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planting and harvesting domesticated plants, and raising domesticated animal for food
domesticated plant
a plant that's always planted, protected, cared for, and used by humans
someone who practices agricultural by growing crops, raising, animals, and sometimes do both
tropical wet and dry climate
dry season with little to no rain
marine west coast climate
occur along western coast, closer to poles
subsistence agricultural
small farm/garden, family members, and sells locally
shifting cultivation
cultivation of a plot of land, until it becomes less active, when productivity drops, farmers move to land that's been prepared by slash-burn
rural settlement
small group of people living in urban areas
settlement pattern
the way people organizes itself on land
cadastral survey
documentation of property ownership, shape, use, and boundaries
township and range
divides country territories into grid shaped
seed drill
machine for planting seeds in rows
agricultural hand tool with a curvy blade to cut grains in fields
mixing diff. species of plants/animals to create hybrids
offspring of 2 plants/animals of diff. species
root vegetable native to South America
capital expenditures
farm things that cost money
agriculture cooperative
organization where farmer get their resources from certain areas such as production
primary product that can be bought or sold
large cooperation that provides a array of goods and services to support agricultural industry
areas of a surrounding city
proprietary seeds
seeds that're developed and owned by a company
export commodity
cash crops that's produced for export to wealthier countries at the expenses of crop production for local consumption
water control land reclamation
draining land using salt water or fresh water for increasing area for agricultural production
underground water depositing hundreds of thousands of years ago
cultivation and harvesting of the aquatic organisms while being under controlled conditions
conventional agriculture
farming that is manufactured synthetic inputs, GMO seeds
food deserts
areas that have limited access to fresh and nutritious food
domesticated animal
an animal that is dependent on people for food and shelter, close contact to humans
physical geography
the earth's characteristics on how the earth works, affect human, and how human affects them
part of topsoil which is needed for plants to survive, grow, and reproduce
weather pattern of a region
tropical wet climates
has rain everyday of the year
reversal of winds with general onshore
monsoon rains
long period of heavy rain every day at the end of a short dry season
dry climate, receive less rain
semiarid (steppe)
dry climate that receive enough rain annually to support farming
moderate climate
average year-around temp. of 75 F. in north and south of equator on edge of tropical climate
humid subtropical climates
long, hot summer
short, mild winter with somewhat precipitation
mediterranean climate
climate w/ winter precipitation, unusual mild winters, clear skies w/ sunshine all along mediterranean sea
continential climate
large range of temp. and moderate precipitation
humid continental climates
experiences all 4 seasons, moderate precipitation
can experience shitty weather whenever
Humid cold climate (subartic)
frigid temp. year around
intensive agricultural
requires more labor and financially required
commercial agriculture
lots of money used on farm, larger farms, sells local, regional, or globally, more workers
market gardening
small scale farming system, selling diverse crops, sells commercial
truck farming
covers more land, limited on crops, sells local and regional
specialized production of single tropical/sub crop
mixed crops/livestock agriculture
diversified agricultural on grains, crops, and livestock
cereal grains
seed from variety of grasses
root crops
vegetables grown from the ground
cash crops
raised as profit, instead of selling to feed people
small, low level farmers, relies on family labor
paddy rice farming
wet rice agriculture on small, level fields with watertight walls
grain farming
mechanized farming system specializing in cereal grains
livestock fattening
intensive system of animal feeding
limit movements and associating weight loss to fatten livestock for slaughter
extensive agricultural
requires little labor, and little money to raise farm successfully
slash-and-burn agriculture (swidden)
cutting small plots, and burning the cutting to release nutrient in new plot
rural area
area located outside cities and towns
agricultural landscape
land where agricultural practices are seen
farm settlement (farm village)
tight bunch of farms from a few dozen, to a few hundreds
center of farm operations
dispersed or isolated settlement patterns
families lives far away from one another
linear settlement pattern
buildings arranged in lines
survey methods
used by surveyors to create property lines
metes and bounds
uses natural features to create property lines
long-lot survey system
divides resources equally
process where human breeds, protect, and care for individuals that's been taken out from their distinct species group
First Agricultural Revolution
early domestication and diffusion of plants and animals that has been part of the development of agriculture
large wild grass in Mexico that produced small corns
cultural region in America that includes diverse civilization of countries as Mexico, Guatemala
variety of species and ecosystems
origin of innovations, or new practice spread/diffusion
Fertile Crescent
origin/domestication of cereal grains such as wheat, area in Southwest Asia
Indus River Valley
domestication of plants and animals, area along Indus RIver
Columbian Exchange
the transfer of plants, animal, culture, and many more btwn America, West Africa, and the Old World in 15-16th centuries
Second Agricultural Revolution
improved methods of cultivation, harvesting, and storage of farm production
mechanical reaper
harvest grain mechanically
chemical compounds made from petroleum and natural gas used for agriculture
synthetic fertilizers
Manufactured chemicals that contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,, contains concentration of nutrient for plants.
chemicals used to kill/repel animals that can damage crops
chemicals to kill unwanted plants such as weed
nutrient pollution
overuse of fertilizer, when excess nutrients seep into ground water
flow of rain or irrigation water over land
Green Revolution
the development of high growing seeds that increases the productivity of cereal crops and accompanies technologies to transfer less to developed countries
planting another crop on the same land the first crop has been on
planting 2-3 crops per year on the same piece of land
hierarchical diffusion
ideas spread from areas and people
grain plant native to northeast Africa
native to a certain environment
environmental contamination
chemical residue that builds up after using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
soil salinization
concentration of dissolved salts in soil
soil salinity
high soil salinity is from poor irrigation practices; concentration of dissolved salts in soil
bid-rent theory
demand for land, and the price of land decreasing its distance from central businesses
central buissness district
cluster of of offices and shops in the center of cities
large scale commercial operation
large scale farm focusing on the production of agricultural commodities for sale in the market
cultivation of one commercial crop on extensive tracts of land
family farm
farming operation owned by family that sells products to defined markets