Aaron Beck
Psychologist who used cognitive therapy to challenge and change negative beliefs
Absolute threshold
Minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulus half the time
Adjusting schemas to fit new information
Achievement tests
Assess what a person has learned
Acoustic encoding
Encoding sound, especially words
Initial stage in conditioning
Action potential
Neural impulse down an axon
Active listening
Empathic listening echoing and clarifying
Adaptation-level phenomenon
Judging based on prior experience
Compulsive drug use despite consequences
Transition from childhood to adulthood
Adrenal glands
Secrete stress hormones
Behavior intended to harm
Logical problem-solving method
Alpha waves
Brain waves in a relaxed state
Unselfish concern for others
Loss of memory
Stimulant drugs affecting mood
Neural clusters linked to emotion
Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder leading to underweight
Antianxiety drugs
Control anxiety and agitation
Antidepressant drugs
Treat depression and anxiety
Antipsychotic drugs
Treat severe thought disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Lack of conscience for wrongdoing
Anxiety Disorders
Characterized by distressing anxiety
Language impairment due to brain damage
Applied research
Solving practical problems through study
Aptitude tests
Predict future performance
Interpreting new experiences with existing schemas
Association areas
Involved in higher mental functions
Associative learning
Learning events occur together
Emotional bond with caregiver
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Marked by inattention and hyperactivity
Feelings influencing responses
Attribution theory
Explains behavior by situation or disposition
Sense of hearing
Disorder affecting communication and social interaction
Automatic processing
Unconscious encoding of information
Autonomic nervous system
Controls internal organs
Availability heuristic
Estimating likelihood based on memory
Aversive conditioning
Associates unpleasant state with behavior
Extension of a neuron for message transmission
Babbling stage
Speech development stage in infants
Depress central nervous system activity
Basal metabolic rate
Body's energy expenditure at rest
Basic research
Increases scientific knowledge base
Basic trust
Sense of predictability and trustworthiness
Behavior genetics
Study of genetic and environmental influences on behavior
Behavior therapy
Applies learning principles to eliminate behaviors
Behavioral medicine
Integrates behavioral and medical knowledge
Behavioral psychology
Study of observable behavior
Objective science studying behavior
Belief perseverance
Clinging to initial beliefs despite discrediting
Binge-eating disorder
Episodes of binge-eating without purging
Binocular cues
Depth cues using two eyes
Records and feeds back physiological information
Biological psychology
Links biology and behavior
Biomedical therapy
Medications acting on the nervous system
Biopsychological approach
Integrates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels
Bipolar Disorder
Alternates between depression and mania
Blind spot
Point where optic nerve leaves the eye
Bottom-up processing
Analysis from sensory receptors to brain
Responsible for automatic survival functions
Broca's area
Controls language expression
Bulimia nervosa
Eating disorder with binge-eating and purging
Bystander effect
Less likely to help in a group
Cannon-Bard theory
Emotion triggers physiological responses and experience
Case study
In-depth study of one person
Emotional release to relieve aggression
Central nervous system (CNS)
Brain and spinal cord
Central route of persuasion
Focuses on argument for attitude change
Processes sensory input and coordinates movement
Cerebral cortex
Controls and processes information
Change blindness
Failing to detect changes when not focusing
Threadlike structures containing genes
Organizing items into manageable units
Circadian rhythm
Biological clock on a 24-hour cycle
Classical conditioning
Learning to link stimuli
Client-centered therapy
Humanistic therapy by Carl Rogers
Control group
The group in an experiment not exposed to the treatment, used for comparison with the experimental group.
Conversion Disorder
A somatoform disorder where a person experiences genuine physical symptoms without a physiological basis.
Coronary Heart Disease
The blockage of heart-nourishing vessels, a leading cause of death in North America.
Corpus Callosum
Neural fibers connecting brain hemispheres, facilitating message transfer.
Measure of how two factors vary together, predicting each other's behavior.
Correlation Coefficient
Statistical index showing the relationship strength between two things (-1 to +1).
Counseling Psychology
Branch aiding people in living problems and well-being improvement.
Behavior therapy using classical conditioning to replace unwanted behaviors.
Ability to generate novel and valuable ideas.
Critical Period
Optimal time post-birth for stimuli exposure affecting proper development.
Critical Thinking
Evaluative thinking questioning assumptions, values, and evidence.
Cross-Sectional Study
Study comparing people of different ages.
Crystallized Intelligence
Accumulated knowledge and verbal skills increasing with age.
CT (Computed Tomography) Scan
X-ray images combined by a computer for body slice representation.
Shared enduring behaviors, ideas, and values transmitted through generations.
Post-experiment explanation including purpose and any deceptions to participants.
Defense Mechanisms
Ego's methods to reduce anxiety by distorting reality.
Loss of self-awareness and restraint in group situations fostering arousal.
Deja Vu
Eerie feeling of experiencing a situation before due to subconscious triggers.
Delta Waves
Large, slow brain waves linked to deep sleep.
False beliefs often accompanying psychotic disorders.