What’s an Export?
Selling of goods/services to other countries.
What’s an Import?
Buying of goods and services from other countries.
What’s a Balance of Payments on Current Account?
BOPOCA = Exports - Imports
Factors affecting imports & exports?
Price elasticity
State of the world economy
Non-price factors
Exchange rates (SPICED)
Competitive Advantage
Deficit - Imports > Exports (because there’s 2 i’s in deficit)
Surplus - Imports < Exports
If an Import is PRICE INELASTIC, Total spending on the import will ____?
What is imported inflation?
Inflation brought into the economy due to the currency weakening and therefore making imports more expensive.
What can happen in the long term if imports are too expensive?
Domestic substitutes may arise.
Non-Price Factors that affect Exports
GDP of other countries increases
Changes in taste and fashion
Productive capacity increases
Product differentiation increases demand
When economic units concentrate on producing specific goods or services.
Likely to lead to increased productivity (output per worker
Benefits & Drawbacks of specialisation
Comp adv
Efficient use of time
Technical economies of scale
Lack of diversification
Foreign Direct Investment
Investment made by one business/entity from one country into the production capacity of another entity from another country.
Why does FDI occur?
Differing interest rates in different countries, businesses aim to obtain highest
Cluster production geographically or cluster in countries close to business