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A written plan of government
A person who is put in prison for owing money
The land beyond or in back of the area already settled by Europeans
The Maryland Colony
Founded by Lord Baltimore, the Calvert family, as a refuge for Catholics and to make money.
The Toleration Act
Gave religious freedom to all Christians in the Maryland Colony
Cash crop grown in northern parts of the southern colonies ( Maryland, Virginia, northern parts of North Carolina )
Grown in the southern parts of thenSouthern Colonies since it was too wet and swampy there to grow tobacco.
area included in the original colony of Carolina
Included area from Virginia to Spanish Florida
The Carolina Colony
Governed by eight English leaders called the Lord Proprietors. Difficult colony to govern because colonists often did not follow laws they didn’t like. It was too large to govern easily so they split the colony into North and South Carolina.
The Georgia Colony
Founded by James Oglethorpe as a way to give debtors a chance to start a new life.
The Piedmont also known as the backcountry
Is the land between the Coastal
Plain and the Appalachian Mountains
Conflict developed between Native Americans and settlers because
Settlers took over Native American land. Some colonists cheated natives in trade. Colonists would not allow natives to hunt near their plantations. Settlers destroyed the Tuscarora village to build a new settlements. Some natives died in battle or were enslaved.
Many natives died of European diseases like smallpox or measles