Colonies to get wealth - agriculture, gold, silver
Used encomienda, then used africa
Caste system
Conversion/mission system
Interested in water route to Asia
Busy persecuting protestants
Samuel de Champlain
Established Quebec
French had more TRADE than conquest
Many traders married natives for kinship ties
Mutually beneficial relationship with French
Seeking water route to Asia
Henry Hudson
Hudson River named for him
New Amsterdam
Econ goals met
Protestant, but didn’t care about converting: money > converting
Goal: econ
Wars w France, conquest of Ireland - need money
Enclosure Movement
Took land from everybody, sold to private parties
Peasants want new econ, need land
Result: peasants AND nobles want to go overseas.
Families created new homes.
English and Natives
Spanish subjugate, English expel.
Region to region - different - WHY?
Jamestown established by JOINT STOCK COMPANY
Joint Stock Companies
Private thing - to pay for exploration, investors pool and share risks
Purpose: profit
Famine killed them (only there for gold)
Started cultivating tobacco
One crop made BANK
Labor done by indentured servants
Worked to pay off atlantic travel fees and then left
Tobacco success = need more land
= Start expand into natives
Natives retaliate
Natives start messing with farmers
Not influenced by religion
Had the House of Burgesses (democracy)
ONE TRICK PONY (bc farming was cool)
Settled by Pilgrims = Puritan settlers
Unhappy with church of england
NOT primarily for religious freedom!!
They OG went to Holland (protestant) but no farming = America
For econ
UNLIKE Jamestown
Migrated as families - came for permanent residence (vs profit)
Came with belief that they had to save everybody
First demo of american exceptionalism.
Emphasizing community got them thru
compact community rep gov.
Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams
challenged religious beliefs, banished
Williams founds rhode island, which tolerated all religions.
Spread education
at first good, but expansion = not good
Led to King Philip’s war (see other card).
Farming is meh = diversified econ
New York/New Jersey
By sea, lots of rivers
Turn to cereal crops (wheats)
Social structure develops (top to bottom)
Urban merchants
Artisans and shopkeepers
Unskilled laborers and unemployed
Enslaved africans
Cashed in on fur trade.
Founded by William Penn
Quaker and pacifist = everybody is yay
Religious freedom + negotiations with natives
Econ system in Europe
Fixed amt of wealth (gold/silver): maintain favorable balance of trade
Exports vs imports (more exports)
Made colonies
Got more raw materials
New markets for more manufactured goods
Britain wants those new markets = navigation acts
Merchants MUST use only English ships, pass through taxed british ports (ensured that britain gets all the wealth, favorable balance of trade)
How did it change things?
Wealth for the top
Made America’s seaports into cities (encouraged marimtime commerce)
Consumer Revolution
More affluent societies, more buying
Made societal status tied to financial success
Metacom: chief of wampanoag (British called King Philip)
British expanding = cultural heritage destroyed = get rid of them!
Attacked colonists
British Retaliate
Call on the Mohawk Indians
Kill Metacom = no more revolution
Enslaved found ways to resist covertly and overtly
Covert resistance
Kept cultural heritage from africa
Maintained beliefs or spoke languages
Purposefully sucking at work
Overt resistance (rebellion)
Stono Rebellion
South Carolina
Small group steals tools, kills whites
More join and kill (50)
Eventually squashed
What was the Great Awakening? Who pioneered it? What was its impact?
New Light Clergy
Preachers sad ab loss of faith in bible authority
Inspired by pietism
Heart over head
Religious revival = new Christian devotion
Pioneered by Jonathan Edwards
Enlightenment + religion
Preached in New England
George Whitefield
Spread Christianity EVERYWHERE
Really good preacher
Social consequences
Emphasized democracy
Biblical right to resist colonizers
Awakened to democracy, rights
More higher education
Bound previously divided Americas together
= increased resistance
Jesus Empowers Genuine Worship
Forcing men to serve for Britain
Very dangerous
King Georges War
Needed men from America
Men were like nah - rioted
Impact: aware of violations to natural rights
Objectives of Dutch colonies
Seeking water route to Asia
Henry Hudson
Hudson River named for him
New Amsterdam
Econ goals met
Protestant, but didn’t care about converting: money > converting
Objectives of Spanish colonies
Colonies to get wealth - agriculture, gold, silver
Used encomienda, then used africa
Caste system
Conversion/mission system
Objectives of french colonies
Interested in water route to Asia
Busy persecuting protestants
Samuel de Champlain
Established Quebec
French had more TRADE than conquest
Many traders married natives for kinship ties
Mutually beneficial relationship with French
Objectives of british colonies. why did they want to go abroad?
Goal: econ
Wars w France, conquest of Ireland - need money
Enclosure Movement
Took land from everybody, sold to private parties
Peasants want new econ, need land
Result: peasants AND nobles want to go overseas.
Families created new homes.
English and Natives
Spanish subjugate, English expel