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What is a priestess ? ( Greece )

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What is a priestess ? ( Greece )


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Who did priestesses usually worship ?( Greece )

Mostly female goddesses except for Dionysus and Apollo

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How could you become a priestess ?( Greece )

  • by election

  • inheritance form parents

  • winning a lottery

  • buying the position

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What did a priestess do ?( Greece )

  • mainly and administrative role

  • looked after the temple and sanctuary

  • supervised washing and clothing the stute

  • lead sacrifices and some festivals

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How long are you a priestess for ?( Greece )

it is a part time job and only donwe for a year

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What did they wear ?( Greece )

a special headband and white and purple - pure and royal colours

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How important would being a priestess be to a woman ? ( Greece )

Very important as it is the only way women can take part in public life - and gave them a role in decision making over the temple and religious laws

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What would you receive by being a priestess ? ( Greece )

  • You would be paid and didn’t have to pay taxes

  • you might get parts of animals from sacrifices ( which can be sold for high prices )

  • got front seats at the theatre /games

  • received a public burial which was a honour

  • some could even own property an pass it on (make a will)

  • Dates marked with their names and inscribed on building

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What is a libation ? ( Greece )

a liquid offering

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What could be sacrificed ? ( Greece )

  • animals

  • little figurines

  • objects

  • food

  • pour out libations

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What were the most important sacrifices ?( Greece )


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What could a priestess do at a sacrifice ?( Greece )

They could lead it

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What would happen at a sacrifice ? ( Greece )

  • prayed

  • killed the animal

  • prayed again

  • ordered the assistants to cook and carve the meet

  • eat the meat

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Who would inspect the organ after a sacrifice ? And what would they do ? ( Greece )

A mantis to see if the gods accepted the sacrifice

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What did a mantis do ? ( Greece )

  • decide if a god accepted an offering

  • read omens in the movements of birds and weather patterns

  • gave vague prophecies so were never technically wrong

  • could advise politicians and leaders

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Could anyone be a mantis ? ( Greece )

Yes as long as you said you were in touch with the gods

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Who is the most important mantis in greece ? ( Greece )

The pythia

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Where was the pythia located ? ( Greece )


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Why was the Pythia the most reliable oracle ? ( Greece )

Apollo is the god of prophecy so her prophecy’s are the best

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Why is the pythia the most powerful woman in greece ? ( Greece )

She would give prophecies to people and people would come from all over the world so she can influence things

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What did the Pythia often give advice about ? ( Greece )

How to clear yourself of religious pollution

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Who other than the pythia is present ? ( Greece )

2 male priests and assistants

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How long were you a pythia for ? ( Greece )

it was a job for life

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What couldn’t you do as the pythia ? ( Greece )

have sex

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When did the Pythia answer questions ? ( Greece )

7th day of the 9 warmest months as Apollo is god of the sun

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How did the pythia give a prophecy ? ( Greece )

  • bathed in the castalian spring

  • wore a garland of bay leaves

  • sat on a tripod

  • went in a druggy trance

  • whilst giving a prophecy held a laurel leaf and a bowl of water

  • mumbled and it was written down by a priest as poetry

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Where did the pythia sit in the temple ? ( Greece )

The Adyton

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Who could ask the Pythia a question ? ( Greece )

Only men but women could ask through men

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What did you have to do before asking the Pythia ? ( Greece )

  • bathe in the Castilian spring

  • sacrifice an animal

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What is a cult ? ( Greece )

A group dedicated to one god with special rituals and festivals

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What is a public cult ?( Greece )

For main gods you could just worship or be a priest

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What is a mystery cult ? ( Greece )

for less popular gods with a big focus on death and the afterlife

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How did religion link to being a kyria ?( Greece )

Being part of a cult was seen as part of being a good kyria - it was also an opportunity to get out of the house and to socialise with other women

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What was the yearly festival to honour Athenas birthday in july ? ( Greece )

The Panathenaia and every 4 years the great panathenaia

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Who participated in The panathenaia yearly and who participated every 4 years ? ( Greece )

The yearly one was only for people in athens and lasted 4 days but the large one was huge with people from other cities coming to participate

Because its in honour of a goddess there are many ways women can participate

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How long was the Great Panathenaia ? ( Greece )

8 days

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What happened during the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )Wh

There were religious events and competition ( but only for men )

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What happened on day 1 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Reciting poems and music competitions

shows how clever they are

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What happened on day 2 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Boys athletics competition

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What happened on day 3 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Mens athletics competition

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What happened on day 4 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Equestrian competition

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What happened on day 5 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Sailing and dance competitions ( Athenians only )

Male beauty competition ( the Euandrion )

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What happened on day 6 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

All night race , pannychis , procession with the peplos to the acropolis and sacrifice

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What happened on day 7 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

Chariot and boat races

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What happened on day 8 of the great panathenaia ? ( Greece )

prize giving

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Who set up the loom to weave the peplos ? ( Greece )

4 Arrephoroi - noble virgins

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Who wove the peplos for a year and lived at the acropolis ? ( Greece )


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What did priestesses do all night after day 6 ? ( Greece )

sang songs to athena

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What is the thesmophoria ? ( Greece )

A festival just for married women held in the autumn time for demeter

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What story is the thesmophoria based off of ? ( Greece )

Demeters daughter persephone being abducted by hades

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What do they do before the festival ? ( Greece )

  • piglets sacrificed and buried in pits to rot

( symbolises Persephone going into the underworld )

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What happens to the piglets buried before the thesmophoria ? ( Greece )

  • special women dig them up but had to spend 3 days purifying themselves beforehand

  • piglet remains mixed with corn to make cakes and put on Demeter’s alter

  • these cakes were later mixed with seeds and scattered over fields to help fertility

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What happens on the andos ? ( Greece )

They set up huts to camp near the pynx ( symbolises women taking over )

2 leaders are elected

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What happens on the nestia ? ( Greece )

  • fast for the day

  • sit on the ground on seats made of plants ( like mourning to symbolise demeters grief )

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What happens on the kalligeneia ? ( Greece )

  • pray for blessings of fertility

  • have a big celebration

  • tell rude jokes

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What was dionysus the god of ? ( Greece )

Wine, theatre and madness

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What were dionysus’ female followers called ? ( Greece )


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What did dionysus’ followers try to reach ? ( Greece )


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What did they do to worship dionysus ? ( Greece )

  • went into the countryside to get drunk and high to reach exstasis

  • possibly could become violent and end in sparagmos

  • and maybe did omophagia

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What did the maenads wear ? ( Greece )

  • lepoard skins

  • thyrsus

  • fawn skins

  • bull helmet

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Who were responsible for the body in a funeral ? ( Greece )

women aged 60 + who were direct relatives

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What did they do on the 1st day of the funeral ? ( Greece )

  • wash the body

  • anointed it with perfumed oils

  • wrapped it in a white shroud

  • put on a flower garland and put a coin in its mouth to pay charon

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What did they do on the 2nd day of the funeral ? ( Greece )

  • family and friends visit the body

  • female relatives wearing dark robes stand around the body in ritual mourning

  • they cut hair short tore clother beat breasts scratch cheeks dirty themselves with ashes and sing funeral dirges

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What did they do on the 3rd day of the funeral ? ( Greece )

ekphora - funeral procession before dawn from dead persons house to the burial site accompanied by family female mourners and musicians

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What are people buried with ? ( Greece )

meaningful belongings and unmarried girls buried in wedding clothes

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What offerings are given to the dead ? ( Greece )

1st - choai (libation) & haimacouria ( lock of hair w/ honey milk water and olis )

2nd - enagismata ( milk honey water wine and fruit

3rd -

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What do they do after a burial ? ( Greece )

  • women return home whilst men put up the stele over the grave

  • they prepare the feast - perideipnon

  • they all feast using meat from sacrafice

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What days do you visit the tomb afterwards to decorate and give offerings ? ( Greece )

  • 3rd

  • 9th

  • 13th

  • 30th

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Who usually worshipped each god ? ( Rome )

mainly men were priests even for goddesses very few priestesses

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Who could lead sacrafices ? ( Rome )

only men

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What were colleges ? ( Rome )

groups of male priests in charge of a different area of religious life

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What was the relationship between politics and religion ?( Rome )

  • politicians competed to be elected for the most important preisthoods as it gave them power and influence

  • This was why there was a lack of women in these roles

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Who were the vestal virgins ? ( Rome )

college of women devoted to vesta (hestia)

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How many vestal virgins are there ? ( Rome )


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What was the only full time religious role in rome ? ( Rome )

Being a vestal virgin

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What happened when they needed to choose a new vestal virgin ? ( Rome )

  • they would choose 20 candidates

  • the candidates were between 6-10 they had to have living parents and no physical defects

  • they were not eligible if their sister was a vestal or their father was a flamen

  • the pontifex maximus then chose one girls by drawing straws

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What do vestal virgins wear ? ( Rome )

wore clothes similar to a bride or matrona

  • stola

  • bride hair & white veil

  • red and white ribbons to symbolise vows of fire and chastity

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What is the name of the ceremony in which the chosen vestal was immediately lead away by the pontifex maximus to the temple of vesta ? ( Rome )


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What happens after a vestal is chosen ? ( Rome )

she is no longer part of her family and is no longer under her paterfamillias’ control

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What is the most important job of a vestal ? ( Rome )

to keep the sacred fire burning if it stops rome will fall

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What are other jobs of the vestal virgins other than the fire ? ( Rome )

  • attended religious festivals and sacrifices

  • baked mola salsa for sacrifices and offerings

  • helped worship bona dea and vesta

  • gave fire to homeowners for shrines

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What did they have to make a vow of ? ( Rome )


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Did the fire ever go out ? ( Rome )

yes once a year they put it out and cleaned and purified the temple and then re-lit the fire

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How long did vestal virgins serve for ? ( Rome )

30 years but did not return to the control of their paterfamillias

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What did vestal virgins do after they have served ? ( Rome )

  • They could own property and write willss

  • They could marry and it would be a great honour for the husband

  • many chose to carry on living in the house of the vestal virgins

  • they had VIP seats at shows and festivals

  • could free prisoners by touching them

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What happened if they let the fire out ? ( Rome )

They were beaten by the pontifex maximus in a dark room

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What happened is a vestal was unchaste ? ( Rome )

  • they were walled into a cave with a small amount of food and water so they aren’t technically killing her

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Who were the Flamines ? ( Rome )

A college of 15 priests each for a different god / goddess

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Who was the Flamen Dials ? ( Rome )

Chief priest of Jupiter

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Who is the Flaminica Dialis ? ( Rome )

The wife of the Flamen Dialis who automatically becomes a priestess

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What are the requirements to be a Flaminica DIalis ? ( Rome )

  • Virgin before marriage

  • Married via confarreatio

  • must be patrician

  • not allowed to divorce ( would upset Jupiter )

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What happened if one of the Dialis’ died ?

The other would resign

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What would the Flaminica Dialis wear ? ( Rome )

  • wore red/orange veil

  • pomegranate wreath

  • purple robes

  • wore a ceremonial cloak for husband

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What duties did the Flaminica have ? ( Rome )

  • She sacrificed a ram to Jupiter every 8th day on market day

  • Went to certain festivals w/ husband

  • had to avoid religious pollution

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What was pudicitia ? ( Rome )


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Who had the most effective prayers and sacrifices answered by the gods ? ( Rome )

Rome believed chaste women were the most effective and would be used in times of rome’s crisis

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Who was Patricia Pudicitia ? ( Rome )

Goddess of modesty

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What was the cult of Patricia Pudicitia like ? ( Rome )

  • idealised women staying home

  • only open to patrician women

  • Only univara did sacrifices

  • had public influence

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Who created plebia pudicitia ? And why ? ( Rome )

Verginia as she was a partician who married a rich plebian so could not join patricia pudicitia so created plebia pudicitia to worship out of her house that she coverted into a temple

  • it was the same as the other one

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Who was Bona Dea ? ( Rome )

A goddess worshipped by women associated with fertility, womanhood and fertility

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