What war started the Revolutionary war?
Battle at Lexington and Concord in 1775
What was the Second Continental Congress?
Body of delegates from 13 colonies who met in Philadelphia in 1775 to draft the Declaration of Independence and managed colonial war efforts (raise money for navy and army).
Who did the Second Continental Congress select to lead the war? What were some negatives to him?
George Washington; He didn’t lead a military for over 20 years and was inexperienced in leading the military based on its size.
How long did the Revolutionary war last?
7 years
What two types of people were there during the war?
People who voiced a desire to mend differences.
People who raised armies to fight the British.
Summarize the war at Ticonderoga and Crown Point…
1775 a small American force lead by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured the British garrisons and seized a store of gunpowder and artillery.
Bunker Hill?
June 1775, colonists led by William Howe seized a hill where they attacked the enemy in Boston. The British, led by Thomas Gage originally took it back but suffered many casualties.
Olive Branch Petition?
July 1775 the Second Continental Congress released this petition which professed American loyalty to the king and begged to the king to stop future hostilities. The petition was rejected by the king following the warfare at Bunker Hill.
German mercenaries that were hired by King George III to attack the colonies in 1775.
What did the British do in Maine? What did this lead to?
They burned Falmouth in October 1775 which led the colonists to attack Canada, hoping that they could add it as a 14th colony and remove it as a possible source for a British base. The attack failed when General Richard Montgomery was killed.
What happened in January 1776?
The British burnt down Norfolk, Virginia.
Why did most Americans deny any intention of Independence?
Loyalty to the empire was deeply ingrained and many thought Britain was the mother country. Colonial unity was poor and open rebellion was dangerous.
What was the Common Sense pamphlet
Written by Thomas Paine in 1776, it was one of the most influential pamphlets ever written. It argued that the colonies had outgrown any need for English domination and that they should be given independence.
How did Thomas Paine attempt to unite the Colonies?
He did this through republicanism (where people work for a common goal) outlined in his pamphlet, Common Sense.
How was Republicanism seen in the Colonies?
It was seen through the committees of correspondence and through town meetings (Continental Congresses). However, not all Patriots agreed with republicanism because it meant an end to hereditary rich people (aristocrats).
How did Richard Henry Lee prompt the Declaration of Independence?
On June 7 1776, he preached that the United Colonies are right to be free and independent which prompted the motion to create the Declaration a month later.
What were Loyalists and Patriots called?
Loyalists - Tories
Patriots - Whigs
The Revolution was primarily a _____ movement
Summarize the Loyalists (where were most from, what % of population, where were most in the religious system)?
Made up 16% of population, most were in New York City, Charleston, Pennsylvania, and most were Anglican. Many started to be prosecuted after the Declaration of Independence, leading many to fled to British sides.
Summarize the Patriots (where were most from, what % of population, where were most in the religious system)?
Made up most of population primarily in New England, most were Congregational.
The British focused their attention on what city after Boston’s evacuation in 1776?
New York City.
Battle of Long Island?
Took place in New York In 1776 when British troops arrived to take it over. General Washington and his men were overpowered by the British and fled to Manhattan Island.
Who was Washington’s adversiary?
General William Howe, who stated that the country was rough, supplies were slow incoming.
What happened at Trenton?
On December 26, 1776, Washington crossed the Delaware River to surprise and capture 1,000 Hessians
Why was taking the Hudson River Valley so important?
It would sever New England from the rest of the states and paralyze the American cause. The invasion was lead by General Burgoyne who led troops to Lake Champlain from Canada. This all failed when Burgoyne surrendered d at Saratoga on October 17, 1777 to American Horatio Gates (Burgoyne's Blunder).
What was the Model Treaty?
Drafted by the Continental Congress in 1776, the Americans would only have a commercial trading connection with the French (no political or militia trading).
Mercantilism and colonialism was _____ in the Americas
not looked upon
After the British lost at Saratoga in 1777, they introduced…
home rule, which granted everything the colonists asked for except independence.
When did French align with Americas, and how?
In 1778 after the British proposed the home rule.
What happened as the American Revolution became a world war?
Spain and Holland became allied against Britain in 1779.
What is Armed Neutrality?
Created by Catherine the Great of Russia, it allied the remaining neutral European countries against Britain.
What happened after the Armed Neutrality was passed?
British forces began to focus their attention in Europe, withdrawing troops from America.
During the war, who turned into a traitor (for the Americas)
General Benedict Arnold in 1780, when he sold a stronghold to the British.
What was another British plan that helped to conquer Americas?
To start cities in the South, where Loyalists were numerous. This caused Georgia, Charleston, and South Carolina to fall.
Who put a stop to British conquest in the South?
General Nathaniel Greene
What was the Treaty of Fort Stanwix?
In 1784, the Iroquois were forced this which was the first treaty between the United States and an Indian nation. They ceded most of their land to the Americans.
Who was George Rogers Clark?
Conceived the idea of capturing the British forts located in the Illinois country in 1778-1779.
When vessels were authorized by a government during war to attack and capture enemy vessels. It raised American morale and brought in a lot of economy, while hurting the war efforts.
Battle of Yorktown?
British General Cornwallis retreated to Yorktown to await resources and support. George Washington with his army and Admiral de Grasse, cornered Cornwallis where he surrendered in 1781.
What was the Treaty of Paris and what were some terms?
Ended the American Revolution September 3, 1783. Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated the peace terms with Britain.
British formally recognized the independence of the United States.
Florida is given to Spain.
Americans now consisted of territory of Mississippi on the west, to the Great Lakes on the north, and to Spanish Florida on the south.