Unit 5 Questions

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Why did some consider John Taylor a Democrat in Whig’s clothing?

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Why did some consider John Taylor a Democrat in Whig’s clothing?

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What were President Tyler’s views on a national bank and protective tariffs?

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What were some of the reasons as to why anti-British passions were high in 1842?

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Why were the British interested in Texas? France?

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How did the annexation of Texas and the issue of slavery help Polk be elected as President in 1844?

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What was Manifest Destiny? What contradictory ideals did it hold?

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What were the highlights of Polk’s 4 point programs?

  1. Lowered tariffs

  2. Restore independent treasury

  3. Acquisition of California

  4. Settlement of Oregon dispute

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How was Polk able to turn Congress and his enemies against Mexico?

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Describe Winfield Scott and his campaign in Mexico

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Describe the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Why did Polk hastily accept the terms of the treaty?

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Why were so many people upset at Polk and the outcome of the Mexican-American War?

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How could one argue the Mexican War was a precursor to the Civil War?

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How did the Mexican-American War represent the issue of slavery?

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What is popular sovereignty? Why did it appeal to both the public and politicians?

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What was the Free Soil party’s biggest argument against slavery?

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Why did the South look well of in 1850?

  1. Zachary Taylor

  2. Majority in cabinet and Supreme Court

  3. Equal in Senate

  4. Cotton fields expanding + cotton prices increasing

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What was the South worried about?

  1. Overtipping of political balance

  2. Lack of slave land

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Compare Daniel Webster and William H. Seward’s views regarding the issue of slavery

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Compare the concessions of the North v. South that occurred due to the Compromise of 1850


  1. CA free state

  2. Washington D.C. abolished slave trade

  3. Territory TX wanted surrendered to NM


  1. Utah and NM to be decided by popular sovereignty

  2. TX to receive $10 million

  3. Stricter fugitive-slave law created

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Who got the better deal in the Compromise of 1850?

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Describe the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. What did it do? Effects?

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Why was it good that the Civil War did not occur in 1850 but rather a decade later?

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What did the New Grenada Treaty of 1848 guarantee?

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Why did Southern slavocrats shift their eyes towards countries of Latin/Central America?

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The acquisition of California and Oregon territories shifted American focus to the West. How did this result in rivalry between America and Britain?

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Describe Matthew C. Perry and what he did

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How did the Gadsden Purchase give the South an advantage when it came to the railroad?

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Why did Southern states oppose the settlement of Nebraska?

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Describe the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Who enacted it and why did they do it? How did this affect the North? How did it lead to the creation of the Republican Party?

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What impact did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on the anti-slavery movement?

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Who did Hinton Helper address his message to in his book, and what was the message?

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What happened in 1855 when the first territorial legislature of Kansas was to be elected?

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What prompted an 1856 civil war in Kansas?

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How did proslavery forces in Kansas ensure blacks remained slaves?

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How did Sumner-Brooks reinforce sectionalism?

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Why was John C. Fremont (Republican) defeated by James Buchanan (Democrat) in the election of 1856?

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Why was it a good thing secession and war did not come in 1856?

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Describe the Dred Scott case:

1) Why did the court bring up property rights and the 5th Amendment

2.) Why did the court rule that the Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional?

3.) How was it a major victory for the south? Issues with this?

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What caused the Panic of 1857?

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Why would some consider Lincoln-Douglas debate platform to be one of the earliest battlefields of the Civil War?

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Describe John Brown’s goals/objectives for his Harper Ferry raid. Why did it enrage the South?

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Why was the election of 1860 so difficult for Democrats? Why was it hard to rally behind a single candidate?

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What groups did the Republican Party appeal to during the election of 1860?

Free-soilers, Northern manufacturers, Northwest pacific railroad supporters, Western internal improvement supporters, and for small farmers

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Although Lincoln won the 1860 election, why did the South technically not have anything to worry about, legislation/policy wise?

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Why did Lincoln refuse the Crittenden Compromise?

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During the lame duck period (Nov 1860-March 1861), why did President Buchanan to little to preserve the union or prevent South Carolina from seceding?

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How did Southerners see themselves when seceding? (hint - American Revolution)

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