7.4: The End of World War II: The Death of FDR and the Start of Nuclear Warfare

The End of World War II: The Death of FDR and the Start of Nuclear Warfare

death of FDR (reference source)

  • died due to a cerebral hemorrhage; manifestation of underlying health conditions

  • he had previously been alright at hiding the issues he faced from a health standpoint but ultimately died in april 1945

  • Churchill was hit hard with the news, Stalin was upset

  • shocked country and world at large

  • hundreds of thousands of Americans watched his funeral procession from Georgia to DC

  • replaced on the day of his death by Vice President Harry Truman

The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (info from textbook)

  • Potsdam threat fulfilled → Japan refuses to surrender

  • August 6, 1945: atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 180,000 killed/wounded/missing

  • 70,000 died instantly

  • 60,000 died due to radiation poisoning and burns

  • August 8, 1945: Stalin enters war against Japan (deadline date)

  • six day victory parade → Soviet troops overtake Japanese forces in Manchuria, Korea

  • Stalin wanted a say in how winnings were split following Japan's defeat

  • August 9, 1945: atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, 80,000 killed/missing

  • August 10, 1945: Tokyo sues for peace on one condition → Hirohito can remain nominal emperor; Allies accept this on August 14th despite previously agreed to "unconditional" policies

  • official end to the war: September 2, 1945 → surrender ceremonies conducted by General MacArthur on battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay

  • Americans celebrate "V-J Day" (Victory in Japan Day)
