Mainly vocab from passages
Conciliatory (adj.)
to make less hostile
Vigor (n.)
good health
Levy (v./n.)
to impose/tax or fee
Sparse (adj.)
thinly dispersed
Adynaton (n.)
figure of speech that goes to extreme lengths to insinuate something is impossible
Imitable (adj.)
able to be imitated or copied
Inimitable (adj.)
not able to copied
Gregarious (adj.)
Egregious (adj.)
really bad or shocking
Placid (adj.)
calm or peaceful
Simple Sentence (term)
sentence with one subject and a verb
Antiquated (adj.)
Largess (n.)
Rigor (n.)
Penury/Destitution (n.)
Vociferous/Stentorian (adj.)
Anachronistic (adj.)
belonging to a different time period
Kindred (n./adj.)
similar in kind; related
Posterity (n.)
Excoriate (v.)
rip flesh off someone (literally); censure
Lambast (v.)
criticize harshly
Folksy (adj.)
informal; familiar
Minute (adj.)
Teem (v.)
be fiiled with
Prevail (v.)
exist at a particular time
Measured (adj.)
having a slow, regular rhythm
Innate (adj.)
Constitute (v.)
be a part of a whole
Unvarnished (adj.)
Indignant (adj.)
feeling or showing anger
Seldom (adv.)
Ribald (v.)
making sexual jokes
Despot (n.)
ruler that holds absolute power
Shun (v.)
avoid or reject
Onerous (adj.)
Censure (v.)
criticize harshly
Diabolical (adj.)
disgracefully bad or unpleasant
Immutable (adj.)
unable to be changed
Felicity (n.)
intense happiness
Ornamented (adj.)
making something look more attractive with decorations
Affront (v.)
to offend
Polysyndenton (device)
repetition of conjunctions
Encomium (n.)
written work of praise
Fetter (n.)
chain or shackle
Henceforth (adv.)
From that time on
Adulation (n.)
Incontestable (adj.)
cannot be argued with
Antient/Antecedent (adj.)
preceding in time
Vice (n.)
evil behavior
Resource (n.)
an action adopted to aid in certain situations
Derive (v.)
obtain something from a source
Prose (n.)
ordinary language; opposite of poetry
Coarse (adj.)
Eminent (adj.)
famous and respected within a certain profession
Scorn (n./v.)
feeling that someone is worthless; feeling contempt for someone
Odious (adj.)
Reproach (n./v.)
Folly (n.)
Porter (n.)
person employed to carry luggage and other loads
Enmity (n.)
intense hostility
Intrinsic (adj.)
Extrinsic (adj.)
coming from outside
Alacrity (n.)
cheerful readiness
Malicious (n.)
desire to cause harm to someone
Concerting (v.)/ Disconcerting (adj.)
arrange by mutual agreement/unsettling
Elysian (adj.)
Epigram/Epigrammatist (n.)
a short witty poem/someone who writes an epigram
Solace (n.)
comfort in a time of distress
Vanity (n.)
excessive admiration of one’s appearance
Tranquil (adj.)
free from disturbance
Exasperated (adj.)
frustrated or irritated
Perplexed (adj.)
feeling completely baffled
Contrive (v.)
create intentionally
Exhort (v.)
give urgent advice
Superfluous (adj.)
Faculty (n.)
an inherent power
Resignation (n.)
act of giving up a position
Virtue (n.)
quality that is morally good
Eminent (adj.)
famous and respected within a particular sphere
Inexhaustible (adj.)
unable to be used up
Proposition (n.)
suggested plan of action
Inarticulate (adj.)
unable to express oneself clearly
Perjury (n.)
offense of lying under oath
Notorious (adj.)
famous for a bad quality
Prostitute (v.)
spread everywhere
Vile (adj.)
extremely unpleasant
Repartee (n.)
conversation with quick witty remarks
Discourse (n.)
discussion or debate
Disposed (v./adj,)
inclined or willing
Disposition (n.)
Trivial (adj.)
of little value or importance
Zealot (n.)
a person that is fanatical and uncompromising about their ideals
Pragmatism (n.)
an approach that is realistic and strategic
Wistful (adj.)
full of yearning
Contemptuous (adj.)
full of hatred
Sumptuous (adj.)
extremely costly
Prepossessing (adj.)
attractive appearance
Inscrutability (n.)
Melodious (adj.)
having a pleasant tune
Obstinate (adj.)