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Economic Growth
RGDP of a country increase overtime
Indicator Economic Growth
RGDP because economic growth is quantitative concept
Real GDP
Is total output produce in an economy
Real GDP per capita
Output per person
It’s the better indicator of the amount of standard of living.
Formula for EG
Relationship between RGDP and RGDP per capita
% change in RGDP per capita = % change in RGDP - % change in population
Benefits of economic growth
Increase real GDP
Increase national income
Increase standard of living
Increase government revenue
Short term Economic Growth
caused mainly by increases in AD and increases in SRAS correspond to expansion of real GDP in the business cycle diagram.
Long term Economic Growth
Caused by rightward shift New classical LRAS or Keynesian AS curves that show increases in potential output corresponds to the long-term growth trend in the business cycle diagram.
PPC and Economic Growth
The movement from point A to B if there is an increase in AD and SRAS
It is showing an actual economic growth
Shows a limited amount of output produce
It shows a reduction of unemployment and inefficiency
Impact of EG on living standard
Increase EG → Increase income → Increase income per capita → increase consumption → increase living standard.
However to increase income per capita does not guarantee the income is distributed equally. Therefore, increase income per capita does not reflect an increase the living standard.
Increase EG leads to increase living standard
Greater income go to poorer household to improve living standard.
There is greater spending of household for education and healt care
Government allocated more budget on education, health care, infrastructure, provide clean water, and sanitation.
Impact of EG on the environment
Urban pollution
Soil degradation
Water logging
Over grazing
Threat to biodiversity
Impact of EG on income distribution
In many countries around the world, inequality have been widening over the past three decades.
Factors behind the widening income distribution: the use of market-oriented supply side policy which require a minimizing government intervention in the economy.
Impact of EG on income distribution (Privatization)
Tend to be more capital intensive
Low level government investment
Most service and infrastructure investment is more to urban area and ignoring rural area.
Living standard
EG can be expected to impact living standard, but increase living standard measured as improvement in human capital and decrease income inequality are major factor of contributing economic growth.
EG that ignoring the effect on environment leads to unsustainability. But unsustainability leads to lower economic growth.
Income distribution
EG can make income distribution more or less equal (equitable). BUT more equal income distribution has positive effect on economic growth.
Solution to improve economic growth
Expansionary Demand Side Policy (DSP): Expansionary Monetary Policy, and Expansionary Fiscal Policy.
Expansionary Monetary Policy
By decreasing interest rate, C and I will increase, increase AD, and increase output (RGDP), increase EG.
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
Decreasing taxes and/ or increasing govt. Spending: C, I & G will increase, AD increase, increase output (RGDP), increase EG.
Evaluation of Expansionary Demand Side Policy (DSP)
Expansionary Monetary Policy: (decreasing interest rate)—increase AD, increase RGDP, decrease UE, increase national income, increase SOL, increase ED, decrease the number of people who live in poverty, increase equality dist. Of income. However inflation increase, increase price of export, decrease price of import, decrease in net export, and increase deficit in trade balance in the BOP.
Evaluation of Expansionary DSP (Expansionary Fiscal Policy)
Expansionary Fiscal Policy: increase taxes and/ or decrease govt spending: Increase AD, increase RGDP, decrease UE, increase national income, increase SOL, increased ED, decrease the number of people who live in poverty, increase equity dist. of income. However, inflation increase, increase price of export, decrease price of import, decrease in net export, and increase deficit in trade balance in the BOP.
Evaluation of Expansionary DSP (Expansionary Fiscal Policy: increase taxes and/ decrease govt spending)
Government will run budget deficit, increase government debt to overseas.
Crowding out, is when the intention of government to increase AD leads to increase interest rate, decrease investment, decrease AD and doesn’t change the UE rate.
Opportunity cost: demand pull inflation, loose of export competitiveness.
Market Oriented Supply Side Policy (Labour Market Reform)
Abolishment of minimum wage: decrease COP, increase SRAS, and increase output, increase EG
Reduction trade union power: decrease COP, increase SRAS, and increase output, increase EG.
Reduction of UE benefit: Increase ASL in labour market, decrease wage, decrease COP, increase SRAS, increase output, and increase EG.
Deregulation: Decrease COP, increase SRAS, and increase output increase EG.
Privatization: Increase efficiency, decrease COP, increase SRAS, increase output, and increase EG.
Reduction corporate tax: Decrease COP, increase SRAS, increase output, and increase EG.
Reduction personal income tax: Increase disposable income, increase incentive to work, increase productivity, decrease COP, increase SRAS, increase output, increase EG.
Evaluation of Market oriented Supply Side Policy
Labour market reform
Reduction corporate tax
Reduction income tax
Interventionist Supply Side Policy
Investment in human capital/ resources
Provision and maintenance of infrastructire
Evaluation of Interventionist Supply Side Policy
Increase government spending, is expensive scheme
Government may run budget deficit
Increase government debt
The result can be seen in the long run
There is opportunity cost, due to cancelling spending on the other sector
Increase government spending in the short run will increase AD, so inflation problem may be even worse
Exchange Rate Control
Depreciation of currency: Decrease price of export, increase price of import, increase net export, and increase AD, increase output, increase EG.
Evaluation of Depreciation of currency
Create cost push inflation, due to price import become more expensive.
Reasons why an increase in real gdp per capita may not lead to an improvement in living standards
The distribution of income may become uneven, so that the benefits of increasing real GDP may not be enjoyed by some.
Due to structural changes, employment opportunities decrease for some groups who will not benefit from higher real GDP
More accurate recording of self-provided goods may account for the increase in real GDP without a corresponding increase in output/ income.