An Inspector Calls: Quotes

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[rather _____ in his _____] about Mr Birling

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[rather _____ in his _____] about Mr Birling

[rather provincial in his speech] about Mr Birling

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[her husband’s _____ _____] about Mrs Birling

[her husband’s social superior] about Mrs Birling

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[very _____ with _____ and rather _____] about Sheila

[very pleased with life and rather excited] about Sheila

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[easy _____-_____ _____man-about-_____] about Gerald

[easy well-bred young man-about-town] about Gerald

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[Not quite at _____, half _____, half _____] about Eric

[Not quite at ease, half shy, half assertive] about Eric

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_____, you must take a little _____ - Mr Birling

Sybil, you must take a little tonight - Mr Birling

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[_____] Arthur, you’re not _____ to say such _____ - Mrs Birling

[Reproachfully] Arthur, you’re not supposed to say such things - Mrs Birling

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When you’re _____ you’ll realise that _____ with _____ work have to spend _____ all their _____ on their _____ - Mrs Birling

When you’re married you’ll realise that men with important work have to spend nearly all their time on their business - Mrs Birling

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You’re just the _____ of son-in-law I always _____ - Mr Birling

You’re just the kind of son-in-law I always wanted - Mr Birling

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I _____ _____ make _____ at you - Mr Birling

I don’t often make speeches at you - Mr Birling

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_____, absolutely _____ - Mr Birling

unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable - Mr Birling

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we _____-headed _____ _____ must say _____ sometime - Mr Birling

we hard-headed practical businessmen must say something - Mr Birling

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_____ a _____, of course - Mr Birling

Just a knighthood, of course - Mr Birling

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like _____ in a _____- _____ and all that _____ - Mr Birling

like bees in a hive - community and all that nonsense - Mr Birling

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One _____ and one _____ of _____ at a time - Inspector Goole

One person and one line of inquiry at a time - Inspector Goole

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If we were all _____ for _____ that _____ to _____ we’d had _____ to do with - Mr Birling

If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we’d had anything to do with - Mr Birling

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She was a _____ good-_____ _____- Mr Birling

She was a lively good-looking girl - Mr Birling

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It’s _____ to ask for the _____ than to _____ it - Inspector Goole

It’s better to ask for the earth than to take it - Inspector Goole

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Why shouldn’t they try for _____ _____ ? - Eric

Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages? - Eric

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She _____ very _____ when I saw her _____, but she had been _____ - _____ _____ - Inspector Goole

She wasn’t very pretty when I saw her today, but she had been pretty - very pretty - Inspector Goole

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But these _____ aren’t _____ _____ - they’re _____ - Sheila

But these girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people - Sheila

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And then she got _____ into _____ there I _____ - Mr Birling

And then she got herself into trouble there I suppose - Mr Birling

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[He moves _____ a _____ … and _____ _____ to him]

[He moves nearer a light … and she crosses to him]

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[_____] So I’m _____ _____ - Sheila

[miserably] So I’m really responsible - Sheila

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I went to the _____ and told _____ that this _____ had been very _____ - and - and [almost _____ _____] - Sheila

I went to the manager and told him that this girl had been very impertinent - and - and [almost breaks down] - Sheila

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I’ll _____, never do it _____ to _____ - Sheila

I’ll never, never do it again to anybody - Sheila

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Oh don’t be _____ … You gave _____ away as _____ as he _____ her _____ name - Sheila

Oh don’t be stupid … You gave yourself away as soon as he mentioned her other name - Sheila

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I _____ come into this _____ business - Gerald

I don’t come into this suicide business - Gerald

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Why - you _____ - he _____ . Of _____ , he knows. And I hate to think how _____ he knows that we _____ - Sheila

Why - you fool - he knows. Of course, he knows. And I hate to think how much he knows that we don’t - Sheila

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I think Miss _____ ought to be _____ … She’s had a _____, _____ and _____ day - Gerald

I think Miss Birling ought to be excused …She’s had a long, exciting and tiring day - Gerald

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you think _____ women out to be _____ against _____ and _____ things - Inspector Goole

you think young women out to be protected against unpleasant and disturbing things - Inspector Goole

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[_____ taking _____ ] about Inspector Goole

[massively taking charge] about Inspector Goole

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I’m _____ you’ll say _____ or do _____ that you’ll be _____ for _____ - Sheila

I’m afraid you’ll say something or do something that you’ll be sorry for afterwards - Sheila

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We _____ do on the _____ ones. They’re more _____ - Inspector Goole

We often do on the young ones. They’re more impressionable - Inspector Goole

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_____ of _____ class - Mrs Birling

Girls of that class - Mrs Birling

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[rather _____ ] …You know of course my _____ was Lord _____ only two years ago - Mrs Birling

[rather grandly] …You know of course my husband was Lord Mayor only two years ago - Mrs Birling

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_____ , who seems to be in an _____ _____ mood - Mrs Birling

Eric, who seems to be in an excitable silly mood - Mrs Birling

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Though _____ , I don’t know _____ about this girl - Mrs Birling

Though naturally, I don’t know anything about this girl - Mrs Birling

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No, he’s _____ us the _____ - so that we’ll _____ _____ - Sheila

No, he’s giving us the rope - so that we’ll hang ourselves - Sheila

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It _____ be much _____ if _____ didn’t listen - Mrs Birling

It would be much better if Sheila didn’t listen - Mrs Birling

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I hate those hard-_____ _____ -_____ _____ - Gerald

I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women - Gerald

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you don’t mean _____ _____ ? … Of course I do. He’s a _____ _____ - Mrs Birling and Gerald

you don’t mean Alderman Meggarty? … Of course I do. He’s a notorious womanizer - Mrs Birling and Gerald

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I insisted on _____ moving into those _____ and I made her take some _____ - Gerald

I insisted on Daisy moving into those rooms and I made her take some money - Gerald

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But she became your _____ ? … Yes I _____ it was _____. - Inspector Goole and Gerald

But she became your mistress? … Yes I suppose it was inevitable. - Inspector Goole and Gerald

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Your _____ isn’t _____ on the _____ - Inspector Goole

Your daughter isn’t living on the moon - Inspector Goole

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And I’m _____ a _____, don’t _____ - Sheila

And I’m not a child, don’t forget - Sheila

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I don’t think we _____ any _____ _____ of this _____ affair - Mrs Birling

I don’t think we want any further details of this disgusting affair - Mrs Birling

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[She _____ him the _____] Sheila to _____

[She hands him the ring] Sheila to Gerald

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Don’t _____ , please, _____ - Sheila

Don’t interfere, please, Father - Sheila

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_____ her when it _____ him - Sheila

dropped her when it suited him - Sheila

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_____ men, Mr _____ have _____ as well as _____ - Inspector Goole

Public men, Mr Birling have responsibilities as well as privileges - Inspector Goole

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a _____ member - of the _____ Women’s _____ Organisation - Inspector Goole

a prominent member - of the Brumley Women’s Charity Organisation - Inspector Goole

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You admit to being _____ against her _____ … Yes - Inspector Goole and Mrs Birling

You admit to being prejudiced against her case … Yes - Inspector Goole and Mrs Birling

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I think she only had _____ to _____ - Mrs Birling

I think she only had herself to blame - Mrs Birling

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she _____ with a _____-_____ inside on a _____ - Inspector Goole

she lies with a burnt-out inside on a slab - Inspector Goole

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As if a _____ of that _____ would ever _____ _____! - Mrs Birling

As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money! - Mrs Birling

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I _____ the _____ man who was the _____ - Mrs Birling

I blame the young man who was the father - Mrs Birling

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[with _____ alarm] _____ - stop - stop! - Sheila

[with sudden alarm] Mother - stop - stop! - Sheila

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And he _____ to be _____ with very _____ - Mrs Birling

And he ought to be dealt with very severely - Mrs Birling

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You’re _____ like a _____ _____ tonight [Sheila begins crying] - Mrs Birling

You’re behaving like a hysterical child tonight [Sheila begins crying] - Mrs Birling

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[exchanges a _____ _____ with her _____] - Mrs Birling

[exchanges a frightened glance with her husband] - Mrs Birling

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[Eric _____ , looking _____ pale and _____ … He meets their _____ stares. Curtain falls _____ ]

[Eric enters, looking extremely pale and distressed … He meets their inquiring stares. Curtain falls quickly]

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But I didn’t know it was _____ - I never _____ . - Mrs Birling

But I didn’t know it was you - I never dreamt. - Mrs Birling

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I was in that _____ when a _____ easily turns _____ - and I _____ to make a _____ - Eric

I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty - and I threatened to make a row - Eric

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_____, take your _____ along to the _____ room - Mr Birling

Sheila, take your mother along to the drawing room - Mr Birling

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she was _____ and a _____ _____ - Eric

she was pretty and a good sport - Eric

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she _____ me - as if I were a _____. Though I was _____ as _____ as she was - Eric

she treated me - as if I were a kid. Though I was nearly as old as she was - Eric

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You stole _____?... No, _____ really. I _____ to pay it back - Mrs Birling and Eric

You stole money?... No, not really. I intended to pay it back - Mrs Birling and Eric

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Because you’re _____ the _____ of father a _____ would go to when he’s in _____ - Eric

Because you’re not the kind of father a chap would go to when he’s in trouble - Eric

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my _____ - your own _____ - you _____ them both - _____ you, damn you - Eric

my child - your own grandchild - you killed them both - damn you, damn you - Eric

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Each of you _____ to _____ her - Inspector Goole

Each of you helped to kill her - Inspector Goole

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_____ her for the _____ of a _____ drunken _____, as if she was an _____ , a thing not a _____ - Inspector Goole

Used her for the end of a stupid drunken evening, as if she was an animal, a thing not a person - Inspector Goole

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I’d _____ _____ - yes, thousands - Mr Birling

I’d give thousands - yes, thousands - Mr Birling

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there are _____ and millions and millions of _____ Smiths and _____ Smiths - Inspector Goole

there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths - Inspector Goole

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We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other - Inspector Goole

We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other - Inspector Goole

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if men will not _____ that lesson then they will be _____ it in _____ and _____ and _____ - Inspector Goole

if men will not learn that lesson then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish - Inspector Goole

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What does it _____ now whether they give you a _____ or not? - Eric

What does it matter now whether they give you a knighthood or not? - Eric

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The _____ is, you don’t seem to have learnt _____ - Sheila

The point is, you don’t seem to have learnt anything - Sheila

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Makes all the _____ … No it _____ - Mr Birling and Sheila

Makes all the difference … No it doesn’t - Mr Birling and Sheila

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Someone put that _____ up to coming here and _____ us. There are _____ in this town who _____ me _____ to do that - Mr Birling

Someone put that fellow up to coming here and hoaxing us. There are people in this town who dislike me enough to do that - Mr Birling

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You’re _____ to pretend now that _____ really _____ at all. And I _____ _____ it like that - Eric

You’re beginning to pretend now that nothing’s really happened at all. And I can’t see it like that - Eric

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It’s what _____ to the _____ and what we _____ did to her that _____ - Eric

It’s what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters - Eric

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_____, you’ve _____ this very _____, and I’m most _____ - Mrs Birling

Gerald, you’ve argued this very cleverly, and I’m most grateful - Mrs Birling

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[_____] You’re _____ everything’s just as it was _____ … I’m _____!  - Sheila and Eric

[passionately] You’re pretending everything’s just as it was before … I’m not!  - Sheila and Eric

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Now _____ at the pair of them - the _____ _____ _____ who know it all. And they can’t _____ take a _____ - Mr Birling

Now look at the pair of them - the famous younger generation who know it all. And they can’t even take a joke - Mr Birling

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[As they stare _____ and _____ , the curtain _____ ]

[As they stare guiltily and dumbfounded, the curtain falls]

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