Post mortem Aeneae Ascanius filius regnat.
After his death, Aeneas’ son Ascanius reigned.
Hic Lavinium, urbem opulentam, matri reliquit;
He left this Lavinium, a rich city, to his mother;
novam ipse aliam urbem sub Albano monte condidit:
He founded another new city under the Alban mountain:
huic oppidō erat nōmen Alba Longa.
the name of this town was Alba Longa.
Mortuō Ascaniō, regnat Silvius.
After the death of Ascanius, Silvius reigned.
Post Silvium regnāvērunt multī rēges.
After Silvius, many kings had reigned.
Tandem Procas rex factus est, Pater Numitōris atque Amūliī.
At last Procas became king, the father of Numinitor and also Amulius.
Mox tamen, pulsō fratrē, Amūlius regnat: addit scelus scelerī.
Soon however, after his brother was expelled, he adds crime to a crime.
Liberōs frātris occīdit; frātris fīliam, Rēam Silviam, Vestālem lēgit.
He killed his brothers children; he chooses his brothers daughter, Rea Silvia, as vestal.
Numitōrī, quī natū maximus erat, regnum Procas lēgat
To Numinitor, who was the oldest, Procas bequeaths kingship.
Rēae Silviae Martīque deō, ut aiunt, geminī filiī erant.
To Rea Silvia and the god Mars, as they say, had twin sons.
Amūlius īrātus et perturbātus sacerdōtem vincīrī iubet, peurōsque in flūmen mittī
Amulius, angry and disturbed, orders the priestess to be bound and the boys to be sent into the river.
Fortē super rīpās Tiberis effusus est: itaque homines flūmen adire non possunt
By chance, the Tiber overflowed its banks: and so people are not able to go in the river.
Constituunt in proximīs stagnīs puerōs expōnere.
They decide to expose the boys near the marshes.
Alveus, in quō puerī expositī erant, hūc illūc fluitābat.
The basket, in which the boys had been exposed, floated here and there.
Mox tamen flumen intrā rīpās recēdēbat, et alveum in siccā rīpā destituit.
Soon however, the river receded within the riverbanks, and left the basket in the dry riverbank.
Dēīnde lupa sitiens ex montibus flumen adīīt, vāgītumque geminōrum audīīt.
Then a thirsty she-wolf approached the river from the mountains, and hear the twins’ cries.
Lupa adīīt, et puerōs linguā lambens lacte aluit.
The she-wolf approached, and fed the boys with milk, licking them with her tongue.
Lupam cum puerīs Faustulus, magister rēgiī pecoris, invēnit.
Faustulus, master of the royal cattle, found the she-wolf with the children.
Hōs domum Faustulus fert Lārentiaeque uxōrī dat.
Faustulus carries them home and gives them to his wife Larentia.
Sīc geminī a pastōribus ēducti sunt.
So the twins were brought up by shepherds.
Graceī cum Trōianīs bellum gessērunt;
The Greeks waged war with the Trojans
decimō annō Trōiam cēpērunt.
on the tenth year they captured Troy
Multī Trōianī ex Asiā effugērunt, post multōs labōrēs in Ītaliam vēnērunt:
Many Trojans had escaped out of Asia, after many hardships they came to Italy:
hōrum dux est Aenēas, fīlius Veneris.
their leader is Aeneas, son of Venus.
Ibī Trōianī ēgressi sunt, praedamque ex āgrīs agēbant.
There the Trojans had disembarked, and they were driving plunder out of fields.
Latīnus, rex illīus terrae, cum Troiānīs manūs conserēbat:
Latin, king of that land, was joined in battle with the Trojans:
ab Aenēa proeliō victus est, pācemque fecit:
he was beaten by Aeneas in battle, and made peace:
dēinde fīliam Lāvīniam Aenēae in matrimōnium dedit.
from there the daughter Lavinia was given to Aeneas in marriage.
Trōiānī oppidum condunt:
The Trojans found a town:
Aenēas ab nōmine uxōris Lāvīnium appellat.
Aeneas named it by his wife’s name.