Vaiont Dam disaster, Italy - 1963

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9th October 1963

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Type of mass movement occurred at about 10:39 pm


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Location of Vaiont Dam disaster

Longarone, Italy. Approx 60 miles north of Venice. Construction of the dam began in 1957, resevoir began filling in Feb 1960

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Main cause of Vaiont Dam disaster

720 million tonnes of rock slipping down the mountain

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Speed of the rockslide in Vaiont Dam disaster

Waves travelled at over 30mph

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Impact of Vaiont dam disaster

More than 2056 fatalities, 1269/1328 (94%) of Longarone's population

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Human causes: warnings

No official warnings coming from the authorities

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Human causes: several previous landslides

Had been covered up: a local nespaper suggested landslides were recurrent after tha resevior started filling in 1960, but legal action was taken for 'spreading false news'

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Physical causes: HEP dam

Causes cracks to appear in Mt. Toc. The mountain became waterlogged. The rocks were dipping down towards the bottom of the valley, creating natural slip planes

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Physical causes: reservoir

Led to an increase in groundwater pore pressure as the water table rose in the rocks

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Physical causes: trigger

Period of heavy rainfall, which increased shear stress: added volume and weight to the slope as well as lubrictaing stacks of clay within the slope

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Impacts on buildings and inhabitants

22/372 buildings in Longarone collapsed

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Impact on human

5000 inhabitants with nowhere to go, 2000 died

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Impacts: earth tremors

Strong earth tremors, recorded as far away as Vienna and Brussels

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Impacts: wave of water

Washed above the lake to Cass and Erto (communities above the reservoir) where the air blast and water caused at least 158 fatalities

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Impact: towns destroyed

5 downstream towns destroyed, inc Longarone, Pirago, Rivalta, Villanova and Fae

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Responses: suing for negligence and manslaughter

Days before the disaster, the mayor of Erto issued an evacuation notice but the telephone messages said that it would be 'just maybe a little water over the same tonight, nothing special'

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Long term: where were the survivors moved?

A newly built village called Vajont municipality, 50km southeast, having been discouraged from resturning to Erto and Casto

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Long term: memorials

2002, the dam was opened up to the public with guided tours. 2013 50th anniversary, the region of Venice allocated 1million euros for safety works and recovery of road tunnels inside Mt Toc

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