Period 9 MCQs from Fabric of a Nation

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What demographic group decreased in size during Reagan years?

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What demographic group decreased in size during Reagan years?

The middle class

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Supply-side economics argued that lowering taxes had the counter-intuitive impact of increasing government income because it led to greater…

Property purchases

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Which nuclear weapons policy had the support of the majority of Americans during the early 1980s?

An immediate nuclear freeze

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President Reagan became more willing to negotiate with the Soviet Union over the de-escalation of weapons after…

He was re-elected in a landslide

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The 1980s women’s peace camp began at…

Greenham Common

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The Reagan administration’s secret “arms for hostages” deal was an effort to get which nation to use its influence on behalf of Americans kidnapped in the Middle East?


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The Reagan administration’s harsh reprisals against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua were motivated by…

concern over the growing presence in Central America and the Caribbean.

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The Reagan administration’s secret plan for funding the Contras in Nicaragua was motivated by…

the Boland Amendment.

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The guiding principle of the Reagan administration’s foreign policy agenda was its commitment to…


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The Soviet Union’s drowning of a South Korean passenger flight led the United States to…

deploy additional missiles in Western Europe.

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Opponents of the Kyoto Protocol argued that the United States should not sign it because…

newly industrialized nations were insufficiently regulated.

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The liberation of Kuwait was the result of…

a coalition effort with Arab support.

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Operation Desert Storm could be characterized as a…

deployment of overwhelming force on a weak adversary.

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One of the consequences of Anita Hill’s 1991 in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee was…

the creation of a series of whistle-blower protections the following year.

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When the Soviets withdrew the last of their troops from Afghanistan in 1989, they left the country…

in economic and political shambles.

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What country joined the group of seven effectively making it the G8 in 1998?


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What was the largest consequence of globalization?

Rapid industrialization created massive amounts of pollution.

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What document did all industrialized nations sign in 1998 to reduce the production of greenhouse gasses?

Kyoto Protocol

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How many demonstrators were present at the 1989 Tienanmen Square protest when China declared martial law and dispatched the military to stop the peaceful protest?


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What resource was Operation Desert Storm fought over?


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President Bush’s hesitance to directly confront Saddam Hussien was motivated by…

a desire to retain good relations with Arab allies.

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Computers and the Internet were originally developed for use by…

the military.

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One way digital technology transformed American business practices was by…

enabling large firms to control operations around the world.

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President Clinton’s welfare reform act was meant to…

appeal to conservative voters as he ran for re-election.

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Violent conflict in the former Yugoslavia during the Clinton administration stemmed from differences in..


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Despite the economy’s overall improvement during the Clinton years, the…

gap between the rich and poor widened.

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The dramatic increase in business mergers and corporate consolidation during the 1990s resulted in one company owning both the HBO cable network and…

the Atlanta Braves.

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One result of the immigration surge of the 1980s and 1990s was that..

African Americans were no longer the largest minority group in the United States after the start of the 21st century.

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The campaign of “ethnic cleansing” promoted by Siberian leader Slobodan Milosevic resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of people because they were…


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President Clinton’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky led to his impeachment because…

he lied about it under oath.

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Islamic militants orchestrated the bombing of what U.S building in 1993?

World Trade Center

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The Patriot Act restricted the civil liberties of…

all Americans.

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In the case of Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, the United States Supreme Court…

legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

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The results of the 2000 presidential election were difficult to determine because of…

voting irregularities in the state of Florida.

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George W. Bush’s domestic policies were shaped by his…

evangelical Christian beliefs.

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Which global threat emerged in Iraq more than 10 years after toppling of Saddam Hussein?

The growing influence of ISIS

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In response to the September 11 attacks, President Bush immediately sent troops to…


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The massive political changes that swept across the Middle East in 2011 were known as the…

Arab Spring

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Trump’s nativist rhetoric in the 2016 electen echoed the beliefs of what group which advocated for white nationalism?

Alternative right

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In 2017 Donald Trump withdrew from what Obama-era climate agreement?

Paris Climate Agreement

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In 2010 the U.S. Census Bureau disclosed that what percentage of marriages was interracial or inter ethnic?

14 percent

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