a sheet of paper folded into quarters, creating 4 leaves (8 pages).
the same piece of paper folded in half, forming a larger sized book.
First Folio
the first complete collection of Shakespeare’s plays, was compiled and published by John Hemminge and Henry Condell
pits two people or groups of people against each other, often with humorous consequences
tells the story of death or misery that is caused by a combination of bad luck and human error.
a speech that a character makes while alone on stage, to reveal his or her thoughts to the audience.
a remark that a character makes in an undertone to the audience or another character but that others on stage are not supposed to hear.
Dramatic Irony
is when the audience knows more than the characters—for example, the audience is aware of Romeo and Juliet’s tragic demise long before the characters themselves face it, this helps build suspense
Tragic Hero
usually fails or dies because of a character flaw or a cruel twist of fate
often has a high rank or status; shows strength while facing his or her destiny
The fatal character flaw of the tragic hero.
or cleansing, of these emotions in the audience (through empathy)
notably; very
an evil or immoral act; a state of moral corruption
to express disapproval for someone or something; to criticize