Chapter 22 - Enlightenment and Revolution

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Frederick II

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Frederick II

________, Prussia's ruler from 1740 until 1786, dedicated himself to improving the country.

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John Locke

________, a philosopher, had a more optimistic view of human nature.

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François Marie Arouet

________ was probably the most intellectual and influential of the philosophes.

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________ frequently employed satire to defame his opponents.

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outspoken opponent

Locke was a(n) ________ of absolute monarchy and a proponent of self- government.

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In ________, Galileo constructed his own telescope and used it to examine the cosmos.

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The works of an ancient Greek physician named ________ were accepted as reality by European doctors during the Middle Ages.

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In the early 1700s, Russia's ruler, ________ the Great, had campaigned for years to get a port on the Baltic Sea.

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Joseph II

________, Maria Theresa's son and successor, ruled Austria from 1780 to 1790.

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________ learnt as a young man that a Dutch lens maker had created a device that could magnify far- off things.

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Galileo Galilei

________, an Italian scientist, built on the new astronomical theories.

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Joseph II of Austria

________ was the most radical royal reformer.

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He published almost 70 books of political writings, philosophy, and theatre under the pen name ________.

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