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Phototropic (adj)
tending to grow or move towards light
Phosphorescent (adj)
giving off light without heat
Photogenic (adj)
attractive in pictures or photographs
LUC (Latin)
Light, Clear
Lucid (adj)
clear and easily understood
Elucidate (v)
to make clear, to explain
Translucent (adj)
Allowing light to pass through
To Look At
Circumspect (adj)
careful, cautious
Prospect (adj)
That which is expected
Specter (n)
a ghost or phantom
VID/VIS (Latin)
To See, To Look
Invidious (adj)
hateful or spiteful
Providential (adj)
happening by good fortune
Improvise (v)
To create without any forethought or preparation
to announce
Enunciate (v)
to pronounce clearly
Renounce (v)
To reject by declaration
Pronouncement (n)
A declaration of opinion; judgement
VOC/VOK (Latin)
to call
Invoke (v)
to call on for support
Provocative (adj)
Causing disturbance or excitement
Revoke (v)
To make invalid
FA (Latin)
to speak
Ineffable (adj)
Unutterable, indescribable
Infantile (adj)
childish; immature
Affable (adj)
Easy to converse with; friendly
DIC/DICT (Latin)
to say, to tell
Edict (n)
an official order
Indict (v)
to charge with a crime
Dictum (n)
A formal or authoritative statement
HIB/HAB (Latin)
to have or hold
Prohibit (v)
To stop one from doing something; prevent
Inhibit (v)
To get in the way of; hinder
to pour out
Suffuse (v)
to fill up from within; to spread throughout
Confound (v)
To confuse and frustrate
Infuse (v)
To inject; to fill something or someone with
to hold
Sustain (v)
To support for an extended period of time
Abstain (v)
To not do something; refrain
Tenacious (adj)
stubbornly persistent; determined
Retinue (n)
A group that attends an important person
PLE (Latin)
to fill (Latin)
Replete (adj)
Filled up with
Implement (v)
To put into action; execute
Deplete (v)
To use up; waste
FORM (Latin)
to form, to establish
Misinformation (n)
untrue or wrong information
Reform (v)
to bring back to rightness, order, or morality
Formative (adj)
occurring at the time of most influence
APT, EPT (Latin)
to fit
Inept (adj)
unskilled; clumsy
Adept (adj)
skilled; expert at
Aptitude (n)
A skill or suitability
POS, PON (Latin)
to put; to place
Posit (v)
to put forth; to assert
Impose (v)
to forcibly place upon
Disposition (n)
one's attitude or mood
FIG (Latin)
to shape
Figment (n)
something invented or imaginary
Effigy (n)
a figure constructed in mockery
Prefigure (v)
to look like or predict a later thing or event
LEGA (Latin)
to appoint; send on a mission; charge with
Legacy (n)
a body of ideas, achievements, and morals; and example
Delegate (v)
to divide up, especially responsibilities
ACT, AG (Latin)
to do, to act
Agenda (n)
a plan of action, a purpose
Proactive (adj)
seeking to solve a problem before it occurs
exacting (adj)
demanding perfection; strict
PULS, PEL (Latin)
to push
Repulsion (n)
a desire to avoid, disgust
Dispel (v)
to scatter about; to break up
propel (v)
to cause to move forward; to push
LAT (Latin)
brought, carried
Relative (adj)
dependent upon
Superlative (adj)
excellent; above all others
Dilate (v)
to widen
to sing, to call
Recant (v)
to formally withdraw
Incantation (n)
a ritual chant
Disenchanted (adj)
losing fondness for; disillusioned
AUD (Latin)
to hear
Inaudible (adj)
so quiet as to be impossible to hear
Auditory (adj)
having to do with the sense of hearing
Audit (n)
a thorough review
SON (Latin)
to sound
Dissonance (n)
unpleasant or inharmonious sound
Assonance (n)
similarity of word sounds, especially vowels
Resonant (adj)
having an effect; powerful
LOG (Greek)
to speak; to reason
Analogous (adj)
comparable to; like
Dialogue (n)
communication between two or more people
Prologue (n)
a speech, passage, or event coming before the main speech or event
BELL (Latin)
Bellicose (adj)
warlike in nature
Antebellum (adj)
occurring before a war
Belligerence (n)
a warlike mood or attitude
AM (Latin)
love (Latin)
friend (Latin)