APUSH Period 9 SFI

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Democratic Jimmy Carter

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Democratic Jimmy Carter

Dealt with stagflation, energy crisis, and the Iran hostage crisis, causing increased Republican sentiments.

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Reagan Support

Cold War conservatism, economically pro-business, moral and religious conservatism. Helded Ronald Reagan win massively.

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American prosperity would be achieved through tax cuts and decreased government spendings. This would increase investment in the private sector, leading to economic growth. Rejection of Keynesian economics.

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Economic Recovery Act

Cut income taxes by 25% and many taxes the wealthy had to pay.

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Moral Majority

Wanted to have conservative judges on the Supreme Court. This was fulfilled by Reagen by appointing Sandra Day O’Connor, William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony Kennedy.

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Reagan’s Speeches

Frequently declared against communism and the Soviet Union.

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Glasnot and Perestroika

The attempt to bring more political freedom to Soviet citizens and the introduction of some limited free-market practices to the Soviet economy.

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INF Agreement

Both the US and Soviets agreed to destroy all intermediate range missiles and remove soviet troops from Afghanistan.

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Reagan Doctrine

Pledged that the US would support any world regime that was anticommunist.

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An attempt to overthrow the communist government in this country was eventual stopped because of how abusive to human rights the resistance war.

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Iran Contra Affair (Iran vs. Iraq)

Reagan used profits from secretly sold weapons to Iran to aid the efforts in Nicaragua. This can unconstitutional, but he was eventually freed from any wrongdoings.

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Strategic Defense Initiative

Program to build military grade satellites that could shoot down enemy missiles from space. This caused the US defense budget to increase drastically.

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End of the Cold War

Decreased Soviet involvement in countries, Poland electing non-communist leader, the falling of the Berlin Wall, and the falling of the Soviet Union.

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Start 1 Treaty

The US and Russia agreed to reduce the number of nuclear warheads they possessed down to 10,000 and later down to 3000.

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Start 2 Treaty

US offered funds to Russia to shore up their unstable economy after the collapse.

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Digital Revolution

The shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technologies towards digital electronics which began in the later half of the 20th century, with the adoption and proliferation of digital computers, the internet, and digital record-keeping.

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General Agreement of Trade and Tariffs

Helped outsource manufacturing to other countries for much cheaper. Helped with the decrease of American manufacturing and labor unions.

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Sunbelt States

Increased migration here for the weather and the creation of air conditioning. This changed the amount of power of the House of Representatives in the US.

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Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

Allowed immigration to increase greatly, making up much of the American population growth. This was caused the white population of America to decrease.

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Election of 2000

George W. Bush vs. Al Gore. Since this election was so close, the Supreme Court settled on George Bush.

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Members of the Al-Queda terrorist group coordinated an attack on America. 2 planes were crashed into the twin towers, 1 in the pentagon, and 1 in the countryside.

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War on Terror

Demanded that the Afghanistan government hand over Osama Bin Laden but the Taliban government refused, causing Bush to send troops into Afghanistan, overthrowing the Taliban.

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Iraq War

U.S. forces invaded vowing to destroy weapons of mass destruction and end the dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein. When WMD intelligence proved illusory and a violent insurgency arose, the war lost public support. Saddam was captured, tried, and hanged and democratic elections were held.

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Patriot Acts

Increased government permission to enact surveillance on their citizens. Seen as either infringement or necessary for government security.

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Department of Homeland Security (2002)

Secures the nation's air, land, and sea borders to prevent illegal activity while facilitating lawful travel and trade.

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Climate Change

Increased greenhouse gases from fossil fuels was not uniformly accepted.

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