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disaster risk reduction
defined as measures
taken to lessen t h e t h r e a t of disaster a n d t h e
undesirable impact of natural hazards through
methodical efforts to scrutinize and deal with the
causes of disaster
hyogo framework for action
signed by 168 c o u n t r i e s in Kobe, Japan on
January 2005
hyogo framework for action
I t s e e k s t o p r e s e n t a f o u n d a t i o n f o r
implementation of disaster risk reduction with a
vision of significantly reducing losses in lives,
societal, financial and ecological resources during
a disaster.
Involvement of both national and local government in
prioritizing disaster risk reduction implementation.
risk identification
Detection, Appraisal and Supervising threats
of disasters and improving early warning system.
Utilization of information, innovation and instruction
in creating a way of life that values safety and resilience
decreasing the causative factors
jeopardize different areas of
the society.
reinforce disaster vigilance
for effective response.
?? years after the success of Hyogo Framework. 2015-2030
formulation of the new agenda for greater development of
disaster risk reduction
sendai framework
addresses problems on physical condition and well-being
commonly associated with progress, changes in weather
conditions and decreasing hazards of disaster.
sendai framework
highlights utilization of advancement of technology in
disaster risk reduction that hopefully will extensively lower the
unwanted consequences of a disaster.
formulation of policies, strengthening and establishing agencies, inclusion of risk reduction