Vocab Quiz Unit 4.1

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Protective Tariff

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Protective Tariff

A tax on imported goods that is intended to protect a nation’s businesses from foreign competition.

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American System

Plan for advancing the nation’s economic growth consisted of three parts: 1) protective tariffs, 2) a national bank, 3) internal improvements.

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Organizations of workers that began during Industrial Rev., to bargain with employers over wages, hours, benefits, and control of workplace.

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Implied powers

Even though a power is not specifically stated in the Constitution, it may be possible for the federal government to exercise a power.

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Lowell System

Dormitories for young women where they were cared for, fed, and sheltered in return for cheap labor, mill towns, homes for workers to live in around the mills.

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Market Revolution

Result of specialization on the farm, growth of the cities, industrialization, and the development of modern capitalism. It brought the end of self-sufficient households and a growing interdependence among people.

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Businesses can incorporate themselves and raise capital by selling shares of stock. Owners of a corporation only risked the money they had invested in a venture. This allowed large sums of money to be raised to build factories, canals, and railroads.

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Factory System

A method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building.

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Eli Whitney

Created cotton gin and interchangeable parts.

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Samuel Slater

Helped establish the nation’s first factory using cotton spinning machine technology.

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Indian Removal Act

In 1830, this act forced the resettlement of thousands of Native Americans west of the Mississippi.

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Trail of Tears

In 1838, the U.S. Army forced 15,000 Cherokees to leave Georgia and march to Oklahoma. 4,000 Cherokees died on the trip.

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Specie Circular

To check inflationary, all future purchases of federal lands be made with gold or silver rather than paper bank notes.

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Universal White Male Suffrage

New Western states adopted state constitutions that allowed all white males to vote and hold office. Most Eastern states soon followed suit.

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Corrupt Bargain

Deal of the election of 1824 between Adams and Clay. The House of Representatives had to choose the president and Henry Clay used his influence have John Quincy Adams elected.

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Tariff of 1828

Raised duties significantly on raw materials, textiles, and iron goods; enraged the South.

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Nullification Crisis

In 1832, South Carolina passed a resolution forbidding the collection of tariffs in the state, which was nullifying a federal law at the state level.

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the right to vote. between 1820 and 1860, most states revised their constitutions to extend the vote to all adult white males.

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Nicolas Biddle

3rd and last president of the Bank of the United States. Bank War started when Jackson refused to sign the recharter

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Spoils System

The widespread award of public jobs to political supporters after an electoral vicotry.

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