchman saw the invaders coming, he sounded the alarm to call for help.

<p>v expr(alert or warn others)<br><b>dar la voz de alerta, dar la voz de alarma- hacer sonar la alarma </b><br><br>-When the watchman saw the invaders coming, he sounded the alarm to call for help.</p>
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brandish [sth]

⇒ vtr(wield: a weapon)blandir

vtrbrandish [sth] vtr(display, show off)
<b>lucir- presumir</b>
- Penny is brandishing a sparkly new engagement ring.

<p>⇒ vtr(wield: a weapon)blandir<br><br><br>vtrbrandish [sth] vtr(display, show off)<br><b>lucir- presumir</b><br>- Penny is brandishing a sparkly new engagement ring.</p>
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attend Mass

vtr + n(go to church service)
<b>asistir a misa - ir a misa </b>
- They attend Mass every Sunday morning.

<p>vtr + n(go to church service)<br><b>asistir a misa - ir a misa </b><br>- They attend Mass every Sunday morning.</p>
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stop off

vi phrasal(stay briefly)
<b>darse una vuelta - hacer una visita rápida </b>
- We always stop off to visit Grandma on Saturdays.

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aim high

vi + advfigurative (aspire to do well) (figurado)
<b>apuntar alto - tener aspiraciones altas</b>

- Jerry needs to aim high if he wants to get grades that are good enough to do Medicine at university.

Jerry tiene que apuntar alto si quiere que sus notas le permitan estudiar medicina.

<p>vi + advfigurative (aspire to do well) (figurado)<br><b>apuntar alto - tener aspiraciones altas</b><br><br>- Jerry needs to aim high if he wants to get grades that are good enough to do Medicine at university. <br><br>Jerry tiene que apuntar alto si quiere que sus notas le permitan estudiar medicina.</p>
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trifling (/ˈtraɪflɪŋ/)

adj(trivial, unimportant)
<b>insignificante -sin importancia </b>
- Please don't bother me with such trifling details.
No me molestes con detalles tan insignificantes.

<p>adj(trivial, unimportant)<br><b>insignificante -sin importancia </b><br>- Please don't bother me with such trifling details.<br> No me molestes con detalles tan insignificantes.</p>
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How did you go?

Como te fue? / HOW DID IT GO? como te fue en: (meeting- interview job)

How did you go? -I hope that there were a few new phrasal verbs in there or maybe some that you'd forgotten about that we've sparked in your memory again.


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sell out

vi phrasal(all be sold)
- It's always annoying to get to the ticket booth and be told they've sold out.

sell out vi phrasalfigurative, slang (betray values) (propios)
<b>traicionar principios</b>
- The artist sold out and started doing commercial work.

sell [sth] out,sell out [sth] vtr phrasal sep(stock: discount)
- Year-end clearances are when they sell out the current car models.

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great fun

adj informal (enjoyable)

*muy divertido - re divertido*

- Our day out at the theme park was great fun.

<p><em>adj informal</em> (enjoyable)</p><p>*muy divertido <em>- </em>re divertido*</p><p>- Our day out at the theme park was great fun. </p>
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backdrop (backcloth )

n(scenic cloth) *telón de fondo -fondo *

- The film was shot in a studio against painted backdrops.


minute 6'13

knowt flashcard image

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bake sale

nUS (fundraising: selling cakes)

*feria de platos, feria de tortas -venta de pasteles*

<p><em>nUS</em> (fundraising: selling cakes)</p><p>*feria de platos, feria de tortas <em>-</em>venta de pasteles*</p>
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n(event: launch) *inauguración *

-The opening of the exhibition will be on Thursday.

opening n(first performance) *estreno*

- A lot of stars attended the movie's opening.

opening n(job: position available) *puesto - vacante *

- We have an opening for an office junior.

<p><em>n</em>(event: launch) *<strong><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">inauguración</mark></strong> <em>*</em></p><p>-The opening of the exhibition will be on Thursday.</p><p><strong>opening</strong> <em>n</em>(first performance) *<mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">estreno</mark>*</p><p>- A lot of stars attended the movie's opening.</p><p><strong>opening</strong> <em>n</em>(job: position available) <mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">*puesto </mark><em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">-</mark></em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit"> vacante </mark><em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">*</mark></em></p><p>- We have an opening for an office junior.</p>
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pot holder

used to protect hands
when removing pans
from oven

<p>used to protect hands<br>when removing pans <br>from oven</p>
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social gradient

n(impact of class on health)

*desigualdades sociales en salud*

-There is a huge social gradient that is really problematic. We just…. I mean, that, we now about that problem.

<p><em>n</em>(impact of class on health)</p><p>*desigualdades sociales en salud*</p><p>-There is a huge social gradient that is really problematic. We just…. I mean, that, we now about that problem.</p><p></p>
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watch over [sb]

vtr phrasal insep(take care of, look out for)

*cuidar a, cuidar de *

- Watch over the baby while I prepare his bath.

<p> <em>vtr phrasal insep</em>(take care of, look out for)</p><p>*cuidar a, cuidar de <em>*</em></p><p>  - Watch over the baby while I prepare his bath.</p>
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heavy drinker

n(alcoholic)*bebedor empedernido, bebedora empedernida *

- He was a heavy drinker before he joined Alcoholics Anonymous.

<p><em>n</em>(alcoholic)*<mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">bebedor empedernido, bebedora empedernida </mark><em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">*</mark></em></p><p>- He was a heavy drinker before he joined Alcoholics Anonymous.</p>
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have a thin skin

ofenderse facilmente- ser muy sensible

to be very sensitive to criticism or insults

<p>ofenderse facilmente- ser muy sensible<br><br>to be very sensitive to criticism or insults</p>
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mascot (ˈmæskɒt)

n(good-luck charm)mascota

  • Bobby dressed up as the school mascot during basketball games.

<p><em>n</em>(good-luck charm)<strong>mascota</strong></p><ul><li><p>Bobby dressed up as the school mascot during basketball games.</p></li></ul><p></p>
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soda pop (US)

fizzy pop (UK)

n(carbonated drink) *gaseosa -bebida carbonatada *

- I think I'll settle for just a hamburger and a soda pop for lunch.

<p><strong>fizzy pop (UK)</strong> </p><p><em>n</em>(carbonated drink) *gaseosa <em>-</em>bebida carbonatada <em>*</em></p><p>  - I think I'll settle for just a hamburger and a soda pop for lunch.</p>
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settle for [sth]

vtr phrasal insepfigurative (be content with)

*conformarse con*

- Don't settle for second best.

- I'd love a 54-inch TV, but I'll settle for a 32-inch one.

settle for [sth] vtr phrasal insep(accept as payment)

*dejar en *

- I was hoping to make more by selling the couch on eBay, but I settled for $100.

<p><em>vtr phrasal insepfigurative</em> (be content with)</p><p>*conformarse con*</p><p>    - Don't settle for second best. </p><p>    - I'd love a 54-inch TV, but I'll settle for a 32-inch one.</p><p></p><p><strong>settle for [sth]</strong> <em>vtr phrasal insep</em>(accept as payment)</p><p>*dejar en <em>*</em></p><p>  - I was hoping to make more by selling the couch on eBay, but I settled for $100.</p>
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go on [sth]

vtr phrasal insep(visit: website)

*entrar a, entrar en - ir a *

- I went on the WordReference website to check the meaning of a word.

<p><em>vtr phrasal insep</em>(visit: website)</p><p>*entrar a, entrar en <em>-</em> ir a <em>*</em></p><p>    - I went on the WordReference website to check the meaning of a word.</p>
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truth be told (if truth be told)

expr(to be honest)

*a decir verdad - para ser honesto, para ser franco*

- Truth be told most of the students who get there find real pleasure in reading and listening to the language, which is known to be central in the process of learning it. But it’s definitely a long road to travel.

<p><em>expr</em>(to be honest)</p><p>*a decir verdad <em>-</em>  para ser honesto, para ser franco*</p><p></p><p>-  Truth be told  most of the students who get there find real pleasure in reading and listening to the language, which  <strong>is known to be</strong> central in the process of learning it. But it’s definitely a long road to travel.</p>
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catch a glimpse of [sth/sb]

catch a brief glimpse of [sth/sb]

v expr(perceive briefly) *ver por un segundo - alcanzar a ver - vislumbrar*

- I caught a glimpse of Peter as he walked past my house.

<p><strong>catch a brief glimpse of [sth/sb]</strong></p><p><em>v expr</em>(perceive briefly) <span style="color: #ffffff"><strong>*ver por un segundo <em>- </em>alcanzar a ver <em>-</em> vislumbrar*</strong></span></p><p>- I caught a glimpse of Peter as he walked past my house.</p>
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A&E (UK) = accident and emergency department

ninitialism (emergency room) (informal)

*urgencias -(sigla: sala de urgencias)*

- Where do you turn for the entrance to the ER?

<p><strong>A&amp;E (UK)</strong> = accident and emergency department</p><p><em>ninitialism</em> (emergency room) (informal)</p><p>*urgencias <em>-(sigla: sala de urgencias)</em>*</p><p></p><p>- Where do you turn for the entrance to the ER?</p>
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medical care

n(treatment by a medical professional) *cuidado médico *

- The local clinic provides top notch medical care.

<p><em>n</em>(treatment by a medical professional) *cuidado médico <em>*</em></p><p>  - The local clinic provides top notch medical care.</p>
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greasy pole

Benjamin Diserali 'I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole', took the difficult route in getting to the top of a profession

<p>Benjamin Diserali 'I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole', took the difficult route in getting to the top of a profession</p>
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nUS (jute: coarse fabric)arpillera - yute

- The monk's robe is made of burlap.

burlap n as adjUS (made of jute fabric) de arpillera -de yute

  • The mailman carries the letters in a burlap sack.

<p><em>nUS</em> (jute: coarse fabric)<span style="color: #NaNNaNNaN"><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">arpillera</mark></span> <em>-</em> <mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">yute</mark> </p><p><em>-</em> The monk's robe is made of burlap.</p><p><strong>burlap</strong> <em>n as adjUS</em> (made of jute fabric) <strong>de arpillera </strong><em>-</em><strong>de yute</strong> </p><ul><li><p>The mailman carries the letters in a burlap sack.</p></li></ul><p></p>
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gunny sack n(rough cloth bag)saco de arpillera, saco de yute

<p><strong>gunny sack</strong> <em>n</em>(rough cloth bag)saco de arpillera, saco de yute</p>
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registration fee

licensing fee, usually annual, paid to a state for the right to use a car.

n(law: cost to register)cuota de inscripción -pago de matrícula

<p><strong>licensing fee</strong>, usually annual, paid to a state for the right to use a car.</p><p><em>n</em>(law: cost to register)<strong>cuota de inscripción</strong> <em>-</em><strong>pago de matrícula</strong></p>
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tuition fee

money that you pay to take lessons, especially at a college, university, or private school

Registration fees are an administrative charge for enrolling in the school.

Tuition fees are the cost of attending the school. (This is for American English.)For example, I just helped a friend translate a letter from her daughter's school. (Life imitates WordReference yet again.) The letter specifies 200 shekels as the registration fee and 2700 shekels for the year's tuition. In the case of this school, the registration fee must be paid in full to enroll the child in the school, but the tuition fees may be paid in installments during the year.

<p>money that you pay to take lessons, especially at a college, university, or private school<br><br><br><mark data-color="red" style="background-color: red; color: inherit">Registration fees</mark> are an administrative charge for enrolling in the school. </p><p><mark data-color="red" style="background-color: red; color: inherit">Tuition fees</mark> are the cost of attending the school. (This is for American English.)For example, I just helped a friend translate a letter from her daughter's school. (Life imitates WordReference yet again.) The letter specifies 200 shekels as the registration fee and 2700 shekels for the year's tuition. In the case of this school, the<mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit"> registration fee must be paid in full to enroll the child</mark> in the school, but <mark data-color="yellow" style="background-color: yellow; color: inherit">the tuition fees may be paid in installments during the year.</mark></p>
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potable (ˈpoʊtəbəl)

adj(safe to drink)*potable *

-Since the earthquake hit, potable water has been scarce in this town.

<p><em>adj</em>(safe to drink)*potable <em>*</em></p><p></p><p>-Since the earthquake hit, potable water has been scarce in this town.</p>
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be deep in debt

v expr(in extreme financial debt) (coloquial)endeudado hasta el cuello, endeudado hasta la coronilla - hasta el cuello de deudas,

Note: Esta locución no funciona con adverbios como "tan". She was so deep in debt that the only solution appeared to be bankruptcy.

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get into debt

v expr(incur monetary liabilities)endeudarse- llenarse de deudas

  • If you keep buying things you can't afford, you'll soon get into debt.

  • If you spend more than you earn, you will inevitably get into debt.

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have debt

vi(be in debt, owe money)tener deudas

  • They have a lot of debt. Tienen muchas deudas.

be in debt vi + adj(owing money)estar endeudado-estar en deuda

  • I always pay my bills on time because I hate to be in debt.

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an abbreviation of: magnetic resonance imaging, a technique that produces images of tissues and organs of the body by means of a strong magnetic field and low-energy radio waves.


Note: «Imagen por resonancia magnética» o «tomografía por resonancia magnética».

-I need to get an MRI to diagnose my shoulder injury.

<p>an abbreviation of: magnetic resonance imaging, a technique that produces images of tissues and organs of the body by means of a strong magnetic field and low-energy radio waves.</p><p>MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING -<em> *</em>resonancia <em>*</em></p><p><em>Note</em>: «Imagen por resonancia magnética» o «tomografía por resonancia magnética».</p><p>-I need to get an MRI to diagnose my shoulder injury.</p>
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n(food: fried batter) *buñuelo*

-For breakfast, Mom served a platter of apple fritters and crispy bacon.

fritter [sth]⇒ vtr(money: waste) (dinero) *malgastar-despilfarrar- dilapidar*

- Max just fritters his money on frivolous things.

<p><em>n</em>(food: fried batter) *buñuelo*</p><p></p><p>-For breakfast, Mom served a platter of apple fritters and crispy bacon.</p><p></p><p><strong>fritter [sth]⇒</strong> <em>vtr</em>(money: waste) (dinero) *malgastar-despilfarrar- dilapidar*</p><p>- Max just fritters his money on frivolous things.</p>
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n(large flat plate) *fuente - bandeja *

- My grandmother has collectible platters and other dishes from the 1930s.

platter n(meal: assortment) *surtido - plato combinado *

- Mary served a beautiful platter of meat and cheese.

<p><em>n</em>(large flat plate) *fuente <em>-</em> bandeja <em>*</em></p><p>- My grandmother has collectible platters and other dishes from the 1930s. </p><p></p><p><strong>platter</strong> <em>n</em>(meal: assortment) *surtido <em>-</em> plato combinado <em>*</em></p><p>- Mary served a beautiful platter of meat and cheese.</p>
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sawbuck (ˈsɔːbʌk)

nUS, Ca, slang (ten-dollar bill) *billete de diez dólares*

sawbuck nUS, Ca (support used when sawing wood) *caballete*

<p><em>nUS, Ca, slang</em> (ten-dollar bill) *billete de diez dólares*</p><p></p><p><strong>sawbuck</strong> <em>nUS, Ca</em> (support used when sawing wood) *caballete*</p>
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chafe [sb/sth] (tʃeɪf)

vtr(fabric, etc.: rub painfully) *rozar- irritar*

-These socks chafe my ankles.

chafe [sth]⇒ vtr(warm: hands, feet)frotar⇒ vtr I chafed the woman's hands and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.

chafed adj(skin: sore from rubbing)irritado

<p><strong>⇒</strong> <em>vtr</em>(fabric, etc.: rub painfully) *rozar- irritar*</p><p>-These socks chafe my ankles.</p><p></p><p></p><p><strong>chafe [sth]⇒</strong> <em>vtr</em>(warm: hands, feet)frotar⇒ <em>vtr</em> I chafed the woman's hands and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.</p><p></p><p><strong>chafed</strong> <em>adj</em>(skin: sore from rubbing)irritado</p>
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adj(actions: without motive) *sin sentido -gratuito/a *

-Police described the attack as a wanton act of violence.

wanton adj(person, actions: lewd) *disipado/a - lascivo/a*

- The consumption of alcohol may lead to wanton behaviour.

wanton adj(extravagant, excessive) *excesivo-gratuito/a*

- Terry nearly went bankrupt as a result of wanton spending on luxuries.

<p><em>adj</em>(actions: without motive) <mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">*sin sentido </mark><em><mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">-</mark></em><mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">gratuito/a </mark><em><mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">*</mark></em></p><p>-Police described the attack as a wanton act of violence.</p><p><strong>wanton</strong> <em>adj</em>(person, actions: lewd) <mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">*disipado/a </mark><em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit">-</mark></em><mark data-color="green" style="background-color: green; color: inherit"> lascivo/a*</mark></p><p>- The consumption of alcohol may lead to wanton behaviour.</p><p><strong>wanton</strong> <em>adj</em>(extravagant, excessive) *<mark data-color="yellow" style="background-color: yellow; color: inherit">excesivo-gratuito/a*</mark></p><p>- Terry nearly went bankrupt as a result of wanton spending on luxuries.</p>
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What's up with that?

exprslang (That is unfair, not logical)
<b>¿qué es eso? </b>

- She never does any work and now she's been made our manager. What's up with that?

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spike [sb]

⇒ vtr(give alcohol or drugs without consent) (con drogas)
<b>drogar a alguien -echarle alcohol a algo</b>

-They include trying to spike him with LSD to make him sound crazy during a radio interview.

<p>⇒ vtr(give alcohol or drugs without consent) (con drogas)<br><b>drogar a alguien -echarle alcohol a algo</b><br><br>-They include trying to spike him with LSD to make him sound crazy during a radio interview.</p>
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the Grim Reaper

nfigurative (death personified)
<b>la Parca </b>

-The dying man took to his bed to await the Grim Reaper.
El hombre moribundo fue a su cama a esperar a la Parca.

<p>nfigurative (death personified)<br><b>la Parca </b><br><br> -The dying man took to his bed to await the Grim Reaper. <br>El hombre moribundo fue a su cama a esperar a la Parca.</p>
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you beat me to it

expr(you did it first)
<b>me ganaste </b>

- I was going to order a pizza, but you beat me to it.

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high stakes

npl(great risk)
<b>alto riesgo </b>
- Stock market speculators play for high stakes.

<b>low stakes </b>
npl(little risk)bajo riesgo

<p>npl(great risk)<br><b>alto riesgo </b><br> - Stock market speculators play for high stakes.<br><br><br><b>low stakes </b><br>npl(little risk)bajo riesgo</p>
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n(task done to keep [sb] occupied)
<b>trabajo de relleno - trabajo improductivo</b>

- A key issue with homework is that it should always be relevant to the objectives of the class and not simply busywork.

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nm(en contexto educativo)
question paper,
question list

n (formal)questionnaire
- Con el fin de que puedan prepararse para la próxima prueba escrita, he preparado un cuestionario que les permitirá repasar la materia estudiada hasta ahora.

-In order to help you prepare for the next written exam, I've prepared some questions so that you can study what we've seen so far.

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meet a deadline

v expr(do [sth] within allotted time)
<b>entregar algo a tiempo- cumplir el plazo de entrega</b>

MISS THE DEADLINE: imcumplir el plazo

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push-up (US)

press-up (UK) nusually plural (arm exercise)
<b>flexión de brazos -flexión - lagartija </b>
- The fitness instructor asked the class to do 20 push-ups.

<p>press-up (UK) nusually plural (arm exercise)<br><b>flexión de brazos -flexión - lagartija </b><br>- The fitness instructor asked the class to do 20 push-ups.</p>
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n(lump, sore on the skin)
bulto (por golpe en la cabeza) -chichón

- Greg has a bump on his shoulder.

<p>n(lump, sore on the skin)<br><strong>bulto  (por golpe en la cabeza) -chichón </strong><br><br>- Greg has a bump on his shoulder.</p>
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[sb]'s days are numbered

expr(person will die soon) (vida)
<b>tener los días contados - quedarle a alguien poco</b>

[sb]'s days are numbered expr(person will lose position soon) (trabajo)
<b>tener los días contados -quedarle a alguien poco</b>

<p>expr(person will die soon) (vida)<br><b>tener los días contados - quedarle a alguien poco</b><br><br>[sb]'s days are numbered expr(person will lose position soon) (trabajo)<br><b>tener los días contados -quedarle a alguien poco</b></p>
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adj(defective product)
<b>retirado/a </b>

- The recalled products have a defective part.

Los productos retirados tienen alguna falla.

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product recall

n(manufacturer's notice)
<b>retirada - retirada del mercado </b>

-We seem to have countless product recalls for items for children.

total recall= memoria fotográfica

<p>n(manufacturer's notice)<br><b>retirada - retirada del mercado </b><br><br>-We seem to have countless product recalls for items for children.<br><br><br>total recall= memoria fotográfica</p>
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(US),apple sauce (UK)
n(sweetened stewed apples)
<b>compota de manzana -puré de manzana n</b>

- Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.

<p>(US),apple sauce (UK)<br> n(sweetened stewed apples)<br><b>compota de manzana -puré de manzana n</b><br><br>- Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.</p>
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bullet point

n(dot before list item)
- The boss would prefer a simple list of items with bullet points, rather than long descriptions.
- To create a list of bullet points, click on the icon.

<p>n(dot before list item)<br><b>viñeta</b><br> - The boss would prefer a simple list of items with bullet points, rather than long descriptions. <br>- To create a list of bullet points, click on the icon.</p>
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n(figure skating: jump) (tipo de salto, anglicismo)
axel nm

<p>n(figure skating: jump) (tipo de salto, anglicismo)<br>axel nm</p>
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n(wheel shaft) (automóvil)
<b>eje </b>

- The accident caused one of the car's axles to break.

<p>n(wheel shaft) (automóvil)<br><b>eje </b><br><br>- The accident caused one of the car's axles to break.</p>
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salt pan n(geography: basin with salt deposits)
- Both of those lithium mines operate on the Salar de Atacama, the Atacama salt pan which is behind us.

<p>salt pan n(geography: basin with salt deposits)<br><b>salina</b><br>- Both of those lithium mines operate on the Salar de Atacama, the Atacama salt pan which is behind us.</p>
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adj(having only one arm)manco/a

<p>adj(having only one arm)manco/a</p>
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one-armed bandit

a gambling machine in which coins are inserted

<p>a gambling machine in which coins are inserted</p>
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n([sb] who has had a limb removed)persona con una amputación

<p>n([sb] who has had a limb removed)persona con una amputación</p>
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close match

n(pairing of two similar things)
<b>parecerse mucho-hacer juego -acercarse bastante </b>
- Mom's handbag and shoes are not exactly the same color, but they are a very close match.

close match n(sports: very close scores)
<b>partido muy parejo-partido igualado </b>
- It was a close match but the Seagulls won on penalties.

<p>n(pairing of two similar things)<br><b>parecerse mucho-hacer juego -acercarse bastante </b><br>- Mom's handbag and shoes are not exactly the same color, but they are a very close match. <br><br>close match n(sports: very close scores)<br><b>partido muy parejo-partido igualado </b><br>- It was a close match but the Seagulls won on penalties.</p>
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how old are you turning?


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marriage officer

n(registrar: [sb] who conducts a wedding)
<b>juez de paz, jueza de paz</b>

<p>n(registrar: [sb] who conducts a wedding)<br><b>juez de paz, jueza de paz</b></p>
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adrenaline rush /əˈdrɛnəlɪn/

n(flush of excitement or panic)
<b>subida de adrenalina </b>

- Roller coasters give him an adrenaline rush.
Las montañas rusas le provocan una subida de adrenalina.

- You get a rush of adrenaline when you think you're going to die.

<p>n(flush of excitement or panic)<br><b>subida de adrenalina </b><br><br>- Roller coasters give him an adrenaline rush.<br> Las montañas rusas le provocan una subida de adrenalina.<br><br>- You get a rush of adrenaline when you think you're going to die.</p>
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wire transfer

n(bank-to-bank money transfer)
<b>transferencia bancaria electrónica</b>

-When my sister lost all her money, I sent her a wire transfer so she could get home.

Se había quedado sin dinero; le mandé a mi hermana una transferencia bancaria electrónica para que pudiera regresar a casa.

<p>n(bank-to-bank money transfer)<br><b>transferencia bancaria electrónica</b><br><br>-When my sister lost all her money, I sent her a wire transfer so she could get home. <br><br>Se había quedado sin dinero; le mandé a mi hermana una transferencia bancaria electrónica para que pudiera regresar a casa.</p>
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auxiliary aids (ɔːgˈzɪljəri)

npl(devices to help the disabled)
<b>recursos para discapacitados</b>

schools cannot exclude students because it does not have an appropriate auxiliary aid present

<p>npl(devices to help the disabled)<br><b>recursos para discapacitados</b><br><br><br>schools cannot exclude students because it does not have an appropriate auxiliary aid present</p>
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curb ramp

A short ramp cutting through a curb or built up to it.

<p>A short ramp cutting through a curb or built up to it.</p>
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adj(meal: eaten sitting down)
<b>sentado/a - sentado a la mesa</b>
- Audrey always tries to have a proper sit-down lunch, instead of just grabbing a sandwich and eating it standing by the kitchen counter.

<p>adj(meal: eaten sitting down)<br><b>sentado/a - sentado a la mesa</b><br>- Audrey always tries to have a proper sit-down lunch, instead of just grabbing a sandwich and eating it standing by the kitchen counter.</p>
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get out [sth]

,get [sth] out
vtr phrasal sep(take [sth] from somewhere)
- The man got out his phone to call for a taxi.
El hombre sacó su teléfono para llamar a un taxi.

<p>,get [sth] out <br>vtr phrasal sep(take [sth] from somewhere)<br><b>sacar</b><br>- The man got out his phone to call for a taxi.<br> El hombre sacó su teléfono para llamar a un taxi.</p>
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be on the hunt for [sth/sb]

v expr(look for [sth], [sb])
<b>en busca de </b>
- My cat is always on the hunt for mice and birds.
- I'm on the hunt for a blue blazer in size M.

<p>v expr(look for [sth], [sb])<br><b>en busca de </b><br>- My cat is always on the hunt for mice and birds.<br>- I'm on the hunt for a blue blazer in size M.</p>
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deli counter

a counter in a supermarket where you can get different types of cheese, cold cooked meat, prepared salads, etc.

<p>a counter in a supermarket where you can get different types of cheese, cold cooked meat, prepared salads, etc.</p>
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a light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction

-I remember the searchlight that followed me when I made the night runs to the latrine.

<p>a light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction</p><p>-I remember the searchlight that followed me when I made the night runs to the latrine.</p><p></p>
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that's all

eso es todo

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rolling suitcase

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duffle bag

a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth

<p>a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth</p>
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step on [sth]

vtr phrasal insep(tread on)
-Careful, you might step on the dog's tail!
Cuidado, le puede pisar la cola al perrito!

step on [sb] vtr phrasal insepfigurative (mistreat, exploit)
<b>pisotear a, pisar a</b>
- Your naive friendliness is causing them to step on you at work.

<p>vtr phrasal insep(tread on)<br><b>pisar</b><br> -Careful, you might step on the dog's tail! <br>Cuidado, le puede pisar la cola al perrito!<br><br>step on [sb] vtr phrasal insepfigurative (mistreat, exploit)<br><b>pisotear a, pisar a</b><br> - Your naive friendliness is causing them to step on you at work.</p>
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have a lie-in

v exprUK (sleep late)

*dormir hasta tarde*

-Does your father have a lie-in at the weekend?

<p><em>v exprUK</em> (sleep late)</p><p>*dormir hasta tarde*</p><p></p><p>-Does your father have a lie-in at the weekend?</p>
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vi(overturn: boat)*volcarse*

-When the ferry capsized, 28 people drowned.

- My first time rafting, our boat capsized and I almost drowned.

capsize [sth]⇒ vtr(boat: cause to overturn)*volcar- producir el vuelco *

- He stood up in the side of the boat and capsized it.

<p><strong>⇒</strong> <em>vi</em>(overturn: boat)*<mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">volcarse</mark>*</p><p>-When the ferry capsized, 28 people drowned.</p><p>- My first time rafting, our boat capsized and I almost drowned.</p><p><strong>capsize [sth]⇒</strong> <em>vtr</em>(boat: cause to overturn)*<mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">volcar- producir el vuelco </mark><em><mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">*</mark></em></p><p>- He stood up in the side of the boat and capsized it.</p>
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skin colour that is typical of people from countries such as Greece, Italy, or Turkey

<p>skin colour that is typical of people from countries such as Greece, Italy, or Turkey</p>
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vi(fail to wake on time)

*quedarse dormido-pegarse las sábanas *

- Hillary overslept and was late to work.

<p><strong>⇒</strong> <em>vi</em>(fail to wake on time)</p><p>*quedarse dormido-pegarse las sábanas <em>*</em></p><p></p><p>- Hillary overslept and was late to work.</p>
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skin types

Classification that describes a person's genetic skin type.

<p>Classification that describes a person's genetic skin type.</p>
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dog mess


ninformal (dog, etc.: faeces)

*caca *

- Puppies are cute, but if you want one, you have to be prepared to clean up mess sometimes.

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smother [sth]

vtr(stifle, suppress)


- James had to smother a laugh when his boss stepped in dog mess.

James tuvo que contener la risa cuando su jefe pisó una caca de perro.

<p><strong>⇒</strong> <em>vtr</em>(stifle, suppress)</p><p>*contener*reprimir*</p><p>- James had to smother a laugh when his boss stepped in dog mess. </p><p><em>James tuvo que contener la risa cuando su jefe pisó una caca de perro.</em></p>
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great fun ...

very enjoyable

<p>very enjoyable</p>
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pipe dream

nfigurative (unattainable wish) *sueño imposible *

- You have to admit that world peace is rather a pipe dream.

<p><em>nfigurative</em> (unattainable wish) *<strong><mark data-color="#fdfdfd" style="background-color: #fdfdfd; color: inherit">sueño imposible </mark></strong><em>*</em></p><p>- You have to admit that world peace is rather a pipe dream.</p>
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take out a loan

v expr(borrow money with interest)

*sacar un préstamo -pedir un préstamo*

-I'll take out a loan to pay for tuition.

Saqué un préstamo para pagar la matrícula.

Pediré un préstamo para pagarme los estudios.

<p><em>v expr</em>(borrow money with interest)</p><p>*<mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">sacar un préstamo -pedir un préstamo</mark>*</p><p>-I'll take out a loan to pay for tuition.</p><p><em>Saqué un préstamo para pagar la matrícula.</em></p><p><em>Pediré un préstamo para pagarme los estudios.</em></p>
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borrow pit

(civil engineering) cantera

<p>(civil engineering) cantera</p>
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sleep deprived

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adj(not having slept enough)

*con falta de sueño -privado de sueño -falto de sueño*

Note: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun

  • If we're sleep deprived, then we simply won't be able to engage in the other slow thought activities that help bring us closer to wonder.


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nUS (tabletop imitation soccer game) futbolín

  • Would you -- Would you like to play me in a game of foosball? …………. -Let's do it.

  • -- When I tell people I'm a pro-foosball player there's always a look of like astonishment. I get laughter sometimes too, what, I didn't know there was tournaments for that, foosball? Yeah that's the one that's, that's what I do.

table foosball

<p><em>nUS</em> (tabletop imitation soccer game) <span style="color: blue">futbolín</span></p><ul><li><p><span style="font-family: Georgia, serif">Would you -- Would you like to play me in a game of </span>foosball<span style="font-family: Georgia, serif">? …………. -Let's do it.</span></p><p></p></li><li><p>-- When I tell people I'm a pro-foosball player there's always a look of like astonishment. I get laughter sometimes too, what, I didn't know there was tournaments for that, <mark data-color="purple" style="background-color: purple; color: inherit">foosball</mark>? Yeah that's the one that's, that's what I do.</p></li></ul><p></p><p>table foosball</p>
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