“brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name” - ross a1s2
from the beginning, he’s seen at a high regard by king + comparisons
he has done things to prove his valiance
shows that royals were bad judges of character [patriarchy]
“let not light see my dark and deep desires” - macbeth a1s4
light - holy light (light of goodness), shows power of supernatural
he was bad / had bad intentions before lady macbeth
he met witches a1s3, he’s already changed
“fair is foul, foul is fair” - the witches a1s1
summary of the play - morality is questioned all throughout
“look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t” - lady macbeth a1s5
lady macbeth telling macbeth how to be - not in her place as the wife/woman + unladylike
“unsex me here, and fill me, from the top to the toe, top full of direst cruelty” - lday macbeth a1s5
‘reduce my femininity’ - context: be soft, elegant, trophy wife
want to be fully immersed in the worst form of evil
“when thou durst do it, then you were a man” - lady macbeth a1s7
had to be brave/courageous to meet the demands of the patriarchy - and to gain the satisfaction of his wife
lady macbeth uses this aspect against him to make him look weaker