History Exam 3 (Steplyk)

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Main Reason for the Depression

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Main Reason for the Depression

Wars give the economy a temporary high, later resulting in a depression

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Peacetime conditions to end the Depression?

End of wartime rationing price freezes, and wage freezes

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Revenue Act of 1945

Cuts in income and corporate taxes

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What was the dark side of the alliance with Stalin?

- Katyn Frest Massacre (Soviets killed Polish officers)
- Diversion of US war material to USSR
- Uranium and other atomic materials secretly provided to the Soviets

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Who was the cold war between and why was it called the "Cold" War?

America and the Soviet Union and because there was very little gunfire, it was cold

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Who conducted the "Iron Curtain" speech and what was the goal of the speech?

Winston Churchill and the goal of the speech was to warn of the dangers Soviet Union posed (Churchill opposed communism)

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What was containment and who proposed it?

Containment is the the act of actin offensively to contain an opponent (Soviet Union) and George Kennan proposed it

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Truman Doctrine

Truman's word to step up and supply counterforce to maintain containment of the Soviet Union.

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Berlin Blockade

Allies came and went, bringing basic supplies to keep the city alive but Stalin created a blockade discontinuing the supplies by the US

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What was the Chamber-Hiss case?

Chambers a used Hiss of being a Soviet spy in the US

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Election of 1948?

Harry Truman vs. Thomas Dewey vs. Storm Thurmond
- Truman won and was known for his charisma and energetic personality

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Chicago Tribune picture?

Famous picture that incorrectly said "Dewey defeats Truman"

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NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

A military alliance of various nations (nations of the Pacific) to prevent another war (Warsaw Pact is the opposite and composed of nations opposing NATO)

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Soviet Atomic Bomb

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed on June 19, 1953 for suspected treason

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The Korean War

War between North and South Korea where the U.S. intervened

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Which side attacked the other?

North Korea (communists) attacked South Korea (democracy)

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Where was Korea going to be split and between who?

On the 58th parallel and between the Soviet Union and the U.S.

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What was the Battle of Inchon?

U.S. landed on Inchon bay and moved North to push back North Vietnam's aggressive attacks and close in on the Chinese Territory

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Who was the U.S. president during the Korean War and who supported the North Koreans?

Truman and the Soviet Union

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What was the Red China Counterattacks?

America attacked China across the Yalu River and the 1st Marine Division supported the Chosin Reservoir

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Truman and MacArthur's different views on the Korean War? Result?

Truman wanted to get out of the war as soon as possible, while MacArthur wanted a military victory in China. Truman fired MacArthur

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What was the Stalemate and Armistice?

General Mathew Ridgeway became the U.S. military commander and planned a counterattack to push back the communists (North Korea and China). There was a stalemate around the 38th parallel

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Election of 1952. Winner?

Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower won.

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McArthy and "McArthyism"

Senator McCarthy ran a witch hunt to seek out Soviet spies in the U.S.

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Brown v. Board of Education (1954). Result?

The opening movement to the Civil Rights movement where Thurgood Marshall argued to the Supreme Court to desegregate school; school were now desegregated

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Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Result? Final Result?

Parks performed a sit-in on the front of a bus where blacks were supposed to sit in the back. Parks as arrested. Busses were fully segregated

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"The Little Rock Nine" and trouble?

The first nine black teenagers to be assimilated into a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. Eisenhower sent the 101st airborne to escort the students around school after the Governor of Arkansas' fit

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The Baby Boom

The major increase in child births between 1946 and 1964 due to soldiers from WW2 returning home

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Growth of Suburbs. First suburb?

Growth in residential areas where families had house. Levittown

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Eisenhower and the Interstate System. Funded by?

Goal was to transfer soldiers across country easier. Funded by fuel (gasoline) taxes

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Election of 1960. Winner? What was special about this election?

John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon. JFK won. The election of 1960 was the first televised election

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Kennedy's Tax Policy

Adopted tax cuts as a domestic policy

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Bay of Pigs Invasion (April 17-19, 1961). Result?

A CIA planned invasion on Cuba to overthrow Castro, the communist leader. Invasion failed

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What was the Vienna Conference and what was the result?

The meeting between Kennedy and Khruschev (Soviet leader) where Khrushchev thought he could push Kennedy around. Khrushchev granted the construction of the Berlin Wall.

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JFK speech in West Berlin

Goal was to calm West Berliners and make them feel he was one of them

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What was the Cuban Missile Crisis. Result?

America's effort to extract missiles that were sent to communist Cuba from communist Soviet Union (Soviet Union wanted a closer range to the US). The US blockaded Cuba, restricting ships from entering and shipping missiles.

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Compromise to the Cuban Missile Crisis? Secret compromise?

Soviets made a compromise to stop providing missiles to the US if the US stopped preemptive attacks on Cuba. US withdraw the missiles aimed at the Soviet Union in Turkey

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1950s Cars

Golden Age of cars (cars and the interstate encouraged tourism)

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1950s Television

"I Love Lucy" and "Mickey Mouse." Western shores were extremely popular (Bonanza, Davy Crocket etc.)

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1950s Toys

Davy Crocket toys, slinky, frisbee, Play-Doh, Barbie etc.

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Rock and Roll

Johhny Cash and Elvis Presley

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JFK's Death (November 22, 1963) and vice president

Shot and killed while in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in

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Who killed JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald

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Wha happened immediately after shooting JFK?

Oswald ran and killed officer J.D. Tippet

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Who ended up killing Lee Harvey Oswald?

Jack Ruby

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Election of 1964. Winner?

Lyndon B. Johnson vs. Barry Goldwater. Lyndon B. Johnson

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LBJ's "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" included

Food Stamp Act of 1964
Elementary and Secondary Act
Medicare and Medicaid
Fair Housing Act
Aid to Families with dependent Children (WILL BE ON TEST)

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The "War on Poverty" Results. Was it successful?

Blacks and Hispanics had a higher rate of unwed mothers and individual poverty rate compared to white; it was unsuccessful

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Sit-in at Woolworth Lunch Counter

4 freshman college students protest on election result

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Freedom Rider

Group who protested bus segregation in the South

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Project "C" - Birmingham

Civil Rights activists faced off against Theopolis "Bull". Used young people to standoff to keep the adults from being imprisoned

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Who led Project "C"?

Martin Luther King

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What did the "C" stand for?


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March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Where'd it take place and what famous speech was conducted?

Washington D.C. on the Lincoln Memorial steps and MLK presented the "I Have a Dream" speech

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16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

4 young black girls killed

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

Gave Congress power to make laws across state lines

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Voting Rights Act of 1965

Protected the rights of the Americans to vote

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1960s Race Riots. Most destructive and famous race riot?

Race riots between whites and blacks (both sides sparked riots). 1965 Watts Riot

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Civil Rights Activists

Malcolm X (promoted violence), the Black Panthers and Elijah Muhammed

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Troubles in Vietnam?

Vietnam was split into a North and South. North (under communist rule) ended up beating the South

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American intervention is Vietnam War. Did Americans favor the War?

America wanted to end all communistic rule around the world. The majority favored America's intervention.

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Kennedy and Vietnam. Goal?

Drastically increased US troops presence in Vietnam and promoted the Green Berets (special forces). Worked in tandem with South Vietnam to overthrow Ngo Diem, the north Vietnam ruler.

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The Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Result?

US Navy ship was in international waters and was attacked by a Norh Vietnam submarine. Set off the US and we declared war.

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Operation Rolling Thunder. North Vietnam's response?

Series of bombing across North Vietnam to weaken their forces and hurt their supplies. Northers Vietnamese soldier shot at US planes and helicopters from sandsites.

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1968 Tet Offensive. Result?

North Korea surprised attacked South Vietnam and the US on Tet, the major holiday in Vietnam, after an agreed cease-fire. You can't fuk wit Merica', we kicked their ass.

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What happened to Johnson's presidency after the Vietnam War?

Walter Kronkite (famous news broadcaster) lost hope in Johnson; put a strain on his Presidency.

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1960's Counterculture and what they valued

Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll! Was a rebellion from mainstream society's values and was known for its vocal protests agains the war in Vietnam

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Woodstock Concert

Famous concert that had a lot of drugs P

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Sexual Revolution


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Election of 1968. Winner?

Nixon vs. Humphrey vs. George Wallace. Nixon?

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Democrat Background of 1968 Election

Protestors fought with Police in Chicago before Democratic debate. Goal was to pressure Democrats to produce an anti-war candidate

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Robert Kennedy

Democratic favorite but was murdered

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George Wallace

1968 Election candidate who ran for the American Independent party

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What did Richard Nixon promote (two parts)?

- "Peace with honor," or a military win in Vietnam without negative backlash
- Promoted law and order (enforcement of the counterculture)

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Who did Nixon want to follow him?

Nixon wanted the "silent majority" to follow him; or the opposite of the counterculture

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What was "Vietnamization"?

Nixon's plan to reduce the amount of troops in Vietnam (ex. 1968: 536,100 troops - 1973: 50 troops)

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Operation Linebacker. Result?
Operation Linebacker II. Result?

- Series of bombing on North Vietnam on Hanoi, railroads etc.. Vietnam did;t surrender
- Nixon proceeded with more attacks until North Vietnam was willing to negotiate an end to the war

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Taking the War into Cambodia

Nixon hit the Ho Chi Man trail in Vietnam. Go Frogs.

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