Department of agriculture
B Harrison
National farmer’s alliance (1889)
B Harrison
Oklahoma territory opened for settlement (1889)
B Harrison
Brought in N. Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oklahoma
B Harrison
Hull house (1889)
B Harrison
Billion dollar congress (1890)
B Harrison
McKinley tariff [raised duties on manufactured goods] (1890)
B Harrison
Sherman Anti-trust Act (1890)
B Harrison
United mine workers (1890)
B Harrison
Sherman silver purchase act (1890)
B Harrison
Wounded knee (1890)
B Harrison
Census declares frontier closed (1890)
B Harrison
Alfred Thayer Mahan-influence of sea power in history (1890)
B Harrison
Basketball invented at Springfield, Massachusetts (1890)
B Harrison
Homestead steel strike (1892)
B Harrison
Populist party organized (1892)
B Harrison
Colombian exposition in Chicago (1892)
B Harrison
Sierra club, John Muir (1892)
B Harrison
Ellis island opened (1892)
B Harrison
Fredrick Jackson turner-“significance of frontier in American history” (1893)
B Harrison
Queen Lili overthrown (1893)
Cleveland 2
Stephan crane Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893)
Cleveland 2
Panic of 1893 [depression last until 1897]
Cleveland 2
Black Friday
Cleveland 2
Repeals Sherman silver purchase act (1893)
Cleveland 2
Drought (1894)
Cleveland 2
Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894)
Cleveland 2
Corey’s Army (1894)
Cleveland 2
Pullman strike (1894)
Cleveland 2
United States v E.C. Knight Co. (1895)
Cleveland 2
Borrowed $62 million from J.P. Morgan (1895)
Cleveland 2
Coney Island opened (1895)
Cleveland 2
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Cleveland 2
New imperialism
Library of congress opens (1897)
Teller amendment (1898)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman Woman and Economics (1898)
Battleship Maine (1898)
Spanish-American war (1898)
Rough Riders (1898)
Acquisition of Hawaii (1898)
Philippines guerrilla warfare (1898-1902)
Thorstein Veblen the theory of the leisure class (1899)
Open door policy (1899)
Kate Chopin the Awakenking (1899)
Theadore Dreiser Sister Carrie (1900)
Boxer rebellion (1900)
Foraker Act [Puerto Rico] (1900)
Currency Act [places U.S. on gold standard] (1900)
Social party (1900)
Square deal
T Roosevelt
“Trust Buster”
T Roosevelt
United States forest service/nations parks and nature preserves
T Roosevelt
Modernized Army: Great White Fleet, Army College, etc.
T Roosevelt
United States Steel, J.P. Morgan (1901)
T Roosevelt
Platt Amendment (1901)
T Roosevelt
Anthracite coal strike (1902)
T Roosevelt
Philippine government act (1902)
T Roosevelt
National Reclamation Act (1902)
T Roosevelt
Newland act (conservation movement) (1902)
T Roosevelt
W.E.B. DuBois the souls of black folk (1903)
T Roosevelt
Big Stick policy (1903)
T Roosevelt
Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty (1903)
T Roosevelt
Department of Commerce and Labor (1903)
T Roosevelt
Panama Canal begins (1903)
T Roosevelt
Wright brothers first air flight (1903)
T Roosevelt
Lincoln Steffens the shame of the cities (1904)
T Roosevelt
Ida Tarbell history of the standard oil company (1904)
T Roosevelt
Roosevelt Corollary and Lodge Corollary added to the Monroe doctrine (1904)
T Roosevelt
Treaty of Portsmouth-concludes Russo-Japanese War (1905)
t Roosevelt
Industrial workers of the Wold [Wobblies] (1905)
T Roosevelt
Niagara movement established-leads to NAACP (1905)
T Roosevelt
Receives Nobel peace prize
T Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair’s the jungle (1906)
T Roosevelt
Hepburn Act (1906)
T Roosevelt
Pure food and drug Act and meat inspection act (1906)
T Roosevelt
Walter Raushenbusch Christianity and social crisis (1907)
T Roosevelt
Great white fleet’s world voyage (1907)
T Roosevelt
Gentleman’s agreement (1907)
T Roosevelt
Ford’s model t introduced (1908)
T Roosevelt
Muller v. Oregon (1908)
T Roosevelt