acute abdomen
sudden onset of severe abd pain, urgent dx
acute surgical abd
localised pain
diffuse abd pain
rebound tenderness
guarding (invol cont of abd m)
acute appendicitis
most common acute abd in children and adults
mesenteric tonsilitis
abdo lymp nodes enlarge, after throat or ear infection
inguinal region PE
hernia, testicular torsion
a. appendicitis beginning 6-12h
visceral pain around umbilicus, nausea and vomiting
a. appendicitis 12-24h
pain becomes local, right lower quadrant (somatic pain), direct and indirect tenderness, guarding
a. appendicitis 24-48h
gangrene and perforation (39C), abcess or generalised peritonitis
a. appendicitis adults
obst due to fecaloid
a. appendicitis children
submucosal lymhoid proliferation
perforated appendicitis
bilious vomiting, disseminated abd pain, 39C
diyafram altında sebest hava
kahve çekirdeği
ileus ve invaginasyon
hava sıvı seviyesi
basal pneumonia
diyafram üzerinde odak
fecalom beyaz küp çakıl taşı (tx: lavman)
a appendicitis in children
USG (komplike ise CT)
rasyasyon yok smaller abd cavity to see all
meckel’s diverticulum
omphalımesenteric duct 6-8w’de kaybolmazsa
meckel’s diverticulum
true divert, antimesenteric site,
median umbilical lig
2 arter umbilical cordda
medial umbilical lig
1 ven umbilical cordda
falciform lig
Meckel rule of 2s
2% of pop
m/f 2/1
2 feet prox to ileocecal valve
½ symptom before age of 2
2 heterotopic mucosas: gastric and panreatic
Meckel presentation
intestinal obs: intussusception, band obstruction, volvulus
diverticulitis (dd: acute appendicitis)
epigast, pain receptors
umbilical, treitz-transverse 1/3, kasılmaya bağlı kolik
lower abd
meckel bleeding
painless, vişne çürüğü, ectopic gastric mucosa in the lumen of diverticulum
meckel dx
tc-99m sodium pertechnetate scan, isotope uptake
meckel obstruction
segmental intes volvulus or fibrous cord compression
check hava sıvı seviyesi
if 5-7 proximal
if more distal
invagination of prox into distal, mostly ileocecal
peak in 5-10m
idiopathic: peyer plaques active until 2 yo, lypmhoid tissue islands thickening
intussusception symp
colicky crampy abd pain
abd mass
currant jelly stools, çilek jölesi (içinde mukus)
abd distention
mechanic intestinal obs
vomiting, nausea (late billous önce mide content)
colic pain
distantion (gas)
gaz, gaitada kesilme
çilek jölesi kan
USG: target sign
intussusception etio
polyp, meckel, tumor, duplication
all these need surgery as tx
older than 2
intussusception tx
oral kes, NGT! (aspirasyon riskini azaltıyor, laryngospazm)
damar yolu
correct electrolyte disorder, monitor urine output
dark colored digested blood, upper gir, treitz prox
red blood stool, lower gi, meckels or intuss, treitz distal
occult blood
colon ca
anal fissure
parlak kan, most of lower gi bleeding
adult: hemorrhoid
anal inspection: crack in anocutenous junction
necrotizing enterocolitis
most imp vital in kids
daily fluid main 1-10kg
daily fluid main 10-20kg
daily fluid main 20-30kg
daily sodium
3-4 mEq/kg/d
daily potasium
daily calcium
daily magnesium
upper limit of potasium
40 mEq in 1L
urine output
if none, do not add K, kidneys are not filtering
hyponatremia (na below 135)
(aimed na level - serum na level) x body weight x 0.6
half is given in first 8h, remaining in 16h cause of brain edema risk
hypovolemic shock
20ml/kg isotonic saline or ringers lactate rapidly in 20-30min
if no improvement, 10-20 is repeated in 20-30min
if still no improv despite 3 times, ongoing fluid loss or cardiac or renal pathoh
hipovolemik şok
soluk, konfuze or loss of conc
filiform pulse: çok hızlı ama zayıf, sıvı V yok
capillary return 2snden uzun
şok 20ler kuralı
yüzde 20 kayıp—>istonic nacl or ringer laktat
kilo başı 20ml
20dkda ver, 1 saatte 3 kez
şokta monitor et
body weight esp in neonates
urine v, density, osmolarity
blood gasi pulse, blood pressure
total parenteral nutrition
gis cannot be used, cannot be fed for more than 4-5d, prolonged starvation, meet conditions of a diet
TPN fluids
carbohy (%50), 5 10 20 30 D, 15-30 gr/kg/day, 3.4cal/gr
protein (20): trophamine, hepatamine, neframin; 2-4; 3.4
lipid (35): 10 20, 1-3, 9
TPN complications
gis devreye girdiği an kesilmeli
metabolic compl: liver failure, allergy, electrolyte, volume overload, resp failure
levator muscle complex
wraps rectum
hammock from symphysis pubis
fecal continance
anorectal malformation female
perineal fistula Low
vestibular fistula Low
persistent cloaca short common channel High
persistent cloaca long common channel High
anorectal malformation male
perineal Low
prostatic urethral fistula High
vesical fistula High
no fistula Low or High
ARM radiology
cross table lateral xray, invertogram
gas in the most distal, around 20-24h after birth
ARM ass anomalies
V: vertebral defects (incontinance both urinary and defacation if more than 3 spine is missing)
A: anal atresia
C: cardiac defects (EKO cardogram)
T: tracheo-esophageal fistula (NGT gets stuck 10 cm in)
R: renal anomalies
E: esophageal atresia
L: limb abnormalities
low ARM tx
24-48h surgeryh
high ARM tx
colostomy in newborn (diverting colostomy: 2 ayrı uç, kaka ilkinde torbaya distalde sadece mukus var)
definitive surgery 4-6m
colostomy closure
1 yaşına kadar yapılmalı, temiz aralıklı kontinans, levator kontinansı kesin değil
hirschsprung’s disease
no ganglion cells in myenteric and submucosal plexus, agonglionosis of the bowel due to failure of migration
no jumps, proximal is normal
parasym neural cell fibers and setilcholineterase activity increased
mostly rectosigmoid colon
distal bowel cannot relax→ mechanical obs
gangion cells
source: vagal neural crest
5th week esophagus
7th week midgut
12th week rectum
transmural migration: 1st myenteric (auerbach)→12-16th week→ submucosal (meissner) plexus
relaxation of the bowel
newborn: no meconium in first 2 days, intest obs signs
child: long term constipation, abd distention, DRE: explosive air stool outut
hirschsprung’s dx
rectal biopsy
hirschsprung’s tx
transanal endorectal pull through
transanal pull through for sigmoid
hirschsprung’s enterocolitis
abdominal disten, vomiting, fever, diarhea (foul smell)
yaş ilerledikçe geriliyor
antibiotic yıkama, staz (bakteri), perforasyon riski