The Great Gatsby 1-2

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get a hint

contiguous (adj)

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contiguous (adj)

touching; in contact; in close proximity without actually touching; near; adjacent in time

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sumptuous (adj)

expensive or extravagant; magnificent; splendid

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pastoral (adj)

of, characterized by, or depicting rural life, scenery, etc.

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countenance (n)

the face, especially when considered as expressing a person's character or mood; facial expression

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incessant (adj)

not ceasing; continual

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languid (adj)

without energy or spirit; without interest or enthusiasm; sluggish; inactive

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hauteur (n)

haughty manner or spirit; arrogance

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ambiguous (adj)

unclear ; open to more than one interpretation

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strident (adj)

having or making a harsh or loud sound; urgent, clamorous

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deft (adj)

dexterous; skillful; clever

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feign (v)

to put on a show of (a quality or emotion); pretend, to make up; to invent

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reproach (v)

to find fault with; blame; censure; to upbraid.

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supercilious (adj)

displaying arrogant pride, scorn

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fractious (adj)

irritable; unruly

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conscientious (adj)

involving or taking great care; painstaking; diligent

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imperceptible (adj)

too slight, subtle, or gradual to be perceived

<p>too slight, subtle, or gradual to be perceived</p>
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unobtrusive (adj)

inconspicuous, unassertive

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complacent (adj)

pleased, especially with oneself, or one's merits, advantages, or situation, often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied

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contemptuous (adj)

showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful

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intimation (n)

a hint or suggestion

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