Professor HolbrookThird test for animal div on tetrapods, reptiles, and amphibians
4 legs (usually)
moist, porous skin with poison glands **
light, bony, flattened head
big mouth with small teeth
3 part brain
ears with tympanum + 1 ossicle (stapes
Jelly-like eggs (mostly aquatic) **
Capability for cutaneous respiration (Some have lungs or gills as well) **
3 chambered hearts
They are basically earth worms
They’re blind
they have terminal vents
Mole Salamanders
Usually breed in fishless habitats
Fossorial (underground dwelling) for most of life
Lungless Salamanders
Entirely cutaneous respiration
Non-slimy bumpy skin
Newts: Salamanders as Toads:Frogs
Lay eggs on leaves
lay eggs in holes
Eggs grow in skin sack on back of mother (surinam toads)
Genus Jasperi (coqui) have internal fertilization
The Tree Frogs
They have sticky toe pads on their feet (Awe)
True Toads
dry, warty skin
Amniotic eggs with hard or leathery shells
Not tied to freshwater resources like amphibians
Impenetrable skin
Hair, claws, feathers, scales
Stronger jaws
more advanced cardiovascular system
larger brains
Scales made of betakeratin (sometimes osteoderms)
Usually separate sexes (hemipenes in males)
ectothermic (outside heat) and poikilothermic(variable heat)
Many are endangered due to overexploitation
Long lifespans (150+ years)
No teeth, keratinized plate
breathe through cloaca
Superior sense of smell
Temperature sex determination
lizard like bodies
native to new zealand
10-20 years to sexual maturity
Alligators, Caimans, Crocodiles, Gherials
Can weigh up to 1 ton
more parental care than most other reptiles
can live in marine and aquatic habitats (estuarine crocs will surf in ocean)
Temperature Sex Determination
The Snakes, Lizards, and Worm lizards
Contains the most extant species (10,000+)
Characterized by 4 limbs (usually, some legless) + Eyelids
Usually an unforked tongue
several venomous species
Mostly oviparous, some viviparous
Comprised of Worm Lizards
They are secretly worms but they have eyelids (eyes covered by epidermis)
Mostly fossorial (underground dwelling)
Most species in latin america and africa
expandable lower jaw/ elastic ligaments
no external ears (losers)
Some are very visual predators
Both oviparous and viviparous are common (most water species viviparous)
Jacobson’s Organ or Vomeronasal Organ (for strong chemoreception)
Heat Sensory pits
Vipers and rattlesnakes
large hinged fangs
all venomous
all are viviparous (Except bushmasters)
Cobras and Coral Snakes
All venomous
Corn snakes, grass snakes etc. (largest family of serpentes with several genuses)
mostly nonvenomous, a few venomous
are Opisthoglyphous (rear fanged)
Heaviest snakes (thicc)
all nonvenomous
all non-venomous
Longest snakes (reticulated pythons)