HL 1.4 Ovid

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vir tuus est epulas nobis aditurus easdem - ultima coena tuo sit, precor, illa viro!

Your husband is going to attend the same banquet as us - let this be your husband's last meal, I pray!

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ergo ego dilectam tantum conviva puellam adspiciam? tangi quem iuvet, alter erit,

So, shall I, as a table companion, only look upon the girl I love? Will there be another who will enjoy being touched,

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alteriusque sinus apte subiecta fovebis? iniciet collo, cum volet, ille manum?

and will you, having snuggled up close, warm another's breast? When he wishes, will he place his hand on your neck?

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desino mirari, posito quod candida vino Atracis ambiguos traxit in arma viros.

I cease to be amazed that when the wine was served, the fair girl of Atrax, dragged the men of double form, into fighting.

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nec mihi silva domus, nec equo mea membra cohaerent - vix a te videor posse tenere manus!

The forest is not my home, nor are my limbs joined to a horse - yet I scarcely seem able to keep my hands from you!

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quae tibi sint facienda tamen cognosce, nec Euris da mea nec tepidis verba ferenda Notis!

However, understand what you must do, neither give my words to the East Wind, nor to be carried off by the warm South Wind!

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ante veni, quam vir - nec quid, si veneris ante, possit agi video; sed tamen ante veni.

Come before your husband - I don't see what can be achieved if you do come before him; but, nevertheless, do come before him.

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cum premet ille torum, vultu comes ipsa modesto ibis, ut accumbas - clam mihi tange pedem!

When he lies down on the couch, you yourself will come in as his companion, with innocent expression, and when you lie down - secretly touch my foot!

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me specta nutusque meos vultumque loquacem; excipe furtivas et refer ipsa notas.

Watch me and my nods, and my expressive face; and catch and return my furtive signs.

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verba superciliis sine voce loquentia dicam; verba leges digitis, verba notata mero.

I shall speak unspoken words with my eyebrows; you will read words traced by my fingers, words written in wine.

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cum tibi succurret Veneris lascivia nostrae, purpureas tenero pollice tange genas.

When the wantonness of our love comes into your mind, touch your blushing cheeks with a tender thumb.

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siquid erit, de me tacita quod mente queraris pendeat extrema mollis ab aure manus.

If you find any complaint about me in the silence of your mind, let your soft hand hang from the tip of your ear.

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cum tibi, quae faciam, mea lux, dicamve, placebunt, versetur digitis anulus usque tuis.

When what I do or say, my darling, pleases you, turn your ring round and round with your fingers.

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tange manu mensam, tangunt quo more precantes, optabis merito cum mala multa viro.

Touch the table with your hand, in the way praying men do, when you pray for many sufferings upon your deserving husband.

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quod tibi miscuerit, sapias, bibat ipse, iubeto; tu puerum leviter posce, quod ipsa voles.

Be wise and order him to drink himself what he has mixed for you; quietly ask the boy for what you want yourself.

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quae tu reddideris ego primus pocula sumam, et, qua tu biberis, hac ego parte bibam.

I shall take first the cup, which you have returned, and I will drink from that part where you have drunk.

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si tibi forte dabit, quod praegustaverit ipse, reice libatos illius ore cibos.

If by chance he gives you what he has himself tasted first, reject food that has been tasted by his mouth.

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nec premat inpositis sinito tua colla lacertis, mite nec in rigido pectore pone caput;

Nor allow him to squeeze your neck by placing his arms around it, and don't place your gentle head upon his hard chest;

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nec sinus admittat digitos habilesve papillae; oscula praecipue nulla dedisse velis!

don't admit his fingers to the folds of your dress, nor to your soft breasts; especially refuse to give him any kisses!

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oscula si dederis, fiam manifestus amator et dicam 'mea sunt!' iniciamque manum.

If you do give him kisses, I shall reveal myself as your lover and I shall say 'Those are mine!' and I will lay claim to you.

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haec tamen adspiciam, sed quae bene pallia celant, illa mihi caeci causa timoris erunt.

Nevertheless, I shall see these things, but those things which a cloak hides well, will be the source of blind fear for me.

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nec femori committe femur nec crure cohaere nec tenerum duro cum pede iunge pedem.

Don't press thigh to thigh, nor touch him with your leg, nor link your tender foot to his hard foot.

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multa miser timeo, quia feci multa proterve, exemplique metu torqueor ipse mei.

Alas, I fear many things, because I have done many things recklessly, and I myself am tormented by fear of my own example.

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saepe mihi dominaeque meae properata voluptas veste sub iniecta dulce peregit opus.

Often for me and my mistress, a hasty passion has reached a joyful consummation, under a cape thrown over us.

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hoc tu non facies; sed, ne fecisse puteris, conscia de tergo pallia deme tuo.

You will not do this; but, so that you will not be thought to have done this, remove the guilty cloak from your back.

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vir bibat usque roga - precibus tamen oscula desint! - dumque bibit, furtim si potes, adde merum.

Ask your husband to drink all the time, (yet do not add kisses to your prayers!) and while he is drinking, if you can secretly add wine.

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si bene conpositus somno vinoque iacebit, consilium nobis resque locusque dabunt.

If he lies well sedated by sleep and wine, both the circumstances and the situation will give us a plan.

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cum surges abitura domum, surgemus et omnes, in medium turbae fac memor agmen eas.

When you rise, about to leave for home, and we all rise, be sure that you remember to go into the middle column of the crowd.

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agmine me invenies aut invenieris in illo: quidquid ibi poteris tangere, tange, mei.

In that crowd you will find me or you will be found: whatever part of me you can touch there, touch it.

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me miserum! monui, paucas quod prosit in horas; separor a domina nocte iubente mea.

Ah, wretched me! I have given advice about what benefits us for a few hours; I am separated from my mistress when night gives the order.

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nocte vir includet, lacrimis ego maestus obortis, qua licet, ad saevas prosequar usque fores.

At night her husband will lock her away, I, with tears welling up, will sadly follow right up to the cruel door, where I am allowed to be.

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oscula iam sumet, iam non tantum oscula sumet: quod mihi das furtim, iure coacta dabis.

Now he will receive kisses, now he will receive not only kisses: what you give to me secretly, you will give under compelled right.

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verum invita dato - potes hoc - similisque coactae; blanditiae taceant, sitque maligna Venus.

But, give unwillingly - you can do this - and like a woman under compulsion; let words of endearment be silent, and may the Love be spiteful.

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si mea vota valent, illum quoque ne iuvet, opto; si minus, at certe te iuvet inde nihil.

If my prayers have any value, I pray that it will also not please him; if not, certainly may nothing there please you.

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sed quaecumque tamen noctem fortuna sequetur, cras mihi constanti voce dedisse nega!

But, nevertheless, whatever fortune follows the night, tomorrow deny to me with steadfast voice that you gave yourself to him!

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