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Longhorn Cattle
Descendants of Spanish stock that roamed wild in Texas, with horns that could spread up to eight feet.
Cattle Town
A settlement established for the cattle trade; Abilene, Kansas, was the first of its kind.
Chisholm Trail
A significant cattle-driving route connecting central Texas to Abilene, stretching 500 miles.
Young men, often from various backgrounds, who drove cattle and faced demanding conditions.
Hereford Cattle
A breed introduced to improve the quality of beef in Kansas but caused conflicts due to diseases.
Quarantine Laws
Restrictions that limited the movement of Texas cattle to prevent disease spread.
Meatpacking Industry
A sector that transformed food production and distribution, featuring figures like G.H. Hammond.
Open Range
The unregulated land used for grazing cattle, which ended in the late 1880s due to conflicts.
Fence-Cutters’ War
Conflicts between large and small ranchers over land use, leading to legislative changes.
Homestead Act of 1862
Legislation allowing settlers to claim 160 acres under specific conditions.
Dummy Homesteaders
Unscrupulous practices used by companies to take advantage of land policies.
Tough steel plows developed for cultivating prairie land, which was initially thought to be a desert.
Joseph Glidden
Inventor whose production of barbed wire skyrocketed post-1883.
Dust Bowl
A severe soil erosion crisis in the 1930s largely attributed to poor farming practices.
Turner's Thesis
Argument that frontier experiences shaped American culture, fostering self-reliance and individualism.
Large-scale farming operations focusing on efficient production of cash crops.
Bonanza Farms
Large farms that emerged with economies of scale and led to major agribusiness holdings.
Crop Lien System
A credit system that led to high-interest loans for farmers, resulting in debt and landlessness.
Greenback Movement
An effort to increase the supply of paper currency to help farmers combat deflation.
An organization founded in 1867 aimed at cooperative marketing and member-owned businesses.
Munn v. Illinois
A court case that upheld state's rights to set maximum freight rates.
Interstate Commerce Act
Legislation that established Congressional authority to regulate interstate trade.
Sod Homes
Houses built by settlers from sod, often due to lack of timber in the plains.
G.H. Hammond
An important figure in the meatpacking industry that helped transform food production.
Tenant Farming
A system where farmers work the land owned by another and pay rent with crops.
Cattle Drives
The herding of large numbers of cattle to northern markets, involving significant labor and dangers.
Cattle Ranchers
Individuals or companies that raise cattle for beef production.
The practice of settling and farming land for self-sustainability during the post-Civil War period.
Rancher Associations
Groups formed to increase political influence and protect interests in rail transport and markets.