Shakespeare Test Part 1

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Shakespeare’s Mother

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Shakespeare's life. Make sure you scroll down on the longer ones so you don't miss anything!

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Shakespeare’s Mother

Mary Aren

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Shakespeare’s father

John Shakespeare

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Shakespeare’s true love

Anne Whatley ( not spelled correctly lol )

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Shakespeare’s wife

Anne Hathaway

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Girl who was baptized or something from the Church Registry.

Susanna Shakespeare

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Shakespeare’s twins

Hamnet and Judith

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Where was Shakespeare born?

Stratford on the Avon

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The Dark Lady

Mary Fitton

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The Globe Theater

Place where most of his plays were performed. Located in London.

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Sir Thomas Lucy

Person that Shakespeare took food from his hunting land.

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April 22 or 23, 1564. Mrs. Dorn likes the 23rd because that’s when he died.

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Date of Death (DOD)

April 23, 1616

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Things his dad was into/jobs

Butcher, policitcan….

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Who was the king after Queen Elizabeth?

King James

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What was life like?

It was possible for people to improve their station that were in the middle class. It was a time of prosperity.

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What disease was going around and how was it spread?

The Black Death/The Plague was going around at the time. Rodents and fleas spread it.

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Entertainment at the time

Bear-baiting, executions, cock fighting, dancing and feasting

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relation by blood.

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Describe Shakespeare as a boy, education, and behavior.

Free education. Went to a grammar school. Poorly behaved. Wrote poems about inappropriate things. Fell in with low company.

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Shakespeare’s first run-in with the law.

Went into Sir Thomas Lucy’s property and took a deer, killed it, and gave it to his friends. The guy sued S and in court, Shakespeare read the poem Lousy Lucy to everyone.

Summarization of Lousy Lucy. He says if kids do things he can’t forgive them, and that he looks like an ass, especially his ears.

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Lousy Lucy poem

A parliament member, a justice of peace

At home a scarecrow, in London an asse

If lousy is Lucy as some folks mis-call it

Then Lucy is lousy whatever befall it

He thinks himself great yet an asse in his state

We allow by his ears but with asses to mate

If Lucy is lousy as some folks mis-call it

Sing lousy Lucy whatever befall it

If juvenile frolic, he cannot forgive

We’ll sing lousy Lucy as long as we live.

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Describe Shakespeare’s relationship with his wife ( as much as possible so a lot )

Anne Hathaway. Met her when he was 18 and she was 26. She was 8 years older than him, spinster, plain and hostile, ugly, and slept around. She said that she was pregnant so he could marry her. He didn’t love her. At the end of their marriage, he left her with his second best bed. Didn’t want to be buried next to her. Set up a house away from her when he came back after being gone for 9 years. Refused to pay off her debts and had numerous affairs.

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Worcester Bishop’s Registry (with all dates and word for word)

Have to memorize this chart word for word:


Worcester Bishop’s Registry


Nov 27, 1582, Lic. William S to Anne Whateley


Nov 28, 1582, Bond to free the bishop of liability of 40 pounds due to impediment by means of pre-contract or consanguinity; filed by farmers Fulk Sandells and John Richardson


Nov. 29, 1582, Lic. William S to Anne Hathaway.


Nov. 29, 1582, wed William S to Anne Hathaway.


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Church Registry (with all dates and word for word)

May 26, 1583, baptized Susanna Shakespeare


February 2, 1585, born Hammet and Judith

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Define patronage, how it related to Shakespeare, and how it relates today.

Relationships where a person with money funded the arts/artists. Queen Elizabeth was his first patron. She asked him to write sonnets for her. Today, anytime we buy a ticket for something or books and we pay for it, we are a patron. People back then would have patrons as well.

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Everything you can say about Mary Fitton

Mary Fitton:

1597 they met.

On and off for years

Dark skin dark hair part of  the queens court

Talked about inappropriate things.

Had many affairs that resulted in a son and two daughters.

Wrote some sonnets about her and included some stuff in play because of her. He may have gone crazy because of her.

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Shakespeare’s tomb inscription

“Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear

To dig the dust enclosed here

Blessed be the man that spares these stones

And cursed be he that moves my bones”

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