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Intro Paragraph

-Begin with a Hook/Attention Grabber -Offer some background on the topic and context -Last sentence is your Thesis Statement

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Body Paragraphs

-First sentence is a Topic Sentence -4-5 sentences of Evidence, Examples, Details, and Reasoning

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Conclusion Paragraph

-Summarize your main points, but do not simply restate; “remind” the reader -Leave with the logical next step; a parting thought; a final assessment; a connection to a larger topic or concept

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A bold & arguable claim.

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Closed Thesis

a statement of the main idea of the argument that also previews the major points the writer intends to make. It is “closed” because it limits the number of points the writer will make.

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Open Thesis

Does not list all the points the writer intends to cover. Rather, it makes a bold & arguable claim that is explored holistically within the writing. Specific evidence is still used, but the focus is not limited to a specific number of points. An open thesis makes a claim with a universal “thread” that is the basis for the entire argument and is directly supported by the examples/evidence provided.

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1st Person POV

The narrator uses words such as “I”, “me”, “my”, and “we”, revealing only his/her thoughts &


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2nd Person POV

The narrator dictates the reader’s actions by using phrases such as “you go” “you stop”; instructional (“You go down the hallway and look left—you immediately run upon seeing a monster.”

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3rd Person Omniscient

The narrator can reveal the thoughts and feelings of all characters

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3rd Person Limited

The narrator can only reveal the thoughts and feelings of one character

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3rd person objections

The narrator can describe only the actions of characters; does not have direct

access to thoughts or feelings

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Goddess of Love and Beauty

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The God of War

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Apollo’s twins, also known as the Lady of Wild Things

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Replaces Hestia on Mt. Olympus-God of Wine

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The God of Wealth; ruler of the underworlds

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The God of FIre; protector of the smiths/forge

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Goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth

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Messenger god; god of traveling and theieves

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Goddess of the Hearth

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Pallas Athena

Goddess of War, protector of the city

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Phoebus Apollo

The most Greek of all gods, God of Music, poetry, art, ect.

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Ruler of the Sea; yields the trident; known as the earth shaker

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Lord of the Sky, the rain god, the CLoud-gatherer

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Greek Creation

Chaos(nothing)-Night(darkness) and Erebus(death)-Love-Light and Day(setting for life)-Gaea(Mother Earth) and Ouranus(Father heaven) -Hundred handed monsters and the cyclopes; Cronus and the titans. Cronus and Rhea-Zeus and several of the gods

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Story of Hercules

Heracles was the all-round action hero of Greek mythology. He was ordered to carry out his famous ‘Twelve Labours’ as penance for the murder of his own wife and children(which was an accident caused by Heras influence; she was angry Zeus had kids with other people) , while he was in the service of King Eurystheus, Hercules’ cousin. A few of them are quite famous – Hercules killing the Nemean lion, or stealing the golden apples of the Hesperides – but others, such as slaying the Stymphalian birds, are more obscure. The labors were supposed to be impossible, but Hercules completed them all.

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Greek creation(depth)

-Mother Earth came into existence & gave life to Father Heaven to have as a partner -Ouranus (Father Heaven) tried to keep his power and banished his children -Cronus, with the help of his mother (Gaea/Earth) overthrew Ouranus & took control along with the Titans. -Like his father, Cronus was worried about losing his power to his children, so ate them after birth. -Rhea, Cronus’s wife, hid Zeus after birth and tricked Cronus by feeding him a blanket-wrapped rock. -After being raised in a cave by nymphs, Zeus returned and freed his brothers & sisters by putting mustard seed in Cronus’s drink, forcing him to throw-up the gods. -Along with the help of the hundred-handed giants, Zeus & the Gods assumed power and ruled from Mt. Olympus. The Titans were banished or punished, but still existed within mythology.

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Major Plot points of Romeo and Juliet

-Friar Lawrence and duality. Mentions how one herb can be picked for both poison and medicine, showing how something/someone can be more than one thing.

-They are both willing to end their lives for the sake of love and being without each other.

-The sleeping potion is what started the snowball that led to both of their deaths

-Friar Lawrence helped R&J have a secret romance, i.e: get married.

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Trojan War Start

The Greeks and Trojans fought. It started when the goddess Discord threw an apple that said for the fairest into “a god party” she wasn’t invited to. Three goddess: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, fought over who they thought was the fairest. Zeus, but he doesn’t really want to answer. He sends them to Paris, and he is bribed by Aphrodites offer of the most beautiful girl, Helen of Troy, and he took her. (It is not know if he “stole her” or she went willingly) This caused the Trojan war.

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Major Heroes of the Trojan War

Achilles, Menelaus, Paris, Ajax, Diomedes, Hector, Patroclus, Odysseus.

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End of the Trojan War

The Trojan War lasted 10 years. It ended when the Greeks made a giant horse, and all of the warriors went inside. They parked it in front of the wall of Troy. Odysseus was the creator of this idea. The Trojans were told that this horse was a gift because Athena wanted it to be in Troy, and so the willingly brought the horse into Troy. All of the people come out of the horse and destroy Troy in the end.

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The Odyssey

The Odyssey is an epic poem written by Homer about Odysseus’s trip home back from the Trojan War. This trek home to Ithaca takes 10 years because of all the antagonists Odysseus must face. Odysseus travels home with a starting amount of quite a large group of men. However, these men are greedy and lazy, and end up dying along the way home. The only person who survives their way back to Ithaca after being attacked by Posiedon and many other monsters is Odysseus.

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Norse Mythology

Asgard- the home of gods. Not radiant or heaven-like.

Two Eddas-poems about Norse myths

Gods Include: Odin(sky), Balder, Hela(goddess of the dead), Hoder (Balders brother, and more.

Niflheim- world of the dead.

Valhalla-realm of heroes

Gods are able to die, they are not immortal

Loki was the son of a giant, he was not a god. He convinced Hoder to kill his brother Balder who is the most beloved of the gods.

Loki’s Punishment- Tied to a rock with a serpent over his head. The venom from the serpent drips down and causes lots of pain to loki. His wife, Sigyn, helps by holding a cup to catch the venom.

Ymir- The first giant

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Major Points of A Christmas Carol

Ignorance and want represent Scrooges inability to focus on nothing but his WANT for money. However he was IGNORANT to see how this WANT caused him to lose the people who cared about him.

We are all passengers to the grave shows how we are all going to die at some point, which gives us more similarities than differences.

Living in the past is not a great thing. Being aware of the present eliminates negative feelings about past mistakes and fears of the future. The result is the absence of worry and stress. Living in the past causes you to worry strictly about your mistakes and not focus on how you could do better int the future.

When you live solely for the moment, you act on impulse. Your behavior is the product of circumstance rather than conscious choice. As a result, you often make regretful decisions.

Living in the future (especially in Scrooges case) can cause a lack of focus on those who care. Focusing only on the things you want to happen and only thinking about the future causes you to not create any memories and not focus on the good ones from the past.

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