Minion (n)
a servant of a powerful person
Deign (v)
to condescend to accept
Thither (adv)
toward that place or point
corporal (adj)
of the body
thane (n)
a person who holds lands of the king
surmise (n)
a thought that something is possible
interim (n)
an intervening time
recompense (v)
to repay
harbinger (n)
a person who goes ahead to make known the approach of another
chastise (v)
to criticize severely
metaphysical (adj)
imaginary or fanciful
Husbandry (n)
careful, thrifty management of domestic resources
Summons (n)
a request, demand, call to duty, task, or performance
Palpable (adj)
plainly visible; tangible
Marshal (v)
to usher or lead
Surfeit (n. or v.)
excessive amount of something
Contend (v)
to struggle; oppose
Clamor (n)
to make loud noises; to drive, force, influence noisily
Badge (n)
to furnish or mark
Multitude (n)
a great many
Augment (v)
to make greater or larger
Requite (v)
to avenge
Dire (adj)
extremely serious